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<a href=\";lang=en&amp;name=Yoshkar-Ola\" title=\"Download GPX file for this article\" data-parsoid=\"{}\"><img alt=\"Download GPX file for this article\" resource=\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\" src=\"//\" decoding=\"async\" data-file-width=\"20\" data-file-height=\"20\" data-file-type=\"bitmap\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" class=\"mw-file-element\" data-parsoid='{\"a\":{\"resource\":\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\",\"height\":\"20\",\"width\":\"20\"},\"sa\":{\"resource\":\"File:GPX Document rev3-20x20.png\"}}'/></a></span>"}'/> Yoshkar-Ola (Russian: Йошка́р-Ола́ yahsh-KAHR ah-LAH) is the capital of Mari El in the Volga Region of the Russian Federation. The city was founded in 1584 during the reign of Ivan IV The Terrible as a fortification post with the purpose of controlling the newly annexed Kazan Khanate. In 2018, its population was about 270,000 people.

Get in

Nogotkov-Obolensky square by night

By plane

  • 1 Airport "Yoshkar-Ola" (аэропорт «Йошкар-Ола»), Medvedevsky district, Airport (Медведевский район, п. Аэропорт), +7 836 2535167, fax: +7 836 2535310, . Regular flights: Moscow - Vnukovo, Samara, Ufa. Distance from the city center to the airport 7 km. From 06:00 to 20:30 from Yoshkar-Ola train station buses and shared taxis (marshrutkas) depart take line "Yoshkar-Ola - Shoybulak" , ask stop at "Airport", then walk 500 m. Or at the airport are three cab companies: Leader (+7 836 2424000), Region (+7 836 2255555), Zenit (+7 836 2333000).

The city is just a few hours' drive from Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan, cities with international air connections.

By bus

  • 2 Yoshkar-Ola bus station (автовокзал, автостанция), Ulitsa Yanalova (улица Яналова), (south of train station), +7 836 2450305, +7 836 2451273. Behind there is a Пятёрочка supermarket. Buses going to Kazan (150 km), Cheboksary (100 km).
  • 3 Suburban bus station (Пригородная автостанция) (north of train station).

By train

  • 4 Yoshkar-Ola train station (Zheleznodorozhnyy Vokzal gorod Yoshkar-Ola, ж/д станция Йошкар-Ола), Ulitsa Yanalova (улица Яналова), 3, +7 800 7750000, +7 836 2451865. Express overnight train from Moscow Kazansky vokzal, (861 km, daily, 15 hours, via Vekovka, Murom, Navashino, Arzamas, Sergach, Shumerlya, Vurnary, Canas, Zieliony Dol, Shelanger, Surok - Reserved seat 'platskart' 1253 руб/1822 руб, lyuks 4900 руб). Travellers from Kazan can take a suburb train (daily, 3½ hours)

By car


Yoshkar-Ola sits on the northward extension of one of the main highways of the Russian Federation leading from Moscow to the industrial areas of Tatarstan, the Southern Urals, and Siberia. Samara (560 km), Nizhny Novgorod (350 km).

Get around

Map of Yoshkar-Ola

Public transportation


Yoshkar-Ola transport structure is represented by extensive trolleybus system (rather old in outlook and yet bringing back nostalgy of the soviet epoch), buses, and minibuses (marshrutkas) and a few taxi agencies, so-called "gipsy" taxis, which are privately owned and potentially dangerous and thus not recommended.

The cost of travel in the trolleybus and the bus is 13 руб, the payment is made by the conductor. Marshrutka costs 15 руб, pay the driver at the entrance. The average cost of a cab ride in the city is 110-150 руб.


Assumption cathedral

The city is home to a few cultural legacy sites, ranging between wooden mansions dating back to the 18th century and soviet neoclassicism style municipal buildings of the 1920-1960.

The city center has been renovated, and has several landmarks, including the Kremlin, and Nogotkov-Obolensky square (in honor of the city founder) distinguished by such a curiosity as the religiously designed Mari automatic clock.


