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documentation.suse.com / SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Documentation / Virtualization Guide / Managing virtual machines with QEMU / Running virtual machines with qemu-system-ARCH
Applies to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5

36 Running virtual machines with qemu-system-ARCH

Once you have a virtual disk image ready (for more information on disk images, see Section 35.2, “Managing disk images with qemu-img), it is time to start the related virtual machine. Section 35.1, “Basic installation with qemu-system-ARCH introduced simple commands to install and run a VM Guest. This chapter focuses on a more detailed explanation of qemu-system-ARCH usage, and shows solutions for more specific tasks. For a complete list of qemu-system-ARCH's options, see its manual page (man 1 qemu).

36.1 Basic qemu-system-ARCH invocation

The qemu-system-ARCH command uses the following syntax:

qemu-system-ARCH OPTIONS1 -drive file=DISK_IMAGE2


qemu-system-ARCH understands many options. Most of them define parameters of the emulated hardware, while others affect more general emulator behavior. If you do not supply any options, default values are used, and you need to supply the path to a disk image to be run.


Path to the disk image holding the guest system you want to virtualize. qemu-system-ARCH supports many image formats. Use qemu-img --help to list them.

Important: AArch64 architecture

KVM support is available only for 64-bit ARM architecture (AArch64). Running QEMU on the AArch64 architecture requires you to specify:

  • A machine type designed for QEMU ARM virtual machines using the -machine virt-VERSION_NUMBER option.

  • A firmware image file using the -bios option.

    You can specify the firmware image files alternatively using the -drive options, for example:

    -drive file=/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw,if=pflash,format=raw
    -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/opensuse_VARS.fd,if=pflash,format=raw
  • A CPU of the VM Host Server using the -cpu host option (default is cortex-15).

  • The same Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) version as the host using the -machine gic-version=host option (default is 2).

  • If a graphic mode is needed, a graphic device of type virtio-gpu-pci.

For example:

> sudo qemu-system-aarch64 [...] \
 -bios /usr/share/qemu/qemu-uefi-aarch64.bin \
 -cpu host \
 -device virtio-gpu-pci \
 -machine virt,accel=kvm,gic-version=host

36.2 General qemu-system-ARCH options

This section introduces general qemu-system-ARCH options and options related to the basic emulated hardware, such as the virtual machine's processor, memory, model type, or time processing methods.


Specifies the name of the running guest system. The name is displayed in the window caption and used for the VNC server.


Specifies the order in which the defined drives are booted. Drives are represented by letters, where a and b stand for the floppy drives 1 and 2, c stands for the first hard disk, d stands for the first CD-ROM drive, and n to p stand for Ether-boot network adapters.

For example, qemu-system-ARCH [...] -boot order=ndc first tries to boot from the network, then from the first CD-ROM drive, and finally from the first hard disk.

-pidfile FILENAME

Stores the QEMU's process identification number (PID) in a file. This is useful if you run QEMU from a script.


By default QEMU creates basic virtual devices even if you do not specify them on the command line. This option turns this feature off, and you must specify every single device manually, including graphical and network cards, parallel or serial ports, or virtual consoles. Even QEMU monitor is not attached by default.


Daemonizes the QEMU process after it is started. QEMU detaches from the standard input and standard output after it is ready to receive connections on any of its devices.

Note: SeaBIOS BIOS implementation

SeaBIOS is the default BIOS used. You can boot USB devices, any drive (CD-ROM, Floppy or a hard disk). It has USB mouse and keyboard support and supports multiple VGA cards. For more information about SeaBIOS, refer to the SeaBIOS Website.

36.2.1 Basic virtual hardware Machine type

You can specify the type of the emulated machine. Run qemu-system-ARCH -M help to view a list of supported machine types.

Note: ISA-PC

The machine type isapc: ISA-only-PC is unsupported. CPU model

To specify the type of the processor (CPU) model, run qemu-system-ARCH -cpu MODEL. Use qemu-system-ARCH -cpu help to view a list of supported CPU models. Other basic options

The following is a list of most commonly used options while launching qemu from command line. To see all options available refer to qemu-doc man page.


Specifies how many megabytes are used for the virtual RAM size.

