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Swiss traffic light for pedestrian Go!
Roman: ga-da
Noun [1] [2]
  1. 한곳에서 다른 곳으로 장소를 이동하다.
    to go
Languages Infinitive Imperative
Danish at gå gå!
Dutch gaan ga!
English to go [3] go!
German gehen geh!
Korean 가다 (ga-da) 가! (ga)
Norwegian gås gå!
Swedish gå!



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The river is to rip, split or divide the land into two parts, perhaps hence the name.
Fossil scallop
Roman: gareuda
Noun [4] [5]
  1. 쪼개거나 나누어 따로따로 되게 하다.
    to split, rip, divide
Verbs Nouns
  • 가르다 (active)
  • 갈리다 (passive)
  • 가리다
  • 갈다
  • 거르다
  • 가람 (garam, "river")
  • 가랑이 (garang-i, "thighs")
  • 가래 (garae, "Korean device for ploughing")
  • 가루 (garu, "flour")
  • 가리비 (garibi, "scallop")
  • 갈래 (gallae, "division")
  • 갈퀴 (galkwi, "rake") cf. Harke #German
  • 갈비 (gal-bi, "ribs")
  • 갈 > 칼 (gal > kal, "knife, sword")


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Roman: gari-da
Noun [6] [7]
  1. 보이거나 통하지 못하도록 막히다. [8]
    to screen, veil
  • 가르다 (gareu-da, "to split, divide")
  • (幕,mag, "curtain; screen")
  • 막다 (mag-da, "to prevent; screen off; enclose")


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Autumn leaves are about to fall!
Harvesting in autumn. Harvest also means autumn, at least in British dialect.
Roman: ga-eul
Alias: 가슬 (ga-seul)
Older: 읋 (gv-eulh) < 그읋 (gv-vlh)
Noun [9] [10]
  1. 한 해의 네 철 가운데 셋째 철. 여름과 겨울의 사이... [11]
    autumn, fall [12]
  2. 벼나 보리 따위의 농작물을 거두어들임.
    harvest [13]
  • 가을걷이 (-geod-i, "harvesting") [14]
From autumn #Translations
  • Danish: høst
  • Dutch: herfst
  • Old English: hærfest [15]
  • German: Herbst
  • Icelandic: haust
  • Norwegian: høst, haust
  • Swedish: höst
Semantic steps
Dual First [16] Next
여름 summer+α 과실 fruit+α 하계 summer
가을 autumn+α 수확 harvest 추계 autumn


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'A Champion ploughman', from Australia, c. 1900
Roman: gal-da
Noun [17] [18]
  1. 쟁기나 트랙터 따위의 농기구나 농기계로 땅을 파서 뒤집다. 주로 밭작물의 씨앗을 심어 가꾸다.
    to till, plough; sow a crop, cultivate


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Roman: gallae
Noun [21] [22]
  1. 하나에서 둘 이상으로 갈라져 나간 낱낱의 부분이나 계통.
    what is split, divided, or separated.
  • The galley (ship) looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram , which is modelled after a pair of opposing wings of a bird. cf. Japanese ガレー (gare). See: w:jp: ガレー船
Galley (ship)
  • The galley (kitchen), as seen in large airplanes or ships, also looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram more often than not. cf. Japanese ギャレー (gyare). See: w:jp: ギャレー
Galley (kitchen). The left is of a cruise ship‎, and the right of the Royal Navy during World War II‎.
Galley proof [26]
  • The long gallery is used for displaying art collections, and so on.
Gallery (Louvre Museum)


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A light-duty rake
A heavy-duty rake
Roman: gal-kwi
  1. 검불이나 곡식 따위를 긁어모으는 데 쓰는 기구. 한쪽 끝이 우그러진 대쪽이나 철사를 부챗살 모양으로 엮어 만든다. [27] [28]
From rake #Translations


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Roman: galkwida
Verb [29] [30]
  1. 갈퀴로 긁어 모으다.
    to rake
  • 갈퀴 (galkwi, "rake")
  • 할퀴다 (halkwi-da, "to scratch, scrape")
  • 긁다 (geulg-da, "to scratch; to rake")
to rake #Translations
  • Dutch: harken
  • English: harken [31]
  • German: harken
  • Korean: 갈퀴다 (galkwida)




