Apache Log4J 2 sink for Azure Data Explorer.
This sink allows you to stream your log data to Azure Data Explorer, Azure Synapse Data Explorer, and Real time analytics in Fabric.
With interactive login, application developers can use Kusto Free to debug and log data from their applications without having to provision a cluster. Set the parameter useInteractiveAuth to true (and tenant if applicable) to use interactive login.
Log4j2 is widely used as logging tool. Kusto implementation is used in conjunction with RollingFileAppender with KustoStrategy. The key reason for using a strategy is to have redundancy in storage of logs and re-transmit the log files.
To provide data transmission redundancy, the rolled over log files are transmitted to Kusto. Transmission of the files are attempted 3 times with a configured time window
The key parameters for rolling file are as documented in the Rolling file log4j configuration
- fileName: The file name where the log files will be written locally. This is a fully qualified path and not a relative path (e.g C:/logs/logs.log)
- filePattern: The rolled over file name with pattern. This is a fully qualified path and not a relative path (e.g C: /logs/logs-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss}-%i.log)
Configurations for using the Kusto log4j appender is as follows
- clusterIngestUrl: Ingest URL. Configured using environment variable LOG4J2_ADX_INGEST_CLUSTER_URL
- appId: Service principal application id. Configured using environment variable LOG4J2_ADX_APP_ID.
- appKey: Service principal application secret. Configured using environment variable LOG4J2_ADX_APP_KEY
- appTenant: Tenant for the Service principal. Configured using environment variable LOG4J2_ADX_TENANT_ID
- dbName: Database name. Configured using environment variable LOG4J2_ADX_DB_NAME
- tableName: Table name for ingesting the logs
- logTableMapping: Mapping defined in the database to map the log data
- mappingType: json (or) csv is currently supported. Defaults to csv
- flushImmediately: Boolean indicator to flush the logs immediately. Defaults to false. Note that making this true may cause additional load on the cluster
- proxyUrl: Proxy url in case application is hosted behind a proxy
- managedIdentityId: Use managed identity id. If "system" is used a System Managed Identity is used, else a User Managed Identity is attempted
- useInteractiveAuth: Use interactive authentication. Defaults to false. If set to true, this is given precedence over AAD Auth and Managed Identity id (supplied through AppId)
- useAzCliAuth: Use AZ cli based auth for local development. Defaults to false. If set to true, this is given precedence other auth mechanisms
To attempt retries in case of ingestion failures, retransmission is attempted with the following configuration. 3 retries are attempted to ingest the logs. In the event that the file cannot be ingested it gets moved to the backout directory in the same path defined in fileName
- backOffMinMinutes: Min minutes to back off in the event that ingestion fails
- backOffMaxMinutes: Max minutes to back off in the event that ingestion fails
<Configuration status="WARN">
<RollingFile name="ADXRollingFile" fileName="<fileName>"
<CsvLogEventLayout delimiter="," quoteMode="ALL"/>
<!-- References policies from https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html -->
<!-- Recommended size is 4 MB -->
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="4 MB"/>
The interval determines in conjunction with file pattern the time for rollup. If file has pattern
file-yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm.log then rollover happens evey 5 minutes (interval below)
With a date pattern file-yyyy-MM-dd-hh.log with hours as the most specific item, rollover would happen
every 5 hours
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="5" modulate="true"/>
<Root level="debug" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="ADXRollingFile"/>
In power-shell the following can be set
followed by
mvn clean compiler:compile compiler:testCompile surefire:test
If you are a maven user, maven dependency plugin can resolve the dependencies. Note : The library uses resilience4j which is brought in automatically by the dependencies to perform retries.
To use the library in an application, add the following dependency in maven
The library expects that log4j-core
is provided as a dependency in the application. This needs to be included as a
dependency, this provides flexibility in using a custom log4j version core library in the application.