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Porous by Design: How Childcare Platforms Impact Worker Personhood, Safety, and Connection

Published: 01 July 2024 Publication History


Care work is always already unequal. It involves looking after others’ physical, psychological, emotional, and developmental needs. Paid care work tends to be conducted in private spaces, lack regulation, and reproduce unequal dynamics between clients and workers. These conditions lead to porous boundaries, a permeability experienced by workers between care and work, professional and personal, and private and public (sectors and spheres). Drawing on interviews with 16 workers who find work using, we argue that the porous boundaries of care work are reified in new ways through the design and use of emerging digitally mediated matching platforms. This has particular impacts for ranking personhood, reducing worker safety, and increasing atomization. In contrast, we find benefits in the forum-like structure and visible, interactive conversations of other platforms used to access childcare work. We end with a discussion of porousness by design and the trouble of locating design within worker platforms.


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  • (2024)Care Layering: Complicating Design PatternsProceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference10.1145/3643834.3660740(1533-1546)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2024

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