-balloon virtio

Specifies a paravirtualized device to dynamically change the amount of virtual RAM assigned to VM Guest. The top limit is the amount of memory specified with -m.


Specifies how many CPUs to emulate. QEMU supports up to 255 CPUs on the PC platform (up to 64 with KVM acceleration used). This option also takes other CPU-related parameters, such as number of sockets, number of cores per socket, or number of threads per core.

The following is an example of a working qemu-system-ARCH command line:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
 -name "SLES 15 SP5" \
 -M pc-i440fx-2.7 -m 512 \
 -machine accel=kvm -cpu kvm64 -smp 2 \
 -drive format=raw,file=/images/sles.raw
QEMU window with SLES as VM Guest
Figure 36.1: QEMU window with SLES as VM Guest

Disables ACPI support.


QEMU starts with CPU stopped. To start CPU, enter c in QEMU monitor. For more information, see Chapter 37, Virtual machine administration using QEMU monitor.

36.2.2 Storing and reading configuration of virtual devices

-readconfig CFG_FILE

Instead of entering the devices configuration options on the command line each time you want to run VM Guest, qemu-system-ARCH can read it from a file that was either previously saved with -writeconfig or edited manually.

-writeconfig CFG_FILE

Dumps the current virtual machine's devices configuration to a text file. It can be consequently re-used with the -readconfig option.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -name "SLES 15 SP5" \
 -machine accel=kvm -M pc-i440fx-2.7 -m 512 -cpu kvm64 \
 -smp 2 /images/sles.raw -writeconfig /images/sles.cfg
> cat /images/sles.cfg
# qemu config file

  index = "0"
  media = "disk"
  file = "/images/sles_base.raw"

This way you can effectively manage the configuration of your virtual machines' devices in a well-arranged way.

36.2.3 Guest real-time clock


Specifies the way the RTC is handled inside a VM Guest. By default, the clock of the guest is derived from that of the host system. Therefore, it is recommended that the host system clock is synchronized with an accurate external clock (for example, via NTP service).

If you need to isolate the VM Guest clock from the host one, specify clock=vm instead of the default clock=host.

You can also specify the initial time of the VM Guest's clock with the base option:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -rtc clock=vm,base=2010-12-03T01:02:00

Instead of a time stamp, you can specify utc or localtime. The former instructs VM Guest to start at the current UTC value (Coordinated Universal Time, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC), while the latter applies the local time setting.

36.3 Using devices in QEMU

QEMU virtual machines emulate all devices needed to run a VM Guest. QEMU supports, for example, several types of network cards, block devices (hard and removable drives), USB devices, character devices (serial and parallel ports), or multimedia devices (graphic and sound cards). This section introduces options to configure multiple types of supported devices.


If your device, such as -drive, needs a special driver and driver properties to be set, specify them with the -device option, and identify with drive= suboption. For example:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive if=none,id=drive0,format=raw \
-device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,scsi=off ...

To get help on available drivers and their properties, use -device ? and -device DRIVER,?.

36.3.1 Block devices

Block devices are vital for virtual machines. These are fixed or removable storage media called drives. One of the connected hard disks typically holds the guest operating system to be virtualized.

Virtual Machine drives are defined with -drive. This option has many sub-options, so me of which are described in this section. For the complete list, see the manual page (man 1 qemu).

Sub-options for the -drive option

Specifies the path to the disk image that to be used with this drive. If not specified, an empty (removable) drive is assumed.


Specifies the type of interface to which the drive is connected. Currently only floppy, scsi, ide, or virtio are supported by SUSE. virtio defines a paravirtualized disk driver. Default is ide.


Specifies the index number of a connector on the disk interface (see the if option) where the drive is connected. If not specified, the index is automatically incremented.


Specifies the type of media. Can be disk for hard disks, or cdrom for removable CD-ROM drives.


Specifies the format of the connected disk image. If not specified, the format is autodetected. Currently, SUSE supports raw and qcow2 formats.


Specifies the caching method for the drive. Possible values are unsafe, writethrough, writeback, directsync, or none. To improve performance when using the qcow2 image format, select writeback. none disables the host page cache and, therefore, is the safest option. Default for image files is writeback. For more information, see Chapter 18, Disk cache modes.


