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Flutter plugin that uses Truecaller's Android SDK to provide mobile number verification service to verify users.


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Flutter plugin that uses Truecaller's Android SDK to provide mobile number verification service to verify Truecaller users.

This plugin currently supports only Android at the moment. v0.0.2 & above will allow you to verify both Truecaller as well as non-Truecaller users on your application. (v0.0.1 only allows you to verify users who have Truecaller Android app on their device and are logged-in). Verification via Truecaller SDK enables you to quickly verify/signup/login your users using their mobile number.

For more details, please refer here

Steps to integrate

1. Update pubspec.yaml:

Include the latest truecaller_sdk in your pubspec.yaml

  truecaller_sdk: ^0.1.2

2. Generate App key and add it to AndroidManifest.xml:

  • Register for Truecaller's developer account, or login to your existing developer account.
  • Refer to the official documentation for generating app key.
  • Open your AndroidManifest.xml under /android module and add a meta-data element to the application element with your app key:
.. </activity>

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="PASTE_YOUR_PARTNER_KEY_HERE"/>  

3. Make changes to MainActivity.kt:

  • Head to the MainActivity.kt under /android module
  • SDK requires the use of a FragmentActivity as opposed to Activity, so extend your MainActivity.kt with FlutterFragmentActivity.
  • Override the two functions configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) and getBackgroundMode() in your MainActivity.kt:
class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() {
    override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {

    override fun getBackgroundMode(): FlutterActivityLaunchConfigs.BackgroundMode {
        return FlutterActivityLaunchConfigs.BackgroundMode.transparent
  • Update launchMode of MainActivity.kt to singleTask in AndroidManifest.xml :
<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
.. </activity>

4. Add required Permissions to AndroidManifest.xml:

Permissions are mandatory only if you are initializing the SDK with TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP in order to verify the non-Truecaller users.

For Android 8 and above :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS"/>

For Android 7 and below :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"/>

These permissions are required for the SDK to be able to automatically detect the drop call and complete the verification flow.

To read more about different scenarios for user verifications, click here.

Example 1 (to verify only Truecaller users having Truecaller app on their device)

// This Example is valid for truecaller_sdk 0.0.1 onwards 

//Import package
import 'package:truecaller_sdk/truecaller_sdk.dart';

//Step 1: Initialize the SDK with SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP
TruecallerSdk.initializeSDK(sdkOptions: TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP);

//Step 2: Check if SDK is usable on that device, otherwise fall back to any other alternative
bool isUsable = await TruecallerSdk.isUsable;

//Step 3: If isUsable is true, you can call getProfile to show consent screen to verify user's number
isUsable ? TruecallerSdk.getProfile : print("***Not usable***");

//OR you can also replace Step 2 and Step 3 directly with this  
TruecallerSdk.isUsable.then((isUsable) {
 isUsable ? TruecallerSdk.getProfile : print("***Not usable***");
//Step 4: Be informed about the TruecallerSdk.getProfile callback result(success, failure, verification)
StreamSubscription streamSubscription = TruecallerSdk.streamCallbackData.listen((truecallerSdkCallback) {
  switch (truecallerSdkCallback.result) {
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.success:
      String firstName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.firstName;
      String? lastName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.lastName;
      String phNo = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.phoneNumber;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.failure:
      int errorCode = truecallerSdkCallback.error!.code;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.verification:
      print("Verification Required!!");
      print("Invalid result");

//Step 5: Dispose streamSubscription
void dispose() {

Example 2 (to verify both Truecaller users (Example 1) and non-Truecaller users via manual verification)

// This Example is valid for truecaller_sdk 0.0.2 onwards 

//Import package
import 'package:truecaller_sdk/truecaller_sdk.dart';

//Step 1: Initialize the SDK with SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP
TruecallerSdk.initializeSDK(sdkOptions: TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP);