  • 1 All Saints church (Церковь Всех святых).
  • 2 Cathedral of the Ascension (Sobor Vozneseniya Gospodnya, Собор Вознесения Господня), Voznesenskaya ulitsa, 31 (ulitsa Voinov-Internatsionalistov cnr.).
  • 3 Assumption cathedral (2006) (Собор Успения Пресвятой Богородицы) (Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo).
  • [dead link] Assumption church (Церковь Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы), Komsomolskaya ulitsa (Комсомольская ул.) 22А.
  • Saint-Trinity church (Церковь Пресвятой Троицы). (1736)
  • 4 Khram Uspeniya Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy (Храм успения пресвятой богородицы), Pervomayskaya street (Первомайская улица), 40.
  • 5 Mosque of Medvedevo, Ul. Mosolova (ул Мосолова), 10.
  • Resurrection cathedral (Собор Вознесения Господня). Built in 1756
  • Church of the Virgin's Nativity (Церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы).
  • 6 Tserkov' Tikhvinskoye Ikony Bozhyey Materi (Храм иконы Божией Матери «Троеручица»), Ul. Komsomolskaya (Комсомольская ул.) 122-Б.


  • 7 National Art Gallery (Национальная художественная галерея.), Leninskiy prospekt (Ленинский проспект), 24, +7 8362 412628, +7 8362 410701.
  • 8 National Museum of the Republic of Mari El (Национальный музей Республики Марий Эл, Национальный музей РМЭ им. Т.Евсеева), ul. Sovetskaya (ул. Советская), 153, +7 8362 452333. A curious collection of stuffed animals. One of the founders of the museum was the ethnographer Timofey Yevseyevich Yevseyev.
  • 9 Fine Arts Museum (Республиканский музей изобразительных искусств), Ul. Gogol 15.
  • 10 Gulag History Museum (Мемориальный народный музей истории ГУЛАГа), Ul. Kremlevskaya (ул. Кремлевская), 2, +7 8362 424450, +7 8362 660003.
  • 11 City Museum (Музей истории города Йошкар-Олы), Voznesenskaya ulitsa (ул. Вознесенская), 39, +7 8362 423632. Tu-F 10:00-18:00, Sa-Su 10.00-16.00, M - off. About Yoshkar-Ola history
  • House Museum of I.S. Klyuchnikova-Palant (Дом-музей И.С. Ключникова-Палантая), L'va Tolstogo ( ул. Льва Толстого), 25, +7 8362 451919. Memorial museum of the first Russian composer.
  • 12 Medvedevo Regional Museum, Ul. Mosolova (ул Мосолова), 7 (West four km from center).
  • 13 Museum of Tales, Museum of ochkov (Музей Сказки, Музей Oчков), st. Sovietskaya (ул. Советская), 105, +7 8362 456667, +7 8362 453292. Russian and Mari folk tales.


  • 14 Monument to Gogol, Cca. Ul. Gogol 2,.
  • 15 Monument of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco (Памятник Грейс Келли и князю Монако Ренье III), cca. Voskresenskiy prospekt #17.
  • 16 Monument to Elizabeth of Russia (Памятник Императрице Елизавете Петровне), Bruges' riverfront (набережной Брюгге) (East of River).
  • Monument to Lenin (Памятник Ленину) (Center).
  • 17 Monument to Feodor I of Russia (Памятник царю Фёдору I Иоанновичу), Voskresenskaya Riverfront (Воскресенской набережна).
  • 18 Monument of the Holy Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia (Памятник Петру и Февронии). Fountain monument of Orthodox patron saints
  • 19 Monument to Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus' Alexius II (Памятник Патриарху Московскому и всея Руси), Patriarchal square (Патриаршей площад) (Ulitsa Voinov-Internatsionalistov off).
  • 20 [dead link] Pushkin monument (Памятник Пушкину А.), Skver im. Pushkina (Сквер им. А. С. Пушкина), Riverbank , end of Ul. Pushkin. Monument for Russian poet Alexander Pushkin
  • 21 Tsar Cannon (царь-пушки), Leninskiy prospekt (Ленинский проспект, площад им. Оболенского-Ноготкова) (Behind the National Art Gallery).


