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currency (monikko currencies)

  1. valuutta, raha
    hard currency
    In Finland and Russia, squirrel pelts were a common form of currency in ancient times.
  2. käypyys, kuranttius; levinneisyys, yleinen hyväksyttävyys, suosio tms.
    That's why the idea of a guaranteed minimum income is gaining currency. (Sunday Times)
    The concept of status had wide currency in the post-World War II heyday of structural functionalism.
    The idea has become common currency.
    Ideasta on tullut yleisesti hyväksytty.
  3. ajantasaisuus
    the accuracy and currency of the information
  4. (vanhentunut) (kielitaidosta) sujuvuus


  • myöhäislatinan currentia, monikon neutri sanasta currēns ("juokseva") << currō ("juoksen": "juosta")

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