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Depiction of Khitans by Hugui (胡瓌, 9th/10th century), hunting with eagles
Zigeunerweisen (1878) [32] [33]
composed by Pablo de Sarasate
Yul Brynner in 1972, born as Yuliy Borisovich Briner [34]
Roman: georan
Alias: 글안 (geul-an), 글단 (geuldan), 계단 (gyeodan)
Hanja: 契丹 (글란, geullan) [35]
Noun [36] [37]
  1. 5세기 중엽부터 내몽골의 시라무렌강(Shira Müren江) 유역에 나타나 살던 유목 민족. 몽골계와 퉁구스계의 혼혈종으로, 10세기 초 야율아보기가 여러 부족을 통일하여 요나라를 건국한 후 발해를 멸망시키고 고려에도 세 차례나 쳐들어왔으나, 12세기 초 금나라의 성장으로 말미암아 세력이 약화되어 다시 부족 상태로 분열하였다.
    Khitan (cf. Cathay) cf. Gitanos
  • 거란장 (거란場, -jang) [38]
See also
  • (ttaem, "tinkering, soldering")
Flag of the Romani people






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Palate, or roof of the mouth
Cross-section of a tooth with gums labeled
Roman: geoheum
Alias: 거훔 (geohum) [40]
Noun [41] [42]
  1. ‘입천장’의 옛말
    palate, literally "roof of the mouth"
    cf. English gums "flesh around teeth"[43]
    cf. German Gaumen "roof of the mouth"
  • 입천장 (ib-cheonjang, "palate, roof of the mouth") cf. Sino-Korean 구개 (口蓋, gugae) [44]
  • 웃거흠 (ut-, obsolete "upper jaw") [45]
  • 입웃거흠 (ib-ut-, obsolete "upper jaw") [46]
  • 위턱 (wi-teog, "upper jaw") cf. Sino-Korean 상악 (上顎, sang-ag)
  • 아래턱 (arae-teog, "lower jaw") cf. Sino-Korean 하악 (下顎, ha-ag)
  • 턱 (teog, "jaw, chin")
  • 턱뼈 (teog-ppyeo, "jawbone, mandible")
  • 잇몸 (it-mom, "gum, flesh around teeth")
  • 구무 (gumu, obsolete "hole, cavity")
flesh around teeth roof of the mouth
  • Danish: tandkød, gumme
  • Dutch: tandvlees
  • English: gum
  • German: Zahnfleisch
  • Icelandic: tannhold
  • Norwegian: tannkjøtt
  • Swedish: tandkött
  • German: Gaumen
  • Icelandic: gómur
  • Old English gōma
  • Swedish: gom
  • Danish: gane
  • Norwegian: gane
  • Dutch: verhemelte
  • English: palate
Revision of wikt: 거흠
Revision as of 11:43, 17 December 2006 (edit)

KYPark (talk | contribs) [1]

Alternative forms
  • 거훔 (geohum) (obsolete)
  • 거엄 (geoEom) (obsolete)
Of native Korean origin.

거흠 • (geoheum)

  1. (obsolete) jawbone
Derived terms
Related terms
See also
  • 구무 (gumu): (obsolete) hole, hollow, cavity

Category: Korean nouns
Category: Native Korean words



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Roman: geolgae
Noun [48] [49]
  1. 물건을 걸어 둘 수 있도록 만든 도구.
Germanic Nordic




Korean study cum guestroom
cum #English from cum #Latin
  • Chinese: 兼 (jiān)
  • French: soit
  • Italian: trattino
  • Japanese: 兼 (けん, ken)
  • Korean: 겸 (gyeom)
  • Russian: совмещённый (sovmeščónnyj)
Roman: gyeom
Adverb [50] [51]
  1. 그 명사들이 나타내는 의미를 아울러 지니고 있음을 나타내는 말. 두 가지 이상의 동작이나 행위를 아울러 함을 나타내는 말.
    cum [52]
cum #English from cum #Latin
  • Chinese: 兼 (jiān)
  • French: soit
  • Italian: trattino
  • Japanese: 兼 (けん, ken)
  • Korean: 겸 (gyeom)
  • Russian: совмещённый (sovmeščónnyj)







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Map of the Persian Gulf.
Roman: gopeu-da
Older: 골프다 (golpeu-da), etc.
  1. 배 속이 비어 음식을 먹고 싶다. [53]
    to be hungry [54]
  • 배고프다 (bae-) [55]
  • 배곯다 (golh-da) [56]
  • 굶다 (gulm-da) [57]
  • 굶주리다 (gulmjuri-da) [58]
Golf course features:

1 = tee box
2 = water hazard
3 = rough
4 = out of bounds
5 = fairway bunker
6 = water hazard
7 = fairway
8 = putting green
9 = pin
10 = hole

Roman: gol
Alias: 골짜기 (goljjagi)
Noun [60] [61]
  1. 산과 산 사이에 움푹 패어 들어간 곳. [62]
    gorge [63]


