#HTML5 — the FoundOPS HTML5 app
This is the FoundOPS javascript application.
The primary CSS frameworks.
The module loader we use to organize the project.
A commonly used javascript utility.
Underscore Docs - (the requirejs compatible fork we use)
Kendo controls are used a majority of the time along with the Kendo MVVM framework. When/if kendo support angular's framework, that will be switched over.
Mobile specific frameworks:
PhoneGap is used to get access to mobile native functionality.
We follow google's javascript guidelines and the jsLint Code Conventions.
- All javascript MUST BE annotated for the Google Closure Compiler (even though we don't use the compiler)
We use lowerCamelCase for acronyms, variables, object properties, etc.
For Android use Remote Debugging with Chrome
The webserver.js is already built to work on the intranet. To mirror the local API server use TcpTrace
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