//Step 2: Call getProfile to show consent screen to verify user's number
//NOTE: isUsable will always return TRUE when using SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP, so you can also call
//getProfile directly
TruecallerSdk.isUsable.then((isUsable) {
 isUsable ? TruecallerSdk.getProfile : print("***Not usable***");
//Step 3: Be informed about the TruecallerSdk.getProfile callback result via [streamCallbackData] stream 
//result could be either of (success, failure, verification)
StreamSubscription streamSubscription = TruecallerSdk.streamCallbackData.listen((truecallerSdkCallback) {
  switch (truecallerSdkCallback.result) {
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.success:
    //If Truecaller user and has Truecaller app on his device, you'd directly get the Profile
      String firstName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.firstName;
      String? lastName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.lastName;
      String phNo = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.phoneNumber;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.failure:
      int errorCode = truecallerSdkCallback.error!.code;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.verification:
      //If the callback comes here, it indicates that user has to be manually verified, so follow step 4
      //You'd receive nullable error which can be used to determine user action that led to verification 
      int? errorCode = truecallerSdkCallback.error?.code;
      print("Manual Verification Required!");
      print("Invalid result");

//Step 4: Initiate manual verification by asking user for his number
//Please ensure proper validations are in place so as to send correct phone number string to the below method,
//otherwise an exception would be thrown
TruecallerSdk.requestVerification(phoneNumber: "PHONE_NUMBER");

//Step 5: Be informed about the TruecallerSdk.requestVerification callback result via [streamCallbackData] stream
//result could be either of (missedCallInitiated, missedCallReceived, otpInitiated, otpReceived, 
//verifiedBefore, verificationComplete, exception)
StreamSubscription streamSubscription = TruecallerSdk.streamCallbackData.listen((truecallerSdkCallback) {
  switch (truecallerSdkCallback.result) {
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.missedCallInitiated:
      //Number Verification would happen via Missed call, so you can show a loader till you receive the call
      //You'd also receive ttl (in seconds) that determines time left to complete the user verification
      //Once TTL expires, you need to start from step 4. So you can either ask the user to input another number
      //or you can also auto-retry the verification on the same number by giving a retry button
      String? ttl = truecallerSdkCallback.ttl;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.missedCallReceived:
      //Missed call received and now you can complete the verification as mentioned in step 6a
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.otpInitiated:
      //Number Verification would happen via OTP
      //You'd also receive ttl (in seconds) that determines time left to complete the user verification
      //Once TTL expires, you need to start from step 4. So you can either ask the user to input another number
      //or you can also auto-retry the verification on the same number by giving a retry button
      String? ttl = truecallerSdkCallback.ttl;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.otpReceived:
      //OTP received and now you can complete the verification as mentioned in step 6b
      //If SMS Retriever hashcode is configured on Truecaller's developer dashboard, get the OTP from callback
      String? otp = truecallerSdkCallback.otp;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.verificationComplete:
      //Number verification has been completed successfully and you can get the accessToken from callback
      String? token = truecallerSdkCallback.accessToken;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.verifiedBefore:
      //Number has already been verified before, hence no need to verify. Retrieve the Profile data from callback
      String firstName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.firstName;
      String? lastName = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.lastName;
      String phNo = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.phoneNumber;
      String? token = truecallerSdkCallback.profile!.accessToken;
    case TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.exception:
      //Handle the exception
      int exceptionCode = truecallerSdkCallback.exception!.code;
      String exceptionMsg = truecallerSdkCallback.exception!.message;
      print("Invalid result");

//Step 6: Complete user verification
//6a: If Missed call has been received on the same device, call this method with user's name
TruecallerSdk.verifyMissedCall(firstName: "FIRST_NAME", lastName: "LAST_NAME");

//6b: If OTP has been initiated OR received on any device, call this method with the user's name & OTP received
TruecallerSdk.verifyOtp(firstName: "FIRST_NAME", lastName: "LAST_NAME", otp: "OTP");