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Kuimen, the entrance to Qutang Gorge, the first of the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River in China
Roman: golgae
Noun [64]
  1. [북한어] 좁은 골짜기로 흐르는 개울.
    (North Korean) The brook flowing through the gorge or ravine.
Albanian: gryka, grykë 
Estonian: kuru 
Finnish: kuru 
Galician: golga 
Italian: gola 
Javanese: curah
Korean: 골짜기 (goljjagi)
Persian: گلوگاه‎ (galugâh)
Portuguese: garganta 
Spanish: garganta 
See also
  • (gol, "hollow, gully, valley")
  • 골목 (golmog, "alley")
  • 골짜기 (goljjagi, "gorge, ravine, gully")


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Roman: golja
Noun [66] [67]
  1. 말이나 일의 내용에서 중심이 되는 줄기를 이루는 것.
  • (gol, "bone")

Brown bear
Yellow bear near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Polar bear
Roman: gom
Noun [68] [69]
  1. 포유강 식육목 곰과의 동물을 통틀어 이르는 말. 몸이 비대하며 다리가 굵고 짧다. 꼬리는 털에 가려져 보일 듯 말 듯 하다. 털은 갈색, 검은색 따위가 있으며 길고 거칠다. 깊은 산이나 북극 지방에 살며 나무에 잘 오르고 잡식성으로 대부분 겨울에는 굴속에서 겨울잠을 잔다. 대부분 북반구에 분포한다.
  • Korean vs. Japanese
Korean Japanese
고마 (goma, obsolete, "bear") (クマ, kuma, "bear")
구무 (gumu, obsolete, "hole") (クマ, kuma, "cove, corner")
  • Korean vs. Germanic
    • English groom
      1604, short for bridegroom (“husband-to-be”), from Middle English brydgrome, alteration (with intrusive r) of earlier bridegome (“bridegroom”), from Old English brȳdguma (“bridegroom”), from brȳd (“bride”) + guma (“man, hero”). ...
    • Old English guma
      1. (poetic) man, hero
      Synonyms: beorn #Old English
    • Old English beorn
      1. (poetic) man, warrior
      Synonyms: guma #Old English
      The origin is disputed. A phonetically exact correspondence exists in Old Norse bjǫrn (“bear”), ...
    • As such:
gom bear
Korean (gom) English bear.
Old English guma [71] Old English beorn [72]


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The wheel is to wheel around.
Bong Coo is to roll a ball toward pins, 1998.
Roman: gureu-da
Noun [73] [74]
  1. 바퀴처럼 돌면서 옮겨 가다. [75]
    (intransitive) to roll
    cf. Latin gyro "I revolve around, wheel around"
Strong reduplication [76] Weak reduplication
  • Greek: κύκλος (kýklos) [77]
  • Latin: cyclus
  • Danish: cyklus
  • Dutch: cyclus
  • English: cycle
  • German: Zyklus
  • Italian: ciclo
  • Portuguese: ciclo
  • Spanish: ciclo
  • Swedish: cykel
Korean Japanese Remarks [78]
구르다 (gureuda) ころがる (korogaru) intransitive
굴리다 (gullida) ころがす (korogasu) transitive
  • くるま #Japanese (kuruma, "car, wheel" )
  • ごろごろ, ゴロゴロ (gorogoro)
    1. (onomatopoeia) with the sound of thunder
    2. (onomatopoeia) with a rumble
    3. (onomatopoeia) with a growl
    4. (onomatopoeia) with a purr
    5. (onomatopoeia) rolling
    6. (onomatopoeia) ubiquitously
    7. (onomatopoeia) idly passing the time [79]


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Some types of cloud yield thunderstorms.
A roll or rumble of thunder [80]
A snare drum cadence [81]
Roman: gureum
Noun [82] [83]
  1. 공기 중의 수분이 엉기어서 미세한 물방울이나 얼음 결정의 덩어리가 되어 공중에 떠 있는 것.
Adapted from
thunder #Translations
  • Indonesian: guruh
  • Malay: guruh [84]
  • Kazakh: күркіреу (kürkirew)
  • Kyrgyz: күркүрөө (kürküröö) [85]
  • Belarusian: гром (hrom)
  • Bulgarian: гръм (grǎm)
  • Czech: hrom
  • Polish: grom
  • Russian: гром (grom)
  • Serbo-Croatian: гром (grom)
  • Slovak: hrom
  • Slovene: grom
Toward the etymology of 구름 (gureum, "cloud")
  • roll [86]
    • A heavy, reverberatory sound. [87]
      • There was a roll of thunder and the rain began to pour down. [88]
  • rollen #German [89]
    1. to roll
    2. to thunder [90]
  • grollen #German [91]
    1. to rumble, grumble, growl
    2. to roll, thunder
  • grumeln #German (frequentative) [92]
    1. to grumble (make a low sound, as of a discontent person, an empty stomach, a distant thunderstorm)
See also
  • 구르다 (gureuda, "to roll" cf. German grollen)
  • 우르렁 (ureureong, "grumbling" as of thunder)
  • 으르렁 (eureureong, "growling" as of lions )
  • 그르렁 (geureureong "gurgling" as of cats )


