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Navigational Changes - A Process Document for Managers or Editors

Reason for this document

When the documentation project started, it was hoped that menus in Mkdocs would be as automatic as possible, making manual navigation editing rare. After a few months of generating documents, it became clear that just placing documents in the correct folder and letting Mkdocs generate the navigation could not be depended on to keep things clean and neat. We needed categories, which Mkdocs does not provide unless the documents are placed in specific folders. Mkdocs will then create a navigation with an alphabetic sort. However, creating a folder structure that fixes navigation is not the entire picture. Even that will sometimes need additional changes to keep things organized. For instance, capitalization without modifying the lower-case folder structure.


Our goals were:

  • Create the folder structure as needed now (new folders may be required in the future)
  • Adjust the navigation so that the Rocky Installation, Migration, and Contribution areas were at the top
  • Adjust the navigation to name some folders better, and enable correct capitalization. As an example, "DNS" and "File Sharing Services" otherwise show up as "Dns" and "File sharing" without some manipulation.
  • Ensure that these navigation files are restricted to Managers and Editors

This last item may seem unnecessary to some reading this, but it will become more apparent as this document continues.


The assumption is that you have a local clone of the Rocky GitHub repository:

Environment changes

With these changes comes a real need to "see" how any changes you are making affect content, in the context of the website, BEFORE committing that content to the documentation repository.

MkDocs is a Python application and the extra packages it uses are also Python code, meaning that the environment required to run MkDocs needs to be a correctly configured Python environment. Setting up Python for development tasks (as is the case when running MkDocs) is not a trivial task, and instructions for that are out of the scope of this document. Some considerations are:

  • The version of Python must be >= 3.8. Also take particular care not to use the 'system' Python version of a computer if the computer runs Linux or MacOS. For example, as of the writing of this document, the system version of Python on MacOS is still version 2.7.
  • Running a Python 'virtual environment'. When running Python application project and installing packages, for example MkDocs, it is strongly recommended by the Python community to create an isolated virtual environment for each project.
  • Use a modern IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports Python well. Two popular IDEs, which also have integrated support for running virtual environments, are:

Doing this effectively requires:

  • Setting up a new Python project using a virtual environment (above).
  • Installing mkdocs
  • Installing some python plugins
  • Cloning this Rocky GitHub repository:
  • Linking to the docs folder within your cloned documentation repository (you can also just change the mkdocs.yml file if you wish to load the correct folder, but linking keeps your mkdocs environment cleaner)
  • Running mkdocs serve within your clone of


You can build totally separate environments for mkdocs by using any of the procedures found in the Local Documentation section of the "Contribute" menu.


This document was written in a Linux environment. If your environment is different (Windows or Mac), then you will need to research matching up to some of these steps. An editor or manager reading this can submit changes to it to add in steps for those environments.


  • Install mkdocs with the python environment: pip install mkdocs
  • Install needed plugins: pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-localsearch mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin mkdocs-redirects mkdocs-i18n
  • Clone the repository (noted above)

Linking and running mkdocs

Inside your local (clone), do the following. This assumes the location of your documentation clone, so modify as needed:

ln -s /home/username/documentation/docs docs

Again, you can change the local copy of the mkdocs.yml file to set the path. If using this method, you will change this line to point to your documentation/docs folder:

docs_dir: 'docs/docs'

Once completed, you can try running mkdocs serve to see if you get your desired content. This will run on your localhost on port 8000; for example:

Mkdocs handles navigation with .pages files OR by the value of the "title:" meta in the document front matter. The .pages files are not terribly complex, BUT, if you leave something out, it can cause the server to fail to load. That is why this procedure is ONLY for Managers and Editors. These individuals are going to have the tools in place (local install of mkdocs, plus clones of both documentation and so that something pushed and merged to GitHub will not break the serving of the documentation website. A contributor is not expected to have these requirements.

.pages files

As already stated, the .pages files are generally pretty simple. They are a YAML formatted file that mkdocs reads before rendering the content. To see one of the more complex .pages files, let us examine the one created to help format the side navigation:

    - ... | index*.md
    - ... | installation*.md
    - ... | migrate2rocky*.md
    - Contribute: contribute
    - Automation: automation
    - Backup & Sync: backup
    - Content Management: cms
    - Communications: communications
    - Containers: containers
    - Database: database
    - Desktop: desktop
    - DNS: dns
    - Email: email
    - File Sharing Services: file_sharing
    - Git: git
    - Interoperability: interoperability
    - Mirror Management: mirror_management
    - Network: network
    - Package Management: package_management
    - ...

Here, the index*.md shows the "Guides Home: ", installation*.md shows the "Installing Rocky Linux" document link, and the migrate2rocky*.md shows the "Migrating To Rocky Linux" document link. The * within each link allows that document to be in any language, for example,,, and so on. Finally, by placing "Contribute" next, it falls beneath these items rather than in the normal (alphabetic) sort order. Looking down the list, you can see what each item is doing. Note that after the "Package Management: package_management" entry, two more folders (security and web) exit. These do not require any additional formatting. The .pages file tells mkdocs to load them normally with the - ....

You can also use YAML formatting within an actual file. A reason for doing this might be that the beginning heading of the file is too long and does not display well in the navigation section. As an example, take this document heading "# mod_ssl on Rocky Linux in an httpd Apache Web-Server Environment". That is too long. It displays poorly in the side navigation when the "Web" navigation item opens. To fix this, you can work with the author to change their heading, or, you can change how it displays in the menu by adding a title before the heading inside the document. In this example, adding a title to the front matter shortens the title length in the listing:

title: Apache With `mod_ssl`

This changes the title regarding the navigation but leaves the author's original title in place within the document.


In most cases, the author's title will be a level 1 heading and the title front matter will ALSO be a level 1 ("#") heading. This introduces a markdown error within the document. To get around this, either delete the author's title completely, or change it to a level 2 heading ("##").

You should use .pages files economically, only when necessary.


While making necessary navigational changes with .pages files are not difficult, the potential for breaking the live documentation exists. For this reason, only managers and editors with the appropriate tooling in place should have the permissions to edit these files. Having a full environment available to view what the live web pages display keeps the manager or editor from making a mistake when editing these files.

Author: Steven Spencer

Contributors: Ezequiel Bruni, Ganna Zhyrnova