go get -u github.com/EmirShimshir/inMemoryCache
Go in-memory cache is goroutine-safe, it helps you store data of different types in a cache and access them by key. When adding a new element to the cache, specify the time after which the element will be unavailable.
- constructor for new cache
Set(key string, value any, ttl time.Duration) error
- write the value to the cache by the key. The key must not be empty. The ttl is time to live for the new element, it must not be zero.
Get(key string) (interface{}, error)
- get the value from the cache by the key. The key must not be empty and the value must exist.
Delete(key) error
- delete the value from the cache by the key. The key must not be empty and the value must exist.
package main
import (
func main() {
var cache inMemoryCache.Cache
cache = inMemoryCache.New()
err := cache.Set("userId", 42, 5 * time.Second)
if err != nil { // err == nil
userId, err := cache.Get("userId")
if err != nil { // err == nil
fmt.Println(userId) // Output: 42
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
userId, err = cache.Get("userId")
if err != nil { // err != nil
log.Fatal(err) // <--
2022/07/27 14:43:08 no value for the key userId
exit status 1