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Copper in its natural state.
Roman: guri
  1. 붉은색을 띤 금속 원소. 자연에서 순수한 금속으로 존재하며 연성(延性)과 전성(展性)이 우수하고, 전기와 열의 전도성이 뛰어나다. [93]
    copper, ie., a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity. [94]
  • 구리쇠 (-soe, lit. "copper metal")
  • 구르다 (gureu-da, "to roll")
  • 구불다 (gubul-da, "to be curved")
  • 구부리다 (guburi-da, "to bend, make curved")
  • 고리 (gori, "ring")
  • Latin: cyprum, cuprum [95]
  • French: cuivre
  • Portuguese: cobre
  • Spanish: cobre
  • Catalan: coure
  • Occitan: coire [96]
  • Danish: kobber
  • Dutch: koper
  • English: copper
  • German: Kupfer
  • Icelandic: kopar
  • Norwegian: kobber, kopper
  • Swedish: koppar


[edit | edit source]
Roman: gumu [97]
Noun [98]
  1. ‘구멍’의 옛말. [99]
  2. ‘밑구멍’의 옛말. [100] [101]
Alternative forms
  • 구멍 [gumeong] cf. German Gaumen
  • 구메 [gume] cf. Low German gume, Middle Dutch gumme
  • 구모 [gumo] cf. Old High German goumo
  • 귓구무 [gwit-] earhole
  • 입구무 [ip-] oral cavity
  • 콧구무 [kot-] nostril


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Roman: guburi-da
Noun [104] [105]
  1. 한쪽으로 구붓하게 굽히다.
    to curve cf. Latin cubo ("I kneel or lie down"), cubitum ("elbow")
  • (hoof; heel; elbow")
  • 굽다 (gub-da, "to be curved") > 굽히다 (gubhid-da, "to curve" lit. "to make curved")
  • 구르다 (gureu-da, "to roll")
  • 구리 (guri, "copper")


Roman: gun
Hanja: 君
  1. 임금.
    king, prince, monarch, sovereignty
See also
  • 황제 (黃帝, hwangje, "king of kings, emperor of emperors")

군자 / 군

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Roman: gun-ja
Hanja: 君子

Man of virtue and wisdom... Philosophy of ethics centers around such man. So does Confucianism and Taoism. cf. Superman; George 'The Superman' Reeves [107] looks more like a man of oriental than Christian virtue. prince (as son of the king), cf. Philosopher king [108]


Roman: gud
Newer: 굿 (gud)
Noun [109] [110]
  1. 땅이 움푹하게 파인 곳. 뫼를 쓸 때에, 널이 들어갈 만큼 알맞게 파서 다듬은 속 구덩이.
    hollow, pit; grave
  • 웅덩이 (ungdeong-i) [111]
See also
  • 굿 (gut, "exorcism")



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A horse with a bridle
A girth
Roman: gulle
Noun [112] [113]
  1. 말이나 소 따위를 부리기 위하여 머리와 목에서 고삐에 걸쳐 얽어매는 줄.
  • 구레나룻 (gure-narut, "whisker")
  • 구르다 (gureu-da, "to roll") cf. Latin gyro
  • 둘레 (dulle, "girth, circumference")
  • 두르다 (dureu-da, "to surround")
  • 둘러싸다 (dulleo-ssada, "to surround")
  • 돌다 (dol-da, "to turn") cf. Latin torno



Elbow cf. Latin cubitum
Kneeling cf. Latin cubo
Roman: gub
Noun [114] [115]
  1. 말, 소, 양 따위 짐승의 발 끝에 있는 두껍고 단단한 발톱.
  2. 구두나 운동화 따위의 밑바닥에 붙은 발. 그릇 따위의 밑바닥에 붙은 나지막한 받침.
  3. 팔굽, 발굽, 말굽의 굽
    elbow, heel, hoof [116]
  • 팔굽 (pal-, "elbow") cf. Latin cubitum from cubo ("I kneel down") [117]
  • 발굽 (bal-, "heel")
  • 말굽 (mal-, "hoof")
Germanic Slavic Others
  • Danish: hov
  • Dutch: hoef
  • English: hoof
  • German: Huf
  • Icelandic: hófur
  • Norwegian: hov
  • Swedish: hov
  • Bulgarian: копито (kopito)
  • Czech: kopyto
  • Polish: kopyto
  • Russian: копы́то (kopýto)
  • Serbo-Croatian: ко̀пито (kòpito)
  • Ukrainian: копито (kopyto)
  • Estonian: kabi
  • Finnish: kavio
  • Japanese (くび, kubi, "neck; neck & head as a whole" cf. "head" in Chinese & Korean) [120]