To simplify defining block devices, QEMU understands several shortcuts which you may find handy when entering the qemu-system-ARCH command line.

You can use

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom /images/cdrom.iso

instead of

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=/images/cdrom.iso,index=2,media=cdrom


> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /images/imagei1.raw -hdb /images/image2.raw -hdc \
/images/image3.raw -hdd /images/image4.raw

instead of

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=/images/image1.raw,index=0,media=disk \
-drive format=raw,file=/images/image2.raw,index=1,media=disk \
-drive format=raw,file=/images/image3.raw,index=2,media=disk \
-drive format=raw,file=/images/image4.raw,index=3,media=disk
Tip: Using host drives instead of images

As an alternative to using disk images (see Section 35.2, “Managing disk images with qemu-img) you can also use existing VM Host Server disks, connect them as drives, and access them from VM Guest. Use the host disk device directly instead of disk image file names.

To access the host CD-ROM drive, use

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive file=/dev/cdrom,media=cdrom

To access the host hard disk, use

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive file=/dev/hdb,media=disk

A host drive used by a VM Guest must not be accessed concurrently by the VM Host Server or another VM Guest. Freeing unused guest disk space

A Sparse image file is a type of disk image file that grows in size as the user adds data to it, taking up only as much disk space as is stored in it. For example, if you copy 1 GB of data inside the sparse disk image, its size grows by 1 GB. If you then delete for example 500 MB of the data, the image size does not by default decrease as expected.

That is why the discard=on option is introduced on the KVM command line. It tells the hypervisor to automatically free the holes after deleting data from the sparse guest image. Note that this option is valid only for the if=scsi drive interface:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive format=img_format,file=/path/to/file.img,if=scsi,discard=on
Important: Support status

if=scsi is not supported. This interface does not map to virtio-scsi, but rather to the lsi SCSI adapter. IOThreads

IOThreads are dedicated event loop threads for virtio devices to perform I/O requests to improve scalability, especially on an SMP VM Host Server with SMP VM Guests using many disk devices. Instead of using QEMU's main event loop for I/O processing, IOThreads allow spreading I/O work across multiple CPUs and can improve latency when properly configured.

IOThreads are enabled by defining IOThread objects. virtio devices can then use the objects for their I/O event loops. Many virtio devices can use a single IOThread object, or virtio devices and IOThread objects can be configured in a 1:1 mapping. The following example creates a single IOThread with ID iothread0 which is then used as the event loop for two virtio-blk devices.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -object iothread,id=iothread0\
-drive if=none,id=drive0,cache=none,aio=native,\
format=raw,file=filename -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,scsi=off,\
iothread=iothread0 -drive if=none,id=drive1,cache=none,aio=native,\
format=raw,file=filename -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive1,scsi=off,\
iothread=iothread0 [...]

The following qemu command line example illustrates a 1:1 virtio device to IOThread mapping:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -object iothread,id=iothread0\
-object iothread,id=iothread1 -drive if=none,id=drive0,cache=none,aio=native,\
format=raw,file=filename -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,scsi=off,\
iothread=iothread0 -drive if=none,id=drive1,cache=none,aio=native,\
format=raw,file=filename -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive1,scsi=off,\
    iothread=iothread1 [...] Bio-based I/O path for virtio-blk

For better performance of I/O-intensive applications, a new I/O path was introduced for the virtio-blk interface in kernel version 3.7. This bio-based block device driver skips the I/O scheduler, and thus shortens the I/O path in guest and has lower latency. It is especially useful for high-speed storage devices, such as SSD disks.

The driver is disabled by default. To use it, do the following:

  1. Append virtio_blk.use_bio=1 to the kernel command line on the guest. You can do so via YaST › System › Boot Loader.

    You can do it also by editing /etc/default/grub, searching for the line that contains GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=, and adding the kernel parameter at the end. Then run grub2-mkconfig >/boot/grub2/grub.cfg to update the grub2 boot menu.