  • 22 Annunciation Tower (Благовещенская башня).
  • [dead link] Lokhanov House (Дом Лоханова), Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo (улица Чернышевского, 23, улица Волкова, 123). Cultural heritage building
  • 23 Karelin House, Anisimovskaya ulitsa. A cultural heritage. Ruined
  • [dead link] House of Naumov (Бывший дом купца Наумова). A cultural heritage. Built in 19th century.
  • [dead link] Monumental House, Ulitsa Karla Marksa (улица Карла Маркса), 39-а. A cultural heritage
  • 24 [dead link] Onar Hotel (гостиницы Онар), Leninskiy prospekt (Советская улица, 118, улица горького, 23) 58?. A cultural heritage
  • [dead link] Manor Chulkova (Усадьба Чулкова), Ulitsa Karla Marksa (улица Карла Маркса), 37.
  • 25 [dead link] Mari State University (Dom Sovietov, Марийского Государственного Университета), Ploshchad' Lenina (Площадь Ленина) 1. A cultural heritage. The main building built in 1937
  • [dead link] Residential building in ulitsa Volkova, ulitsa Volkova (Волкова улица), 164/17.
  • Remains of the Tsarevokokshayskiy Kremlin (Царевококшайский кремль, Царевококшайский Богородице-Сергиевский монастырь), 105, Sovetskaya ulitsa. Opening hours: 10.00-18.00. The remains of Bogorodice-Sergievskij monastyr is a part of its.
  • 26 [dead link] Hospital building (Здание больницы), ulitsa Pushkina (ул. Пушкина) 6. A cultural heritage. Built in 1887
  • Residential building in ulitsa Naberezhnaya (Жилой дом набережная улица, 22), Naberezhnaya Street (набережная улица), 22.
  • Residential building in ulitsa Volkova (Жилой дом), ulitsa Volkova (Волкова улица), 164 (Central Park).
  • 27 [dead link] Residential house of lumberman Kalinov (Жилой дом лесопромышленника Калинова), Ulitsa Gorkovo (улица Горького) 31.
  • 28 Spasskaya Tower (Спаская башня), Bulvar Chavayna.
  • 29 [dead link] House of Merchant Bulygina (Дом купца Булыгина), Sovetskaya ulitsa (Советская улица) 102 or КАРЛА МАРКСА УЛ., 83/85. Inside is the Gulag museum.
  • 30 Building of a city administration of Yoshkar-Ola (Здание мэрии города Йошкар-Олы), Leninskiy prospekt (Ленинский проспект), 27,, +7 836 2565810, .
  • [dead link] Jerusalem House Jerusalem (Жилой дом Иерусалимского), Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo (улица Чернышевского) 4. A cultural heritage
  • [dead link] Fastova (Жилой дом ФАВСТОВА) (Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo (улица Чернышевского) , 6). A cultural heritage
  • [dead link] Sovetskaya Hotel (Отель Советская), Leninc, pr-t (Ленин прос-т), 23. A cultural heritage
  • 31 Building of the government of republic of Mary El (Здание правительства республики Марий Эл), Leninskiy prospekt ( Ленинский проспект), 29. Parlament building. Built in 1971.



The city can boast of a certain level of cultural activity exemplified by theatre performances based on classical and modern works (both in Mari and Russian languages).


  • 1 Central Park (Tsentralnyy Park Kultury I Otdykha im. Xxx-letiyaVLKSM).
  • 2 Zoo (Зоопарк "Чудо-остров"), Medvedevo, Ul. Mosolova (Медведево, ул Мосолова), 18, +7 836 2582836, +7 836 2581625.


  • 3 Delpin Swimming Pool.
  • 4 Stadion Druzhba (Стадион Дружба), Ulitsa Mashinostroiteley (улица Машиностроителей), 18, +7 836 2551076, +8 8362 551062, +8 8362 720597.
  • 5 Ice Palace (Ледовый дворец), Ulitsa Karla Marksa (ул. Карла Маркса), 105.
  • 6 Water Palace (Водный дворец Йошкар-Ола), Ulitsa Karla Marksa (ул. Карла Маркса), 107, +7 8362 565749. Swimming pool.
  • 7 Tennis Court (Tennisnyy Kort, Тениисный корт), Bulvar Pobedy, 35,, +7 836 2551097.