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Neck bending
Roman: gub-da
Verb [121] [122]
  1. 한쪽으로 휘다.
    to bend, curve
  1. 한쪽으로 휘어져 있다 [123]
    to be bent, curved
  • 굽어보다 (gub-eo boda, "to overlook") [124]
  • 굽어살피다 (gub-eo salpida, "to overlook") [125]
  • (gub, "elbow, heel, hoof")
  • 굽이 (gub-i, "bent, curve")
  • 굽히다 (gubhida, "to bend, curve") cf. Latin cubo
  • 구부리다 (guburida, "to bend, curve") cf. Latin curvo
  • 고개 (gogae, "nape, back of the neck, head;[126] mountain pass, crest, summit")
  • The following Korean and Latin pairs may be doublets.
Korean Latin Related
굽히다 cubo [127] elbow
구부리다 curvo curve

Painting of Saint Francis Borgia performing an exorcism, as depicted circa 1788 by Francisco Goya
Christ exorcising a mute [128] [129] by Gustav Doré, 1865.
Roman: gut
Noun [130] [131]
  1. 무속의 종교 제의. 무당이 음식을 차려 놓고 노래를 하고 춤을 추며 귀신에게 인간의 길흉화복을 조절하여 달라고 비는 의식이다. 여러 사람이 모여 떠들썩하거나 신명 나는 구경거리.
    exorcism [132]
  • 푸닥거리 (pudag-geori, perhaps small-scaled practice)
  • 굿 (gut, "pit, grave"), [133] also 굳 (gut)
  • 굿것 (gut-geot, "ghost, god"), also 귓것 (gwit-geot)
  • 귀 (, gwi, "ghost")
  • 신 (, sin, "god")
  • 귀신 (鬼神, gwisin, "ghost, god")
  • 무당 (巫堂, mudang, "female shaman, sorceress")
  • 빌다 (bil-da, "to beg, wish, will") [134]
god #Translations good #Translations
  • Dutch: god
  • English: god
  • German: Gott
  • Danish: gud
  • Icelandic: guð
  • Norwegian: gud
  • Swedish: gud
  • Dutch: goed
  • English: good
  • German: gut
  • Danish: god, godt
  • Icelandic: góð
  • Norwegian: god, godt
  • Swedish: god, gott
  • English: giddy, equivalent to god + -y, from Old English gydiġ (“possessed by a demon, ghost”)




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The true classic earrings Imani Perry wore in October 2019.
Roman: gwi-gori
Alias: 귀걸이 (gwi-geol-i),[135] 귀엣고리 (gwi-et-gori) [136]
Noun [137] [138]
  1. 귓불에 다는 장식품.
  • 귀에고리 (gwi-e-gori)
  • 귀엿골 (gwi-yeot-gol) > 귀엿골 (hvi-qwi-yeot-gol, "sun's halo" lit. "sun's earring")
  • 귀엿골회 (gwi-yeot-golhoe)
  • 해귀엣골 (hae-gwiesgol, "sun's halo", lit. "sun's earring"), etc.
  • *여골 (hviyeogol, "sun's halo" lit. "sun's ring, sun's earring"), cf. English wheel [139] from Old English hwēogol, hwēol


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“A scenery on Dano Day” by Shin Yunbok, ca. 1805
Driving on a swing on Dano Day, Andong, Korea
Roman: geune
Older: 그늬 (geunui) < 그릐 (geurui) < 글위 (geul-wi)
Noun [141] [142]
  1. 민속놀이의 하나. 또는 그 놀이 기구. 큰 나무의 가지나, 두 기둥 사이로 가로지른 막대에 두 가닥의 줄을 매어 늘이고, 줄의 맨 아래에 밑싣개를 걸쳐 놓고 올라서서 몸을 움직여 앞뒤로 왔다 갔다 하면서 논다.
    a swing or swinging seat
  • 그네뛰기 (-ttwigi, "driving on a swing")
  • 그네뛰다 (-ttwida, "to drive on a swing")
  • 뛰다 (-ttwida, "to run; jump, leap; drive on a swing")
From English swing #Translations
swinging seat / to drive on a swing
  • Finnish: keinu / keinua
  • Greek: κούνια (koúnia)
  • Korean: 그네 (geune) / 그네뛰다 (geune-ttwida)
  • Norwegian: gynge / gynge
  • Swedish: gunga / gunga
See also