  2. Reboot the guest with the new kernel command line active.

Tip: Bio-based driver on slow devices

The bio-based virtio-blk driver does not help on slow devices such as spin hard disks. The reason is that the benefit of scheduling is larger than what the shortened bio path offers. Do not use the bio-based driver on slow devices. Accessing iSCSI resources directly

QEMU now integrates with libiscsi. This allows QEMU to access iSCSI resources directly and use them as virtual machine block devices. This feature does not require any host iSCSI initiator configuration, as is needed for a libvirt iSCSI target based storage pool setup. Instead it directly connects guest storage interfaces to an iSCSI target LUN via the user space library libiscsi. iSCSI-based disk devices can also be specified in the libvirt XML configuration.

Note: RAW image format

This feature is only available using the RAW image format, as the iSCSI protocol has certain technical limitations.

The following is the QEMU command line interface for iSCSI connectivity.

Note: virt-manager limitation

The use of libiscsi based storage provisioning is not yet exposed by the virt-manager interface, but instead it would be configured by directly editing the guest xml. This new way of accessing iSCSI based storage is to be done at the command line.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm \
  -drive file=iscsi://,\
  format=raw,if=none,id=mydrive,cache=none \
  -device ide-hd,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=mydrive ...

Here is an example snippet of guest domain xml which uses the protocol based iSCSI:

  <disk type='network' device='disk'>
    <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
    <source protocol='iscsi' name='iqn.2013-07.com.example:iscsi-nopool/2'>
      <host name='example.com' port='3260'/>
    <auth username='myuser'>
      <secret type='iscsi' usage='libvirtiscsi'/>
    <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

Contrast that with an example which uses the host based iSCSI initiator which virt-manager sets up:

  <disk type='block' device='disk'>
    <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' io='native'/>
    <source dev='/dev/disk/by-path/scsi-0:0:0:0'/>
    <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
    <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
  <controller type='ide' index='0'>
    <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01'
</devices> Using RADOS block devices with QEMU

RADOS Block Devices (RBD) store data in a Ceph cluster. They allow snapshotting, replication and data consistency. You can use an RBD from your KVM-managed VM Guests similarly to how you use other block devices.

For more details, refer to the SUSE Enterprise Storage Administration Guide, chapter Ceph as a Back-end for QEMU KVM Instance.

36.3.2 Graphic devices and display options

This section describes QEMU options affecting the type of the emulated video card and the way VM Guest graphical output is displayed. Defining video cards

QEMU uses -vga to define a video card used to display VM Guest graphical output. The -vga option understands the following values:


Disables video cards on VM Guest (no video card is emulated). You can still access the running VM Guest via the serial console.


Emulates a standard VESA 2.0 VBE video card. Use it if you intend to use high display resolution on VM Guest.


QXL is a paravirtual graphic card. It is VGA compatible (including VESA 2.0 VBE support). qxl is recommended when using the spice video protocol.


Paravirtual VGA graphic card. Display options

The following options affect the way VM Guest graphical output is displayed.

-display gtk

Display video output in a GTK window. This interface provides UI elements to configure and control the VM during runtime.

-display sdl

Display video output via SDL in a separate graphics window. For more information, see the SDL documentation.

-spice option[,option[,...]]

Enables the spice remote desktop protocol.

-display vnc

Refer to Section 36.5, “Viewing a VM Guest with VNC” for more information.


Disables QEMU's graphical output. The emulated serial port is redirected to the console.

After starting the virtual machine with -nographic, press CtrlA H in the virtual console to view the list of other useful shortcuts, for example, to toggle between the console and the QEMU monitor.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /images/sles_base.raw -nographic

C-a h    print this help
C-a x    exit emulator
C-a s    save disk data back to file (if -snapshot)
C-a t    toggle console timestamps
C-a b    send break (magic sysrq)
C-a c    switch between console and monitor
C-a C-a  sends C-a
(pressed C-a c)

QEMU 2.3.1 monitor - type 'help' for more information

Disables decorations for the QEMU window. Convenient for dedicated desktop work space.


Starts QEMU graphical output in full screen mode.


Disables the close button of the QEMU window and prevents it from being closed by force.

-alt-grab, -ctrl-grab

By default, the QEMU window releases the captured mouse after pressing CtrlAlt. You can change the key combination to either CtrlAltShift (-alt-grab), or the right Ctrl key (-ctrl-grab).

