18-20 September 2023
The Hub, Bentley Technology Park
Each hackathon team will be joined by Pawsey mentor and will additionally be supported by the group of hackathon mentors. Hackathon mentors will provide short introductions about their expertise at the beginning of the event and will be available for questions and troubleshooting in their area of expertise throughout the event.
- Georgios Markomanolis (AMD)
- Toby Potter (Pelagos Consulting)
- Fredrik Robertsen (LUMI)
- Joe Schoonover (Fluid Numerics)
- Mehaboob Basha Nagthe Basapur
- Deva Deeptimahanti
- Cristian Di Pietrantonio
- Sarah Beecroft
- Marco De La Pierre
- Ilkhom Abdurakhmanov
- Pascal Elahi
- Sam Yates
- Maciej Cytowski
- Christopher Harris
- Konstantinos Servis-Nussbaum
- Metagenomics Australia
- VISCOUS Vanguards
- GTx:S3D
During the hackathon, your team will work alongside your mentors on the goals your have set. In addition, there are presentations and morning updates that your team will participate in.
On Monday morning (18th September 2023), the first order of business will be for one member of each team to give a short (5 minutes) presentation introducing their team. Ideally, this should include an introduction of your team members, a brief description of your application, a profile of your code (showing compute-intensive regions), and your goals for the week (parts of your code you will be targeting, anticipated speedup, intended programming model - e.g. OpenACC, HIP, Kokkos, etc.).
Also, remember that most participants are probably not familiar with your specific domain, so please keep the jargon to a minimum.
On Tuesday through Wednesday mornings (19-20th September 2023), each team will give a short (3-4 minute / 2-3 slides) update, including
- Progress made since last update
- Goals for the day
- Problems you are currently facing
- Problems you have resolved (that other teams might find useful)
In addition to sharing your progress, these updates are good opportunities to get feedback from other teams and mentors. There is a chance that a problem you are facing has already been encountered and resolved by someone else. Or you might have found and resolved a problem (or reported a bug) that other teams might currently be facing. These hackathons are meant to be cooperative events among all participants, and these update sessions are central to that theme.
On Wednesday afternoon (4pm, 20th September 2023), the teams will finish up their development work for the week and give a final presentation (5-7 minutes / 5-7 slides) detailing their accomplishments; issues they ran into, how they resolved them, speedups they obtained, as well as their closing thoughts on the event and what they learned.
If the work you accomplish at the hackathon leads to a future publication, we encourage you to recognize the mentors and hackathon in the acknowledgement section of the publication. E.g.,
The authors would like to thank [Name of Mentor(s)] for their contribution to this work during the PaCER Hackathon 2023.
Remember, the mentors volunteer their time to help at these events and such recognition is a nice way of saying thank you.
The format of the event (including this guide) is based on Australia's first GPU Hackathons organised jointly by NVIDIA, ORNL and Pawsey in 2018-2019. We thank Tom Papatheodore and Julia Levites for their guidance and partnership in making previous events a great success.