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Roman: geulgda
Sound: 극따 (geugtta)
Verb [143] [144]
  1. 손톱이나 뾰족한 기구 따위로 바닥이나 거죽을 문지르다.
    to scratch, scrape
  • "to rub a surface with a sharp object"
scratch #Translations
  • Danish: klø
  • Dutch: krassen, krabben
  • English: scratch, scrape
  • German: kratzen
  • Swedish: klösa
  • French: gratter
  • Italian: grattare
  • Occitan: gratar
  • Polish: skrobać
  • Russian: цара́пать (carápatʹ)
  • Slovak: škrabať
  • Estonian: kratsima
  • Hungarian: karcol
  • Korean: 긁다 (geukda), 할퀴다 (halkwida)


[edit | edit source]
Parents grow or help children to grow.
Roman: gireu-da
Noun [145] [146]
  1. 동식물을 보살펴 자라게 하다. 아이를 보살펴 키우다. 사람을 가르쳐 키우다.
    (transitive) to (help) grow, to foster
  • 자라다 (jara-da, "to grow bigger") cf. 크다 (keu-da, "to grow bigger") vi.
  • 기르다 (gireu-da, "to foster, help grow") cf. 키우다 (kiu-da, "to foster, help grow") vt.
  • 길다 (gil-da, "to be long") adj.
  • 크다 (keu-da, "to be big") adj.
Canonical Dialectic
길다 (gilda) 질다 (jilda)
기르다 (gireuda) 지르다 (jireuda)
엿기름 (yeot-gireum) 엿지름 (yeot-jireum)
참기름 (cham-gireum) 참지름 (cham-jireum)

grow #Translations etc. foster #Translations
  • Dutch: groeien
  • English: grow
  • Danish:gro
  • Faroese: grógva
  • Icelandic: gróa
  • Norwegian: gro
  • Swedish: gro [147]
  • Old Norse: gróa
  • Catalan: criar
  • Galician: criar
  • Portuguese: criar
  • Spanish: criar


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Christmas cake covered with whipping [148] cream
Roman: gireum
Noun [149] [150]
  1. 물보다 가볍고 불을 붙이면 잘 타는 액체. 약간 끈기가 있고 미끈미끈하며 물에 잘 풀리지 않는다. 동물의 살, 뼈, 가죽에 엉기어 있기도 하고 식물의 씨앗에서 짜내기도 하는데, 원료에 따라서 빛깔과 성질이 다르고 쓰임새가 매우 다양하다. 기계나 도구의 움직임이 부드럽게 되도록 마찰 부분에 치는 미끈미끈한 액체.
    oil cf. cream [151] [152]
  • 기름칠 (-chil, "anointing")
  • 기름칠하다 (chil-hada, "to anoint")
  • 엉기다 (eonggi-da, "to congeal, coagulate")
  • English: cream
  • French: crème
  • Greek: χρίω (chrío) [153]
  • Greek: (khrisma) "unguent"
  • Latin: chrisma "ointment"
  • Latin: cramum "cream"




