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Ein 10" Einstiegsgerät von Microsoft, eher zum Arbeiten gedacht. Kam am 2. August 2018 auf den Markt. Das Surface Go hat viele Eigenschaften mit dem größeren und leistungsstärkeren Surface Pro gemeinsam, ist aber preisgünstiger.

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My Screen is cracked, where can I purchase a new one

I have Microsoft “Surface Go” 10” tablet with a cracked screen, looking to purchase a replacement screen. Where can I find one?

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ebay has them for $239

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Microsoft Out-of-warranty repair on the go is $249. If your parts cost is close to this I suggest you go with Microsoft. Some third party repair locations are even more expensive than Microsoft. However, be careful. Microsoft does not guarantee you’ll get the data back (they typically just ship you another device once they receive yours instead of repairing yours and sending it back)

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I just need to replace the glass, my screen is fine. Any ideas?

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Bonjour savez svp l aide merci beaucoup

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Seems to be the cheapest way to get the screen assembly.

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jeffrey tucker wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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