Welcome to my portfolio website! This is where I showcase my skills, projects, and professional journey as a software engineer.
I am a Software Engineering student based in Sakarya, Turkey, passionate about creating seamless and efficient digital experiences. With a strong foundation in both frontend and backend development, I build applications that are both functional and delightful to use.
- Frontend Development: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend Development: Java SpringBoot
- Cloud and DevOps: AWS services
- Database Management: SQL and NoSQL databases
- AI and Machine Learning: Integrating practical AI solutions
I’m always excited to connect with like-minded individuals. Feel free to reach out to me!
Email: bermal.aratoglu@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bermal-aratoglu
GitHub: github.com/bermalA
Thank you for visiting my portfolio website!