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  1. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=가다
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/가다
  3. Anomalous English infinitive "to go"
    From Middle English gon, goon, from Old English gān (“to go”). Hence, the present prefix "to" is a corruption of the early English suffix "-on" or "-n", which is equivalent to Dutch "-an", German "-en", cf. Korean "-다".
  4. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=가르다
  5. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/가르다
  6. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=가리다
  7. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/가리다
  8. 보이거나 통하지 못하도록 막히다 막다.
  9. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=가을
  10. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/가을
  11. Koreean 여름 (yeoreum, "summer") also meant 열매 (yeol-mae, "fruit; seed").
  12. These succeeded Old English hærfest "autumn, fall; harvest" whose dual senses are parallel to Korean counterpart 가을 (ga-eul).
  13. This sense must have next made sense of "autumn" in English, while it is now unseen in other Germanic cognates, though related to Latin carpo "I seize, pick, pluck, harvest".
  14. 가을에 익은 곡식을 거두어들임.
  15. Proto-Germanic *harbistaz
    1. harvest
    2. autumn, fall
  16. Western cognates:
    Latin carpo (“I pluck, pick, harvest”)
    Greek καρπός (karpós, “fruit”), κείρω (keírō, “to cut off”)
  17. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈다
  18. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈다
  19. Etymology
    Cognates include Ancient Greek ... κύκλος (kúklos), Sanskrit चरति (cárati), English wheel.
  20. See also: colo #Usage notes
  21. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈래
  22. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈래
  23. Compare:
  24. Compare:
  25. 손톱이나 날카로운 물건으로 긁어 상처를 내다.
    A set of fingernails may well serve as a rake.
  26. Illustration from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890—1907)
  27. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈퀴
  28. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈퀴
  29. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈퀴다
  30. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈퀴다
  31. "to hear, to listen, to have regard."
    • English: Gypsy Airs
    • Spanish: Aires gitanos
  32. performed by Jean-Claude Féret (violin) and Christine Féret (piano)
    • Brynner felt a strong personal connection to the Romani people; in 1977, Brynner was named honorary president of the International Romani Union, a title that he kept until his death.
    • He claimed that he was born "Taidje Khan" of a Mongol father and Roma mother, on the Russian island of Sakhalin. He occasionally referred to himself as Julius Briner,Jules Bryner or Youl Bryner.
  33. Elements
    • 契 (부족이름 글, "tribal name")
    • 丹 (정성스러울 란, “devotion”).
    The standard 거란 may be a corruption of the original 글란.
  34. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=거란
  35. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/거란
  36. 고려 시대에, 거란인 포로나 투항한 사람들을 집단으로 수용하던 곳. 각 도의 주, 현에 나누어 보내 땅을 주고 농사를 지으며 모여 살게 하였는데, 고려 백성으로서의 이들에 대한 대우는 천민에 가까웠다.
    However, this may be untrue. Regardless of the name, Koreans would have done good to Balhae people as defeated by Khitans.
  37. Abaoji (872 – 926), posthumously known as Emperor Taizu of Liao, was a Khitan leader and founder of the Liao dynasty (907–926).
  38. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=거훔
  39. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=거흠
  40. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/거흠
  41. This sense of gum is a result of semantic change from the original "palate".
  42. Equal to Chinese 上顎 (shàng'è), 口蓋 (kǒugài), (è) "palate, roof of mouth"
  43. Together with the Chinese counterpart 上顎, this makes sense of "palate, roof of the mouth" at last.
  44. This is the most precise and least concise. Korean 웃거흠 is more precise and less concise than Korean 거흠.
  45. (derived from Old English goma, Old High German goumo "palate")
    Revision as of 05:39, 9 October 2007 (edit) (undo) (thank)
    Visviva (talk | contribs)
  46. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=걸개
  47. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/걸개
  48. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=겸
  49. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/겸
  50. Used in indicating a thing with two or more roles, functions, or natures, or a thing that has changed from one to another. eg. a salesperson cum barista cum waitress
  51. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=고프다
  52. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/고프다
  53. 배 속이 비어서 음식이 먹고 싶다.
  54. 먹는 것이 적어서 배가 차지 아니하다.
  55. 끼니를 거르다.
  56. 먹을 것이 없어서 배를 곯다.
  57. The vowel /u/ is quite exceptional.
    gulf (n.)
    late 14c., "profound depth," from Old French golf "a gulf, whirlpool," from Italian golfo "a gulf, a bay," from Late Latin colfos, from Greek kolpos "bay, gulf of the sea," earlier "trough between waves, fold of a loose garment," originally "bosom," the common notion being "curved shape."
  58. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=골
  59. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/골
  60. 골개 (북한어) 좁은 골짜기로 흐르는 개울.
  61. 8. (geography) A deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides, particularly one with a stream running through it; a ravine.
  62. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=골개
  63. (geography) A deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides, particularly one with a stream running through it; a ravine.
  64. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=골자
  65. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/골자
  66. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=곰
  67. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/곰
  68. English bear may be cognate with fire or pyre rather than brown.