  • 8 Cinema Oktyabr (Кинотеатр Октябрь), Kremlevskaya ulitsa (Кремлевская улица), 21, +7 836 2304550, +7 836 2304383 (Ticket Booking).
  • 9 Opera and Ballet theater (Марийский национальный театр оперы и балета), Komsomolskaya ulitsa, 130 and Pushkin ulitsa, 21.
  • 10 Drama Theatre named after Georgi Konstantinov (Академический русский театр драмы имени Георгия Константинова), Plosch. Nikonova (Никонова пл.), 1,, +7 836 2566190.
  • 11 Puppet theater (Республиканский театр кукол), Tsar'gradskiy prospekt (Царьградский проспект), 35 /Voznesenskaya ulitsa, 87, +7 8362 452522, +7 8362 452531, +7 8362 451987, . M, Tu closed, W-F 11:30-17:30, Sa 09:00-15:00, Su 09:00-15:00.
  • 12 National Theater of Mari El (Театр марийский драматический, Марийский национальный театр драмы им. Шкетана), Ploshchad Lenina ( площадь Ленина), 2, +7 836 245-16-04. Tickets are sold at the theater box office 11:00-14:00 and 15:00-19:00, Sa Su 11:00-16:00, M closed. You can order tickets by phone. +7 836 245-16-04, +7 836 278-13-78 (cashdesk).
  • [dead link] Culture Park (парк Культура), Komsomolskaya street, ( Комсомольская улица).



Mari style embroidery, wooden items such as "mari matryoshka" are a local speciality.

  • Nash Shop (магазин "Наш"). Bolshoy Nash, Supermarket chain. Units: Ul. Pervomayskaya (Первомайская ул.), 115, (near to Stadium, +7 836 245-2914); - Ul. Eshkinina, 22-а, (+7 836 256-1023), - Leninskiy prospekt, (Ленинский проспект) 22А, - Ulitsa Podolskikh Kursantov, 4
  • 1 Forum Shopping centre.
  • 2 21 Vek Shopping centre (Torgovyy Tsentr "21 Vek", Торговый центр), Kremlevskaya ulitsa ( Кремлевская улица), 19, +7 836 2452100.
  • 3 Planeta Mall (Торговый центр Планета), Ul. Baumana (ул. Баумана), 16, +8 836 2232006.
  • Shopping centre Gallery (Galereya Torgovyy Tsentr, Торговый центр Галерея), Leninskiy prospekt, 24-в. 10:00-23:00.
  • Supermarket Perekrestok (Супермаркет Перекресток), Ulitsa Karla Marksa, 101, +7 800 200-9555. A supermarket chain. Other unit: ulitsa Antsiferova, 4, (1,4 km NW from center, +7 800 200-95-55)
  • 4 Twelve apostles Shopping and entertainment complex (Торгово развлекательный комплекс 12 апостолов), Ulitsa Voinov-Internatsionalistov.



There are a few worthy European style cafes and restaurants in the city centre, local mari food is represented at Podkogolnaya cafe, 166 Volkova st. Traditional plates are: - sokta, - lashko, - podkogylyo, - kazh, - komanmelna, - tuara, - podkinde, - salmaginde, - puro, - eran

Fast food

  • 1 Makdonalds, Pervomaiskaya street (Первомайская улица), 109А (Center), +7 836 2422010, .
  • 2 Sushi bar Yin Yang (In'-Yan or Суши-бар «Инь Ян»), Pervomaiskaya street,(ул. Первомайская), 124 (Center), +7 836 2702207. Huge selection of sushi and rolls. Delivery.
  • Beer restaurant Staryy Georg (Пивной ресторан «Старый Георг»), ul. Antsiferova (ул. Анциферова), 37, +7 8362 724444. English pub, which serves one of the best beer
  • Pizzeria Al Sole (Пиццерия «Al Sole»), Ryabinina ( ул. Рябинина), 2, +7 8362 736283, +7 8362 330111. offers a range of Italian pizza. Delivery.


