The lpTag can be set up to work with a Single Page Application (SPA) by using the newPage() method.


When a new page is triggered call the following method:

lpTag.newPage(url, {
  section: [],
  sdes: [],
  taglets: {
		divIdsToKeep: {
			"divId": true

Parameters Explanation

Parameter Name Type Description Required
url string the new url that is the result of the page Yes
anonymous object object contains the following properties No
section array of strings sections which are active No
sdes array of SDE objects sdes in the new page context No
taglets object configuration that will be passed to the specific taglet names No
rendererStub object { divIdsToKeep: { “DIVID”: true } } where “DIVID” should be replaced with the ID of the div who’s button you want to keep during the page refresh. No
YOURTAGLETNAME object add your own specific configuration for your taglet here No

Example Call

lpTag.newPage('', {
    section: [ 'NEWSECTION' , 'NEWSECTION2'],
    sdes: [
        {   "type": "cart",
            "total": 11.7,
            "numItems": 6,
            "products": [
                    "product": {
                        "name": "prod1",
                        "category": "category",
                        "sku": "sku",
                        "price": 7.8
                    "quantity": 1}
    ], taglets: {
        rendererStub: {
            divIdsToKeep: {  MYDIV: true } },

Example HTML page

<!-- lpTag with your site ID goes here -->

<!-- Example that sends customer info with the new page -->
<button >'lpTag.newPage("", {
    section: ["unit-sales","lang-english","lob-sales-english"],
    sdes: [{
    "type": "ctmrinfo",
    "info": {
        "cstatus": "cancelled",
        "ctype": "vip",
        "customerId": "138766AC",
        "balance": -400.99,
        "socialId": "11256324780",
        "imei": "3543546543545688",
        "userName": "user000",
        "companySize": 500,
        "accountName": "bank corp",
        "role": "broker",
        "lastPaymentDate": {
            "day": 15,
            "month": 10,
            "year": 2014
        "registrationDate": {
            "day": 23,
            "month": 5,
            "year": 2013
    taglets: {}
});'>New Page Info</button>

<!-- Example that sends customer cart information with the new page -->
<button >'lpTag.newPage("", {
    section: ["sales","lang-english","lob-sales-english"],
    sdes: [{
        "type": "cart",
        "total": 11.7,
        "numItems": 6,
        "products": [{
            "product": {
                "name": "prod1",
                "category": "category",
                "sku": "sku",
                "price": 7.8
            "quantity": 1
    taglets: {
        rendererStub: {
            "divIdsToKeep": {
                "MYDIV": true
});'>New Page Cart</button>

<!-- Example with just updating the url and nothing else -->
<button >'lpTag.newPage("");'>New Page</button>