Usage: (eval form)
(eval form {:keys [debug? emit-opts class-loader analyze-opts compile-files], :or {debug? false, emit-opts {}, analyze-opts default-passes-opts, compile-files (if (bound? (var *compile-files*)) *compile-files* false), class-loader (makeClassLoader)}, :as options})
(eval form)
(eval form eval-options-map)
Form is a read Clojure s expression represented as a list.
Eval-options-map is a map, defaulting to the empty map, the
following values of which are significant. Returns the result of
evaling the input expression.
:debug? :- (Option Bool)
Enables or disables printing in eval. Used as the default value for
printing in the emitter.
:emit-opts :- (Option emit-options-map)
An options map which will be merged with the default options
provided to emit. Keys in this map take precidence over the default
values provided to emit. The keys which are significant in this map
are documented in the t.e.jvm.emit/emit docstring.
:analyze-opts :- (Option analyze-options-map)
An options map that will be passed to the analyzer. The keys which
are significant in this map are documented in the t.a.jvm/analyze
:class-loader :- (Option ClassLoader)
An optional classloader into which compiled functions will be
injected. If not provided, a new Clojure classloader will be
used. If a class loader is provided here, one need not be provided
in eval-opts.
:compile-files :- (Option Bool)
Enables or disables writing classfiles for generated classes. False
by default.
Usage: (load res)
(load res {:keys [debug? eval-opts class-loader compile-files], :or {debug? false, eval-opts {}, compile-files (if (bound? (var *compile-files*)) *compile-files* false), class-loader (makeClassLoader)}, :as options})
(load resource)
(load resource load-options-map)
Resource is a string identifier for a Clojure resource on the
classpath. Load-options is a a map, defalting to the empty map, in
which the following keys are meaningful. Returns nil.
:debug? :- (Option Bool)
Enables or disables printing in eval. Used as the default value for
printing in the emitter.
:eval-opts :- (Option eval-options-map)
An options map which will be merged with the default options
provided to eval. Keys set in this map take precidence over the
default values supplied to eval. The keys which are significant in
this map are documented in the t.e.jvm/eval docstring.
:class-loader :- (Option ClassLoader)
An optional classloader into which compiled functions will be
injected. If not provided, a new Clojure classloader will be
used. If a class loader is provided here, one need not be provided
in eval-opts.
:compile-files :- (Option Bool)
Enables or disables writing classfiles for generated classes. False
by default.
Usage: (write-class name bytecode)
(λ ClassName → Bytecode) → Nil
Writes the given bytecode to a file named by the ClassName and
*compile-path*. Requires that *compile-path* be set. Returns Nil.