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Haus Core

Powered by:

  • 🏎 Turborepo β€” High-performance build system for Monorepos
  • πŸš€ React β€” JavaScript library for user interfaces
  • πŸ›  Rollup β€” A module bundler for JavaScript
  • πŸ›  Tsup β€” TypeScript bundler powered by esbuild
  • πŸ“– Nextra β€” Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework from Next.js.

As well as a few others tools preconfigured:


Full documentation on the everything contained in this repo can be found at

Clone the repo

git clone
cd haus-core
yarn install

Useful Commands

  • yarn build - Build all packages including the Nextra site
  • yarn dev - Run all packages locally and preview with Nextra
  • yarn lint - Lint all packages
  • yarn changeset - Generate a changeset
  • yarn clean - Clean up all node_modules and dist folders (runs each package's clean script)


Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. It was designed after the workflows used by massive software engineering organizations to ship code at scale. Turborepo abstracts the complex configuration needed for monorepos and provides fast, incremental builds with zero-configuration remote caching.

Using Turborepo simplifies managing your design system monorepo, as you can have a single lint, build, test, and release process for all packages. Learn more about how monorepos improve your development workflow.

Apps & Packages

This Turborepo includes the following packages and applications:

  • apps/docs: Component documentation site with Nextra
  • packages/[package]: React components
  • packages/hooks: Shared React hooks
  • packages/utils: Shared utilities

This example sets up your .gitignore to exclude all generated files, other folders like node_modules used to store your dependencies.


To make the core library code work across all browsers, we need to compile the raw TypeScript and React code to plain JavaScript. We can accomplish this with vite, which uses rollup to greatly improve performance.

Running yarn build from the root of the Turborepo will run the build command defined in each package's package.json file. Turborepo runs each build in parallel and caches & hashes the output to speed up future builds.

For ui, the build command, which depends on rollup.config.js is the following:

rollup -c --bundleConfigAsCjs

rollup compiles src/index.ts, which exports all of the components in the design system, into both ES Modules and CommonJS formats as well as their TypeScript types. For example, the package.json for textural-video then instructs the consumer to select the correct format:

  "name": "@madeinhaus/textural-video",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "main": "./dist/index.js",
  "module": "./dist/index.mjs",
  "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
  "sideEffects": false,

Run yarn build to confirm compilation is working correctly. You should see a folder [package]/dist which contains the compiled output.

└── dist
    β”œβ”€β”€ index.js    <-- CommonJS version
    └── index.mjs   <-- ES Modules version



import * as React from "react";
import cx from 'clsx';
import styles from "./Button.module.scss";

export interface ButtonProps {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  variant: "primary" | "secondary";

export default function Button({ children, variant }: ButtonProps) {
  return (
    <button className={cx(styles.root, styles[variant])}>{children}</button>


Nextra provides us with an interactive UI playground for our components. This allows us to preview our components in the browser and instantly see changes when developing locally. This example preconfigures Nextra to:

  • The Nextra repository uses PNPM Workspaces and Turborepo. To install dependencies, run yarn install in the project root directory.

  • Write MDX for component documentation pages

  • yarn dev: Starts Nextra in dev mode with hot reloading at localhost:3001

  • yarn build: Builds the Nextra app and generates the static files

For example, here's the Nextra markdown for our Portal component:

# Portal

The Portal component allows you to render a child component outside of its parent hierarchy, by creating a portal to another part of the DOM. This can be useful in situations where you need to render a component in a specific part of the page or outside of the component tree.

## Installation

import { Tab, Tabs } from 'nextra-theme-docs';

<Tabs items={['npm', 'yarn', 'pnpm']}>
        ```bash copy
        npm install @madeinhaus/portal
        ```bash copy
        yarn add @madeinhaus/portal
        ```bash copy
        pnpm add @madeinhaus/portal

## Import

`import Portal from '@madeinhaus/portal';`

## Props

The `Portal` component accepts two props:

- `selector`: A string representing the CSS selector for the DOM element where the portal will be created. If no selector is provided, the default selector `#__portal__` will be used.
- `children`: The child component(s) to be rendered within the portal.

## Usage

Wrap your desired child component(s) within the `Portal` component:

```tsx copy showLineNumbers
function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <h1>My Component</h1>
          <p>This component will be rendered outside of the parent hierarchy.</p>

Versioning & Publishing Packages

This example uses Changesets to manage versions, create changelogs, and publish to npm. It's preconfigured so you can start publishing packages immediately.

You'll need to create an NPM_TOKEN and GITHUB_TOKEN and add it to your GitHub repository settings to enable access to npm. It's also worth installing the Changesets bot on your repository.

Generating the Changelog

To generate your changelog, run yarn changeset locally:

  1. Which packages would you like to include? – This shows which packages and changed and which have remained the same. By default, no packages are included. Press space to select the packages you want to include in the changeset.
  2. Which packages should have a major bump? – Press space to select the packages you want to bump versions for.
  3. If doing the first major version, confirm you want to release.
  4. Write a summary for the changes.
  5. Confirm the changeset looks as expected.
  6. A new Markdown file will be created in the changeset folder with the summary and a list of the packages included.


When you push your code to GitHub, the GitHub Action will run the release script defined in the root package.json:

turbo run build --filter=docs^... && changeset publish

Turborepo runs the build script for all publishable packages (excluding docs) and publishes the packages to npm. By default, this example includes madeinhaus as the npm organization. To change this, do the following:

To publish packages to a private npm organization scope, remove the following from each of the package.json's

- "publishConfig": {
-  "access": "public"
- },