36.3.3 USB devices

There are two ways to create USB devices usable by the VM Guest in KVM: you can either emulate new USB devices inside a VM Guest, or assign an existing host USB device to a VM Guest. To use USB devices in QEMU you first need to enable the generic USB driver with the -usb option. Then you can specify individual devices with the -usbdevice option. Emulating USB devices in VM Guest

SUSE currently supports the following types of USB devices: disk, host, serial, braille, net, mouse, and tablet.

Types of USB devices for the -usbdevice option

Emulates a mass storage device based on file. The optional format option is used rather than detecting the format.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -usbdevice

Pass through the host device (identified by bus.addr).


Serial converter to a host character device.


Emulates a braille device using BrlAPI to display the braille output.


Emulates a network adapter that supports CDC Ethernet and RNDIS protocols.


Emulates a virtual USB mouse. This option overrides the default PS/2 mouse emulation. The following example shows the hardware status of a mouse on VM Guest started with qemu-system-ARCH [...] -usbdevice mouse:

> sudo hwinfo --mouse
20: USB 00.0: 10503 USB Mouse
[Created at usb.122]
UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_627_1_1_if0
Hardware Class: mouse
Model: "Adomax QEMU USB Mouse"
Hotplug: USB
Vendor: usb 0x0627 "Adomax Technology Co., Ltd"
Device: usb 0x0001 "QEMU USB Mouse"

Emulates a pointer device that uses absolute coordinates (such as touchscreen). This option overrides the default PS/2 mouse emulation. The tablet device is useful if you are viewing VM Guest via the VNC protocol. See Section 36.5, “Viewing a VM Guest with VNC” for more information.

36.3.4 Character devices

Use -chardev to create a new character device. The option uses the following general syntax:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -chardev BACKEND_TYPE,id=ID_STRING

where BACKEND_TYPE can be one of null, socket, udp, msmouse, vc, file, pipe, console, serial, pty, stdio, braille, tty, or parport. All character devices must have a unique identification string up to 127 characters long. It is used to identify the device in other related directives. For the complete description of all back-end's sub-options, see the manual page (man 1 qemu). A brief description of the available back-ends follows:


Creates an empty device that outputs no data and drops any data it receives.


Connects to QEMU's process standard input and standard output.


Creates a two-way stream socket. If PATH is specified, a Unix socket is created:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -chardev \

The SERVER suboption specifies that the socket is a listening socket.

If PORT is specified, a TCP socket is created:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -chardev \

The command creates a local listening (server) TCP socket on port 7777. QEMU does not block waiting for a client to connect to the listening port (nowait).


Sends all network traffic from VM Guest to a remote host over the UDP protocol.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-chardev udp,id=udp_fwd,host=mercury.example.com,port=7777

The command binds port 7777 on the remote host mercury.example.com and sends VM Guest network traffic there.


Creates a new QEMU text console. You can optionally specify the dimensions of the virtual console:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -chardev vc,id=vc1,width=640,height=480 \
-mon chardev=vc1

The command creates a new virtual console called vc1 of the specified size, and connects the QEMU monitor to it.


Logs all traffic from VM Guest to a file on VM Host Server. The path is required and is automatically created if it does not exist.

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-chardev file,id=qemu_log1,path=/var/log/qemu/guest1.log

By default QEMU creates a set of character devices for serial and parallel ports, and a special console for QEMU monitor. However, you can create your own character devices and use them for the mentioned purposes. The following options may help you:

-serial CHAR_DEV

Redirects the VM Guest's virtual serial port to a character device CHAR_DEV on VM Host Server. By default, it is a virtual console (vc) in graphical mode, and stdio in non-graphical mode. The -serial understands many sub-options. See the manual page man 1 qemu for a complete list of them.

You can emulate up to four serial ports. Use -serial none to disable all serial ports.

-parallel DEVICE

Redirects the VM Guest's parallel port to a DEVICE. This option supports the same devices as -serial.


With SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as a VM Host Server, you can directly use the hardware parallel port devices /dev/parportN where N is the number of the port.

You can emulate up to three parallel ports. Use -parallel none to disable all parallel ports.

