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FewIE: Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

This is the official implementation of our paper "FewIE"-paper: A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition.

Evaluation framework of few-shot NER

Table of Contents


This repository is the implementation of our encoder-readout framework, which is on evaluating pre-trained encoders on the task of few-shot NER, across (up to now) 8 English and 3 German datasets.

🔭  Overview

Path Description
config/ This directory contains the Hydra config files that specify pre-defined settings.
datasets/ This directory where the user should put their data files.
docs/ This directory contains the auxiliary files for documentation, such as the figure(s)presented in README.
src/fewie/ This directory is the package to be installed, which contains the source code of our implementation.

🚀  Installation

From source

git clone
cd fewie
pip install .

For development

git clone
cd fewie
pip install -e .

💡  Usage

To run the default experiment setting, run:


To show the available options and the default config, do:

python --help

which results in something like this:

== Configuration groups ==
Compose your configuration from those groups (group=option)

dataset: conll2003
dataset_processor: bert, spanbert, transformer
encoder: bert, random, spanbert, transformer
evaluation/classifier: logistic_regression
evaluation/dataset: nway_kshot, nway_kshot_5_1, nway_kshot_na_dedicated, nway_kshot_na_rest

== Config ==
Override anything in the config (

  _target_: datasets.load_dataset
  path: conll2003
  version: 1.0.0
  split: test
  _target_: fewie.dataset_processors.transformer.TransformerProcessor
  tokenizer_name_or_path: ??
  max_length: 128
  label_all_tokens: false
  _target_: fewie.encoders.random.RandomEncoder
  embedding_dim: 768
    n_ways: 5
    k_shots: 1
    n_queries: 1
    n_samples: 600
    deterministic: false
    _target_: fewie.evaluation.classifiers.logistic_regression.LogisticRegression
    C: 1.0
    penalty: l2
    random_state: 0
    solver: lbfgs
    max_iter: 1000
    multi_class: multinomial
seed: 1234
cuda_device: 0
batch_size: 1
text_column_name: tokens
label_column_name: ner_tags
  name: few_shot_linear_readout
  - accuracy
  - f1_micro
  - f1_macro

For example to run the evaluation on CoNLL 2003 with a baseline BERT encoder, run the following command:

python \
    dataset=conll2003 \
    dataset_processor=bert \
    encoder=bert \

This should produce an output similar to this:

  {"mean": 0.22021196408281052, 
    "margin_of_error": 0.018079245331949295, 
    "confidence": 0.95}, 
  "f1_macro": {
    "mean": 0.15039496182777168, 
    "margin_of_error": 0.01310293346782576, 
    "confidence": 0.95}

🔎  Datasets


Due to licensing restriction, you have to obtain a copy of OntoNotes 5.0 from LDC yourself:

Preprocess the download to obtain a BIO-tagged version of the dataset as described here:

Create a single zip file containing onto.train.ner, onto.development.ner, and onto.test.ner. Edit datasets/ and change the _URL to point to this zip file.

CoNLL-2003 German

We share the revised version as provided by the shared task organiser in 2006 with more consistent annotations (as described here:

Zhang et al. eCommerce NER dataset

We provide the version shared by the authors in the file datasets/lenovo.json.

📚  Citation

    title = "A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition",
    author = "Chen, Yuxuan and
      Mikkelsen, Jonas and
      Binder, Arne and
      Alt, Christoph and
      Hennig, Leonhard",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP",
    month = may,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    abstract = "Pre-trained language models (PLM) are effective components of few-shot named entity recognition (NER) approaches when augmented with continued pre-training on task-specific out-of-domain data or fine-tuning on in-domain data. However, their performance in low-resource scenarios, where such data is not available, remains an open question. We introduce an encoder evaluation framework, and use it to systematically compare the performance of state-of-the-art pre-trained representations on the task of low-resource NER. We analyze a wide range of encoders pre-trained with different strategies, model architectures, intermediate-task fine-tuning, and contrastive learning. Our experimental results across ten benchmark NER datasets in English and German show that encoder performance varies significantly, suggesting that the choice of encoder for a specific low-resource scenario needs to be carefully evaluated.",

📘  License

FewIE is released under the terms of the MIT License.