A collection of shell scripts written by me and my friends for convenience.
- mvln.sh: mv to a new location, leaving behind symlinks.
- minecraft-fixer.sh: update Minecraft's included lwjgl version
- tz_clocks.sh: display clocks for one or more timezones.
- prettify: prettify an IRC log (run run_prettify.py directly, or install with setuptools/distribute).
- remind_me.sh: store, manage, and show reminders, ideal for use in a cronjob
- t.sh: simple task list inspired heavily by http://stevelosh.com/projects/t/
- I.sh: simple time tracker
- volume_bar.sh: configurable pure-text volume bar
- battery_bar.sh: configurable pure-text battery bar
- e621-get.sh: e621 command-line pool/single-image/search downloader
- tempwatch.sh: manage the suspend/resume state of a process relative to cpu temp
- 4chan-get.sh: 4chan thread image downloader, a la e621-get