-monitor CHAR_DEV

Redirects the QEMU monitor to a character device CHAR_DEV on VM Host Server. This option supports the same devices as -serial. By default, it is a virtual console (vc) in a graphical mode, and stdio in non-graphical mode.

For a complete list of available character devices back-ends, see the man page (man 1 qemu).

36.4 Networking in QEMU

Use the -netdev option in combination with -device to define a specific type of networking and a network interface card for your VM Guest. The syntax for the -netdev option is

-netdev type[,prop[=value][,...]]

Currently, SUSE supports the following network types: user, bridge, and tap. For a complete list of -netdev sub-options, see the manual page (man 1 qemu).

Supported -netdev sub-options

Uses a specified network helper to configure the TAP interface and attach it to a specified bridge. For more information, see Section 36.4.3, “Bridged networking”.


Specifies user-mode networking. For more information, see Section 36.4.2, “User-mode networking”.


Specifies bridged or routed networking. For more information, see Section 36.4.3, “Bridged networking”.

36.4.1 Defining a network interface card

Use -netdev together with the related -device option to add a new emulated network card:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-netdev tap1,id=hostnet0 \
-device virtio-net-pci2,netdev=hostnet0,vlan=13,\


Specifies the network device type.


Specifies the model of the network card. Use qemu-system-ARCH -device help and search for the Network devices:section to get the list of all network card models supported by QEMU on your platform.

Currently, SUSE supports the models rtl8139, e1000 and its variants e1000-82540em, e1000-82544gc and e1000-82545em, and virtio-net-pci. To view a list of options for a specific driver, add help as a driver option:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -device e1000,help


Connects the network interface to VLAN number 1. You can specify your own number—it is mainly useful for identification purpose. If you omit this suboption, QEMU uses the default 0.


Specifies the Media Access Control (MAC) address for the network card. It is a unique identifier and you are advised to always specify it. If not, QEMU supplies its own default MAC address and creates a possible MAC address conflict within the related VLAN.

36.4.2 User-mode networking

The -netdev user option instructs QEMU to use user-mode networking. This is the default if no networking mode is selected. Therefore, these command lines are equivalent:

> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /images/sles_base.raw
> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /images/sles_base.raw -netdev user,id=hostnet0

This mode is useful to allow the VM Guest to access the external network resources, such as the Internet. By default, no incoming traffic is permitted and therefore, the VM Guest is not visible to other machines on the network. No administrator privileges are required in this networking mode. The user-mode is also useful for doing a network boot on your VM Guest from a local directory on VM Host Server.

The VM Guest allocates an IP address from a virtual DHCP server. VM Host Server (the DHCP server) is reachable at, while the IP address range for allocation starts from You can use ssh to connect to VM Host Server at, and scp to copy files back and forth. Command line examples

This section shows several examples on how to set up user-mode networking with QEMU.

Example 36.1: Restricted user-mode networking
> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-netdev user1,id=hostnet0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,vlan=12,name=user_net13,restrict=yes4


Specifies user-mode networking.


Connects to VLAN number 1. If omitted, defaults to 0.


Specifies a human-readable name of the network stack. Useful when identifying it in the QEMU monitor.


Isolates VM Guest. It then cannot communicate with VM Host Server and no network packets are routed to the external network.

Example 36.2: User-mode networking with custom IP range
> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-netdev user,id=hostnet0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,net=,host=,\


Specifies the IP address of the network that VM Guest sees and optionally the netmask. Default is


Specifies the VM Host Server IP address that VM Guest sees. Default is


Specifies the first of the 16 IP addresses that the built-in DHCP server can assign to VM Guest. Default is


Specifies the host name that the built-in DHCP server assigns to VM Guest.

Example 36.3: User-mode networking with network-boot and TFTP
> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-netdev user,id=hostnet0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,tftp=/images/tftp_dir1,\


Activates a built-in TFTP (a file transfer protocol with the functionality of a basic FTP) server. The files in the specified directory are visible to a VM Guest as the root of a TFTP server.


Broadcasts the specified file as a BOOTP (a network protocol that offers an IP address and a network location of a boot image, often used in diskless workstations) file. When used together with tftp, the VM Guest can boot via the network from the local directory on the host.

