Hi! My name is Vinicius Santos, I´m mobile developer with some game development experience. Currently, I'm 25y/o and studying Computer Science in Centro Federal de Educação Tecnologica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, also known as CEFET/RJ. My goal is to become a better professional, always learning and thriving. And, also, land a new job experience as mobile developer
object N0stalgiaUltra {
val name = "Vinicius Tavares"
val primarySkillset = "Android Developer"
val languages = listOf("Kotlin", "C#", "Java")
val mobileTechStack = listOf("Android SDK", "Android Jetpack",
"API RESTful", "MVVM", "Clean Arch",
"Unit and Instrumented Testing", "XML", "Compose")
val secondarySkillset = "Game Developer"
val language = "C#"
val gamesTechStack = listOf("Unity", "Unity Cloud Build",
"Mobile Games", "Serious Games",
"Educational Games", "Design Patterns")