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ACTGAN: automatic configuration tuning for software systems with generative adversarial networks

Published: 07 February 2020 Publication History


Complex software systems often provide a large number of parameters so that users can configure them for their specific application scenarios. However, configuration tuning requires a deep understanding of the software system, far beyond the abilities of typical system users. To address this issue, many existing approaches focus on exploring and learning good performance estimation models. The accuracy of such models often suffers when the number of available samples is small, a thorny challenge under a given tuning-time constraint. By contrast, we hypothesize that good configurations often share certain hidden structures. Therefore, instead of trying to improve the performance estimation of a given configuration, we focus on capturing the hidden structures of good configurations and utilizing such learned structure to generate potentially better configurations. We propose ACTGAN to achieve this goal. We have implemented and evaluated ACTGAN using 17 workloads with eight different software systems. Experimental results show that ACTGAN outperforms default configurations by 76.22% on average, and six state-of-the-art configuration tuning algorithms by 6.58%-64.56%. Furthermore, the ACTGAN-generated configurations are often better than those used in training and show certain features consisting with domain knowledge, both of which supports our hypothesis.


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ASE '19: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
November 2019
1333 pages





IEEE Press

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Published: 07 February 2020

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  1. automatic configuration tuning
  2. generative adversarial networks
  3. software system


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