Example 36.4: User-mode networking with host port forwarding
> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
-netdev user,id=hostnet0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22

Forwards incoming TCP connections to the port 2222 on the host to the port 22 (SSH) on VM Guest. If sshd is running on VM Guest, enter

> ssh qemu_host -p 2222

where qemu_host is the host name or IP address of the host system, to get a SSH prompt from VM Guest.

36.4.3 Bridged networking

With the -netdev tap option, QEMU creates a network bridge by connecting the host TAP network device to a specified VLAN of VM Guest. Its network interface is then visible to the rest of the network. This method does not work by default and needs to be explicitly specified.

First, create a network bridge and add a VM Host Server physical network interface to it, such as eth0:

  1. Start YaST Control Center and select System › Network Settings.

  2. Click Add and select Bridge from the Device Type drop-down box in the Hardware Dialog window. Click Next.

  3. Choose whether you need a dynamically or statically assigned IP address, and fill the related network settings if applicable.

  4. In the Bridged Devices pane, select the Ethernet device to add to the bridge.

    Click Next. When asked about adapting an already configured device, click Continue.

  5. Click OK to apply the changes. Check if the bridge is created:

    > bridge link
    2: eth0 state UP : <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master br0 \
     state forwarding priority 32 cost 100 Connecting to a bridge manually

Use the following example script to connect VM Guest to the newly created bridge interface br0. Several commands in the script are run via the sudo mechanism because they require root privileges.

Tip: Required software

To manage a network bridge, you need to have the tunctl package installed.

tap=$(sudo tunctl -u $(whoami) -b)2
sudo ip link set $tap up3
sleep 1s4
sudo ip link add name $bridge type bridge
sudo ip link set $bridge up
sudo ip link set $tap master $bridge5
qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm -m 512 -hda /images/sles_base.raw \
 -netdev tap,id=hostnet0 \
 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:35:AF:94:4B,\
sudo ip link set $tap nomaster8
sudo ip link set $tap down9
sudo tunctl -d $tap10


Name of the bridge device.


Prepare a new TAP device and assign it to the user who runs the script. TAP devices are virtual network devices often used for virtualization and emulation setups.


Bring up the newly created TAP network interface.


Make a 1-second pause to make sure the new TAP network interface is really up.


Add the new TAP device to the network bridge br0.


The ifname= suboption specifies the name of the TAP network interface used for bridging.


Before qemu-system-ARCH connects to a network bridge, it checks the script and downscript values. If it finds the specified scripts on the VM Host Server file system, it runs the script before it connects to the network bridge and downscript after it exits the network environment. You can use these scripts to set up and tear down the bridged interfaces. By default, /etc/qemu-ifup and /etc/qemu-ifdown are examined. If script=no and downscript=no are specified, the script execution is disabled and you need to take care of it manually.


Deletes the TAP interface from a network bridge br0.


Sets the state of the TAP device to down.


Tear down the TAP device. Connecting to a bridge with qemu-bridge-helper

Another way to connect VM Guest to a network through a network bridge is via the qemu-bridge-helper helper program. It configures the TAP interface for you, and attaches it to the specified bridge. The default helper executable is /usr/lib/qemu-bridge-helper. The helper executable is setuid root, which is only executable by the members of the virtualization group (kvm). Therefore the qemu-system-ARCH command itself does not need to be run under root privileges.

The helper is automatically called when you specify a network bridge:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
 -netdev bridge,id=hostnet0,vlan=0,br=br0 \
 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0

You can specify your own custom helper script that takes care of the TAP device (de)configuration, with the helper=/path/to/your/helper option:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] \
 -netdev bridge,id=hostnet0,vlan=0,br=br0,helper=/path/to/bridge-helper \
 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0

To define access privileges to qemu-bridge-helper, inspect the /etc/qemu/bridge.conf file. For example the following directive

allow br0

allows the qemu-system-ARCH command to connect its VM Guest to the network bridge br0.

36.5 Viewing a VM Guest with VNC

By default QEMU uses a GTK (a cross-platform toolkit library) window to display the graphical output of a VM Guest. With the -vnc option specified, you can make QEMU listen on a specified VNC display and redirect its graphical output to the VNC session.