  69. cf. Japanese (クマ, kuma, "bear")
  70. cf. Etymology: A phonetically exact correspondence exists in Old Norse bjǫrn (“bear”).
  71. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구르다
  72. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구르다
  73. cf. 굴리다
    바퀴처럼 돌면서 옮겨 가게 하다. ‘구르다’의 사동사.
  74. cycle (n.) https://www.etymonline.com/word/cycle#etymonline_v_521
  75. Cf. Japanese reduplication ゴロゴロ (gorogoro) below
  76. Note the unclear transitive vs. intransitive forms in European languages.
  77. Cf. Korean counterparts:
  78. You miss a thundercrack here.
  79. performed by the U.S. Navy Band
  80. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구름
  81. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구름
  82. Onomatopoeia
  83. Onomatopoeia reduplicative
  84. roll (v.)
    "Of sounds (such as thunder) somehow suggestive of a rolling ball, 1590s; of a drum from 1680s."
  85. frequentative
  86. The "roll" is what 구르다 is in itself.
  87. Cognates include Dutch rollen, English roll, etc.
  88. Der Donner rollt, oder, grollt.
  89. Cognates include Dutch grollen, English growl, etc.
  90. Cognates include Dutch gromelen, French grommeler, English grumble, etc.
  91. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구리
  92. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구리
  93. From Greek: Κύπρος (Kúpros) "Cyprus"
  94. cf. Irish coire "cauldron"
  95. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구무
  96. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구무
  97. (obsolete) hole, hollow, cavity
  98. (obsolete) vulva
  99. 남광우 편저. 교학 고어사전. 교학사. 1977. p. 140.
  100. While obsoleting this sense, German Gaumen below mainly means "palate" nowadays. Perhaps it may have begun with "oral cavity" (possibly together with "palate") and ended with "palate" alone anyway at last.
  101. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/クマザサ (kumazasa)
  102. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구부리다
  103. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구부리다
  104. From Κύπρος #Ancient Greek (Kúpros, "Cyprus")
  105. encyclopedia--upreme.o rg/Superman
  106. Compare this Platonic idea with Confucianism and Taoism.
  107. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=굳
  108. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/굳
  109. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=웅덩이
    • 움푹 파여 물이 괴어 있는 곳.
    • ‘우물’의 방언(경북).
  110. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=굴레
  111. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/굴레
  112. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=굽
  113. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/굽
  114. All these words relate to the idea of 굽이 (gub-i, "curve or bend").
  115. See the photos on the right, relating to what is curved. Explain why the concubine is so called.
  116. The basic meaning "I lie down, sleep" may not well explain, say, cubitum "elbow". As such, the basic idea must be "to bend". Reconsider Relatives.
  117. Both may be related by means of metathesis.
  118. cf. Latin caput "neck" & Polish kopyto, etc. "hoof".
  119. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=굽다
  120. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/굽다
  121. 뉴에이스 국어사전
  122. 높은 위치에서 고개나 허리를 굽혀 아래를 내려다보다. (Essence Korean-English Dictionary) "to look down lowering one's head or bending one's back."
  123. 아랫사람의 사정 따위를 아주 상세하게 헤아리다.
  124. くび #Japanese (, gubi, "neck, head including the neck")
  125. Cognates include cubitum "elbow".
  126. According to the Gospel of Matthew, ..., a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus. And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel".
  127. God did good to a demon-possessed mute.
  128. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=굿
  129. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/굿
  130. For fortune, against misfortune.
  131. 땅이 움푹하게 파인 곳. 뫼를 쓸 때에, 널이 들어갈 만큼 알맞게 파서 다듬은 속 구덩이.
  132. English will from Old English willan (“to want”)
  133. eg. 귀에 걸면 귀걸이 코에 걸면 코걸이, or 이현령비현령 (耳懸鈴鼻懸鈴) in Sino-Korean, either meaning "어떤 사실이 이렇게도 저렇게도 해석됨을 이르는 말," saying, "A reality is interpreted in different ways."
  134. In addition, there are lots of obsolete alternative forms including 귀여골 (gwiyeogol), 귀여ㅅ골 (gwiyeo's gol), 귀예골 (gwiyegol), 귀예ㅅ골 (gwiye's gol), etc.
  135. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=귀고리
  136. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/귀고리
  137. This is hardly the doublet of cycle, which is a reduplication while the former is not.
  138. 태양의 가에 일어나는 붉은 구름 기운. 귀고리같이 생겼다고 하여 관이(冠珥)라고도 하였으며, 예전에는 길한 조짐으로 여겼다.
  139. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=그네
  140. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/그네
  141. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=긁다
  142. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/긁다
  143. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=기르다
  144. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/기르다
  145. gröda (“crop”)
  146. A cooking technique in which air is incorporated into cream etc.
  147. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=기름
  148. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/기름
  149. The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder.
  150. cream (n.)
    early 14c., creyme, "the rich and buttery part of milk," from Old French cresme, craime, creme "chrism, holy oil" (13c., Modern French crème). This word is a blend of Late Latin chrisma "ointment" (from Greek khrisma "unguent;" [...] and Late Latin cramum "cream," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from Gaulish.
  151. χρίω #Greek
    1. to smear with [+dative = something], rub [+dative = something] on something; to anoint with olive oil
    2. (middle) to anoint oneself, usually with olive oil
    3. (biblical, in the Septuagint) to anoint someone ceremonially to consecrate them as king, priest, etc.