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Wikibooks Stacks/Detailed structure

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

This section details the structure of Wikibooks Stacks


Departments are the top-level structure of Wikibook Stacks. They are broad subject areas listed at Wikibooks:Card Catalog Office and Wikibooks Stacks/Departments. No books are found on them, but rather shelves on which books can be found. All books in Wikibooks can be found on shelves, other than the Cookbook.

Department pages are generated by following a link to a department, for example Department:Computing:

  • At the top of the page is a department description.
  • On the left side is a list of the top-level shelves of the department (see below).
  • On the right side is a list of the featured books for that department (see below).

An automatically generated list of departments is as follows:

Category:Book:Wikibooks Stacks/Departments


Shelves are found within departments, and are narrow subject areas that contain books. Shelf pages are generated by following a link to a shelf; an example is Shelf:Computer programming (in Department:Computing):

  • At the top of the page is a shelf description.
  • On the left side of the page is a list of books. They are divided by completion status (completed books, books nearing completion, half-finished books, partly developed books, freshly started books, or unknown completion), depending upon how far the book has been developed (if known). Within each completion status, books are further divided, depending upon whether the books are also found on subsection shelves of the shelf.
  • On the right side is a list of subsection shelves for that shelf, and featured books for that shelf (see below).

Shelves can be divided into top-level shelves and subsection shelves.

Top-level shelves

Shelves are locations at which books can be found

Top-level shelves are the shelves found first within departments. They are listed at Wikibooks:Card Catalog Office and Wikibooks Stacks/Departments below the name of departments, and in the department pages.

They may contain further shelves, called subsection shelves, which filter the results of top-level shelves.

For example, the top-level shelves found within Department:Standard curricula are:

Category:Department:Standard curricula

General references shelves

General references shelves are top-level shelves found in most departments. They contain books that relate to the subject as a whole, and are not placed on more specific top-level shelves within departments.

For example, Department:Computing contains various top-level shelves, including the general reference shelf Shelf:Computing. Shelf:Computing contains general reference computing books which are not found on the other top-level shelves of Department:Computing.

Promoted shelves are top-level shelves that contain some of the most popular books at Wikibooks. So the two criteria are;

  • It must be a top-level shelf (that is, a shelf directly below a department).
  • It must have popular books on the shelf. This can be determined by page-view analysis on sites such as Wikistats and Pageviews.

Subsection shelves

Subsection shelves are filtered shelves found within top-level shelves. While top-level shelves show all the results for a subject area, subsection shelves contain fewer books than the top-level shelves, as they only contain books for a more specific subject area. In other words, they show a filtered list of books from the shelf above. Subsection shelves may contain further subsection shelves, which will further filter books from the subsection shelves above.

An example is the top-level Shelf:Games, which contains subsection shelves such as Shelf:Board games; Shelf:Board games contains only the board game books listed at Shelf:Games. Shelf:Board games has further subsection shelves, such as Shelf:Chess; Shelf:Chess only shows the chess books listed at Shelf:Board games and Shelf:Games.


All books are found on shelves, with the exception of the Cookbook.

Books are the basic unit of educational content on Wikibooks. They consist of book pages; typically a title page, for example Example book; and subpages, for example Example book/Example chapter. This naming convention is in accordance with Wikibooks:Naming policy. Sometimes books may consist of a single page (see {{One-page book}}).

Book pages will also have category pages created for the sorting of book pages via categories; book pages (and sometimes category pages) may also have corresponding discussion pages created for discussing changes.

For creating new books, see the help pages listed at Help:Contents, and the books at Shelf:Help. See Wikibooks Stacks/Adding books on how to add books to Wikibooks Stacks.

Featured books are quality books that the community believes to be the best of what Wikibooks has to offer. On department pages and shelf pages, they show the featured books for that particular department or shelf. The criteria for nomination can be found at Wikibooks:Good books; you can nominate books at Wikibooks:Featured books/Nominations.

Adding books to shelves

To learn how to add books to Wikibooks Stacks, see Wikibooks Stacks/Adding books and Wikibooks:CCO Resources.