Api for communication with the Ledger Hardware Wallet Nimiq App. Check out the demo.
yarn add @nimiq/ledger-api
This package provides two different apis:
- A low level api with a similar basic api as the apis for other coins in Ledger's @ledgerhq/hw-app-* packages.
- A high level api which builds on top of the low level api but provides an improved api, optimizations for specific transport types and better usability. This is the api you'll typically want to use.
The apis are documented as jsdoc comments in low-level-api.ts and ledger-api.ts.
For a comparison of the available transport libraries, see transport-comparison.md
To run the demo page use:
yarn serve
Note that this serves the demo via https which is required for communicating with the Ledger.
To build the library:
yarn build