  • Confectionery Belosnezhka (Кондитерская "Белоснежка"), Sovetskaya (ул Советская), 125 а, +7 8362 428691. Every day fresh pastries, cakes, pies, pirogs.
  • Laiver (Кафе "Лайвер"), ul. Sverdlova (ул. Свердлова), 49, +7 8362 720709, +7 8362 770743. Live music and good service.
  • Cafe Izba (Кафе «Изба»), Ul. Mira (ул. Мира), 2 В, +7 8362 647730. Festive events and outdoor activities.


  • Restaurant Camelot (Ресторан «Камелот»), Bulvar Pobedy (бульвар Победы), 5, +7 836 2421471, +7 836 2426058.
  • Restaurant Grand Club (Ресторан «Гранд Club), Leninskiy prospekt (Ленинский пр-кт), 61, +7 836 2456853, +7 836 2411471, +7 836 2450037. delicious European cuisine
  • Restaurant Lyudoviko Moro (Ресторан «Людовико Моро»), Ul. Uspenskaya (ул. Успенская, 15, +7 836 2410676, +7 836 2412330. European cuisine


  • 1 Irish pub Dublin (Irlandskiy pab Dublin, Ирландский паб "Дублин"), Ulitsa Voinov-Internatsionalistov, 24Б, +7 836 2922122. pleasant atmosphere and quality service.
  • 2 Staryy Ambar, Komsomolskaya Street, (ул Комсомольская), 124в (Tsentral'nyy Park Kul'tury I Otdykha), +7 836 249 75 80.
  • Entertainment center Mueller Hall (Развлекательный центр «Мюллер Холл»), Leninskiy pr-kt (Ленинский пр-кт), 6, +7 8362 380058, +7 8362 513330.
  • Cocktail bar Marrakech (Коктейль-бар "Марракеш"), Bul'var Chavayna (бульвар Чавайна), 41, +7 836 2452250. Corporate events, anniversaries.
  • Sushi Bar Yaponskiy dvorik (Суши- бар «Японский дворик»), ul. Mashinostroiteley (ул. Машиностроителей,) 22, +7 836 2701501.


