Compare operating system versions, check if OS is 32/64-bit and what service pack is installed. Targets .NET 3.5 Client. Supports Windows 8.1 and all previous Windows versions.
To install, type Install-package OsInfo
into Package Manager Console in Visual Studio or visit the nuget page.
public void PrintCurrentOs()
OperatingSystem currentOs = Environment.OSVersion;
Console.WriteLine("Current OS: " + currentOs);
Console.WriteLine("Service pack: " + (currentOs.GetServicePackVersion() ?? (object)"(null)"));
// In .NET 4.5+ you can use Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem instead
Console.WriteLine("Is 64-bit: " + currentOs.Is64Bit());
Console.WriteLine("Greater than or equal to XP : " + currentOs.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.WinXP));
Console.WriteLine("Greater than or equal to Vista : " + currentOs.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Vista));
Console.WriteLine("Greater than or equal to Win7 : " + currentOs.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Win7));
Console.WriteLine("Greater than or equal to Win8 : " + currentOs.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Win8));
Console.WriteLine("Greater than or equal to Win8.1 : " + currentOs.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Win8Update1));
Console.WriteLine("Equal to Win8 : " + currentOs.IsEqualTo(OsVersion.Win8));
Console.WriteLine("Equal to Win7 : " + currentOs.IsEqualTo(OsVersion.Win7));
Console.WriteLine("Less than or equal to Win8 : " + currentOs.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Win8));
Console.WriteLine("Less than or equal to Win7 : " + currentOs.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(OsVersion.Win7));
Console.WriteLine("Less than Win8 : " + currentOs.IsLessThan(OsVersion.Win8));
Console.WriteLine("Less than Win7 : " + currentOs.IsLessThan(OsVersion.Win7));
Current OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Service pack: (null)
Greater than or equal to XP : True
Greater than or equal to Vista : True
Greater than or equal to Win7 : True
Greater than or equal to Win8 : True
Greater than or equal to Win8.1 : False
Equal to Win8 : True
Equal to Win7 : False
Less than or equal to Win8 : True
Less than or equal to Win7 : False
Less than Win8 : False
Less than Win7 : False
Windows 8.1 will report as Windows 8 (6.2.9200) for applications that do not explicitly specify compatibility with Windows 8.1 in their app manifest. Read more.