When working with QEMU's virtual machine via VNC session, it is useful to work with the -usbdevice tablet option.

Moreover, if you need to use another keyboard layout than the default en-us, specify it with the -k option.

The first suboption of -vnc must be a display value. The -vnc option understands the following display specifications:


Only connections from host on the display number display are accepted. The TCP port on which the VNC session is then running is normally a 5900 + display number. If you do not specify host, connections are accepted from any host.


The VNC server listens for connections on Unix domain sockets. The path option specifies the location of the related Unix socket.


The VNC server functionality is initialized, but the server itself is not started. You can start the VNC server later with the QEMU monitor. For more information, see Chapter 37, Virtual machine administration using QEMU monitor.

Following the display value there may be one or more option flags separated by commas. Valid options are:


Connect to a listening VNC client via a reverse connection.


Opens an additional TCP listening port dedicated to VNC Websocket connections. By definition the Websocket port is 5700+display.


Require that password-based authentication is used for client connections.


Require that clients use TLS when communicating with the VNC server.


Valid if TLS is specified. Require that x509 credentials are used for negotiating the TLS session.


Valid if TLS is specified. Require that x509 credentials are used for negotiating the TLS session.


Require that the client uses SASL to authenticate with the VNC server.


Turn on access control lists for checking of the x509 client certificate and SASL party.


Enable lossy compression methods (gradient, JPEG, ...).


Disable adaptive encodings. Adaptive encodings are enabled by default.


Set display sharing policy.


For more details about the display options, see the qemu-doc man page.

An example VNC usage:

tux > sudo qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -vnc :5
# (on the client:)
wilber > vncviewer venus:5 &
QEMU VNC session
Figure 36.2: QEMU VNC session

36.5.1 Secure VNC connections

The default VNC server setup does not use any form of authentication. In the previous example, any user can connect and view the QEMU VNC session from any host on the network.

There are several levels of security that you can apply to your VNC client/server connection. You can either protect your connection with a password, use x509 certificates, use SASL authentication, or even combine several authentication methods in one QEMU command.

For more information about configuring x509 certificates on a VM Host Server and the client, see Section 12.3.2, “Remote TLS/SSL connection with x509 certificate (qemu+tls or xen+tls)” and Section, “Configuring the client and testing the setup”.

The Remmina VNC viewer supports advanced authentication mechanisms. For this example, let us assume that the server x509 certificates ca-cert.pem, server-cert.pem, and server-key.pem are located in the /etc/pki/qemu directory on the host. The client certificates can be placed in any custom directory, as Remmina asks for their path on the connection start-up.

Example 36.5: Password authentication
qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -vnc :5,password -monitor stdio

Starts the VM Guest graphical output on VNC display number 5 which corresponds to port 5905. The password suboption initializes a simple password-based authentication method. There is no password set by default and you need to set one with the change vnc password command in QEMU monitor:

QEMU 2.3.1 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) change vnc password
Password: ****

You need the -monitor stdio option here, because you would not be able to manage the QEMU monitor without redirecting its input/output.

Authentication dialog in Remmina
Figure 36.3: Authentication dialog in Remmina
Example 36.6: x509 certificate authentication

The QEMU VNC server can use TLS encryption for the session and x509 certificates for authentication. The server asks the client for a certificate and validates it against the CA certificate. Use this authentication type if your company provides an internal certificate authority.

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -vnc :5,tls,x509verify=/etc/pki/qemu
Example 36.7: x509 certificate and password authentication

You can combine the password authentication with TLS encryption and x509 certificate authentication to create a two-layer authentication model for clients. Remember to set the password in the QEMU monitor after you run the following command:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -vnc :5,password,tls,x509verify=/etc/pki/qemu \
-monitor stdio
Example 36.8: SASL authentication

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is a framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols. It integrates several authentication mechanisms, like PAM, Kerberos, LDAP and more. SASL keeps its own user database, so the connecting user accounts do not need to exist on VM Host Server.

For security reasons, you are advised to combine SASL authentication with TLS encryption and x509 certificates:

qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -vnc :5,tls,x509,sasl -monitor stdio