  • Hotel Arabica (Гостиница Арабика), Ul. L'va Tolstogo (ул. Льва Толстого), 60, +7 8362 330210. The unassuming exterior may not sell too many points, but the hotel itself is cozy and comes with little amenities like dishes and refrigerators.
  • 1 Eureka Hotel (Гостиница "Эврика"), Ul.Chehova, (ул.Чехова).73, +7 836 2469083, +7 836 2469074, fax: +7 836 2469083. Six single rooms, 54 double rooms, seven half suits, one triple room half-suit. (All price in RUB) Single Economy 900, Single Standart 1200, Single 1500, Double Standart 2000, Double Advanced 2200, The studio room 2400, Two bed Half suite 3000, Three bed half suite 4000 (2014).
  • Hotel Lukomorye (гостиница Лукоморье), St. 70th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR (ул. 70-Летия Вооруженных Сил СССР), 16, +7 836 2777604, +7 836 741122, +7 902 7397604.
  • 2 Ludovico Moro (Гостиница Людовико Моро), Ul. Uspenskaya (ул. Успенская), 15, +7 836 2452424, fax: +7 836 2452424, . Payment is made in rubles by bank transfer, credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro). Dbl. economy sgl 2300 руб, standard - business - studio (sgl/dbl) 3000 руб/3400 руб, 3200 руб/3600 руб 4800 руб/5300 руб, apartment 16000 руб, (2014). - Breakfast ("buffet") - 500 руб; - Breakfast ("Continental") - 180 руб; - Half board (breakfast and lunch) - 900 руб; - Full board (breakfast-lunch-dinner) - 1750 руб.
  • 3 Stoun Hotel and Klub (Гостиница Stone), Pervomayskaya street (Первомайская улица), 109, +8 836 2350100, fax: +8 8362 417215, . Services: Café "Don Udon", Karaoke restaurant, Bar, Bowling, Two dance floors, Finnish sauna. This hotel can provide invitation letter. Standard (five types) 2200-3200 руб, Luxury (Lyuks, six types) 3500-4200 руб.
  • Complex Pit Stop (Комплекс "Pit Stop"), Ul. 70-letiya Vooruzhennykh Sil SSSR (ул. 70-летия Вооруженных Сил СССР), 11, +7 8362 942222. Car wash, hotel, sauna.
  • 4 Hotel Sayver (Гостиница «Сайвер»), Ul. Zarubina (ул. Зарубина), 35, +7 8362 386886, +7 8362 386996. Twin from 840 руб.
  • 5 Turist Hotel (Гостиница "Турист"), Ul. Karla Marksa (ул. Карла Маркса), 109, +7 836 2426829, +7 836 2426843, fax: +7 8362 566519, . Standard Sgl / Dbl / Tpl from 1800 руб/2000 руб/2000 руб Standard dbl with two sgl beds 2000 руб (2014).
  • 6 Virginia Hotel (Гостиница Вирджиния), Per. Pervomayskiy ( переулок Первомайский,).12 (From stations take trolleybus №1, or №5 or №11 to stop "магазин Электрон".), +7 836 2422055, +7 836 2796931, +7 836 2424056, +7 836 2422055, fax: +7 836 2422055, . (All in RUB) Rooms for one / two person(s): Sgl 1300/1600, Twin 1800/1800, Standard sgl 1400/1800, Standard sgl (with airconditioner) 1700/2100, Renovated sgl 2000/2000, Standard twin 2000/2400, Renovated twin 2400/2400, Deluxe Suite sgl 2900/2900, Deluxe Suite sgl 3500/3500, Deluxe Suite twin 2900/2900, extra bed: 500 (2014).



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<span class=\"geo\"><abbr class=\"latitude\">56.6333</abbr><abbr class=\"longitude\">47.8667</abbr></span></span><span title=\"Click for a full screen dynamic map...\">[[File:Map mag.png|25px|link=//|alt=Full screen dynamic map]]</span>"},"html":"<span style=\"display:none\" data-parsoid='{\"stx\":\"html\"}'><span class=\"geo\" data-parsoid='{\"stx\":\"html\"}'><abbr class=\"latitude\" data-parsoid='{\"stx\":\"html\"}'>56.6333</abbr><abbr class=\"longitude\" data-parsoid='{\"stx\":\"html\"}'>47.8667</abbr></span></span><span title=\"Click for a full screen dynamic map...\" data-parsoid='{\"stx\":\"html\"}'><span typeof=\"mw:File\" data-parsoid='{\"optList\":[{\"ck\":\"width\",\"ak\":\"25px\"},{\"ck\":\"link\",\"ak\":\"link=//;lon=47.8667&amp;zoom=13&amp;layer=W&amp;lang=en&amp;name=Yoshkar-Ola\"},{\"ck\":\"alt\",\"ak\":\"alt=Full screen dynamic map\"}]}'><a href=\"//;lon=47.8667&amp;zoom=13&amp;layer=W&amp;lang=en&amp;name=Yoshkar-Ola\" data-parsoid=\"{}\"><img alt=\"Full screen dynamic map\" resource=\"./File:Map_mag.png\" src=\"//\" decoding=\"async\" data-file-width=\"32\" data-file-height=\"32\" data-file-type=\"bitmap\" height=\"25\" width=\"25\" srcset=\"// 1.5x, // 2x\" class=\"mw-file-element\" data-parsoid='{\"a\":{\"resource\":\"./File:Map_mag.png\",\"height\":\"25\",\"width\":\"25\"},\"sa\":{\"resource\":\"File:Map mag.png\"}}'/></a></span></span>","parts":[{"template":{"target":{"wt":"geo","href":"./Template:Geo"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"56.6333"},"2":{"wt":"47.8667"}},"i":0}}]}'/>
This city travel guide to Yoshkar-Ola is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.