//Step 7: Dispose streamSubscription
void dispose() {

As mentioned in Step 5 above, when TruecallerSdkCallbackResult equals TruecallerSdkCallbackResult.missedCallInitiated or TruecallerSdkCallbackResult .otpInitiated, you will receive an additional parameter for the time to live i.e TTL (in seconds) which is passed as String extra and can be retrieved from the callback using truecallerUserCallback.ttl. This value determines amount of time left to complete the user verification. You can use this value to show a waiting message to your user before they can try for another attempt i.e fresh verification for same number cannot be re-initiated till the TTL expires. Once the TTL expires, you need to start the verification process again from step 4.

  • For details on different kinds of errorCodes, refer here.
  • For details on different kinds of exceptions, refer here.
  • For details on Server Side Response Validation, refer here.
  • For sample implementations, head over to example module.

Customization Options


To customise the profile consent screen in any of the supported Indian languages, add the following line before calling TruecallerSdk.getProfile:

/// initialize the SDK and check isUsable first before calling this method
/// Default value is "en" i.e English
TruecallerSdk.setLocale("hi") // this sets the language to Hindi

Dark Theme

You can also set the Dark Theme for consent screen by adding the following line before calling TruecallerSdk.getProfile:

/// initialize the SDK and check isUsable first before calling this method

Dark Theme is not applicable for TruecallerSdkScope.CONSENT_MODE_BOTTOMSHEET

Consent screen UI

You can customize the consent screen UI using the options available in class TruecallerSdkScope under scope_options.dart and pass them while initializing the SDK.

  /// [sdkOptions] determines whether you want to use the SDK for verifying - 
  /// 1. [TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP] i.e only Truecaller users
  /// 2. [TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP] i.e both Truecaller and Non-Truecaller users
  /// NOTE: In truecaller_sdk 0.0.1, only
  /// [TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP] is supported
  /// In truecaller_sdk 0.0.2 and onwards, both
  /// [TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP] and [TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP] are supported
  /// [consentMode] determines which kind of consent screen you want to show to the user.
  /// [consentTitleOptions] is applicable only for [TruecallerSdkScope.CONSENT_MODE_POPUP]
  /// and [TruecallerSdkScope.CONSENT_MODE_FULLSCREEN] and it sets the title prefix
  /// [footerType] determines the footer button text. You can set it to
  /// [TruecallerSdkScope.FOOTER_TYPE_NONE] if you don't want to show any footer button
  /// There are some customization options applicable only for [TruecallerSdkScope.CONSENT_MODE_BOTTOMSHEET]
  /// which are following -
  /// [loginTextPrefix] determines prefix text in login sentence
  /// [loginTextSuffix] determines suffix text in login sentence
  /// [ctaTextPrefix] determines prefix text in login button
  /// [privacyPolicyUrl] to set your own privacy policy url
  /// [termsOfServiceUrl] to set your own terms of service url
  /// [buttonShapeOptions] to set login button shape
  /// [buttonColor] to set login button color
  /// [buttonTextColor] to set login button text color
  static initializeSDK(
          {required int sdkOptions,
          int consentMode: TruecallerSdkScope.CONSENT_MODE_BOTTOMSHEET,
          int consentTitleOptions: TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_CONSENT_TITLE_GET_STARTED,
          int footerType: TruecallerSdkScope.FOOTER_TYPE_SKIP,
          int loginTextPrefix: TruecallerSdkScope.LOGIN_TEXT_PREFIX_TO_GET_STARTED,
          int loginTextSuffix: TruecallerSdkScope.LOGIN_TEXT_SUFFIX_PLEASE_LOGIN,
          int ctaTextPrefix: TruecallerSdkScope.CTA_TEXT_PREFIX_USE,
          String privacyPolicyUrl: "",
          String termsOfServiceUrl: "",
          int buttonShapeOptions: TruecallerSdkScope.BUTTON_SHAPE_ROUNDED,
          int? buttonColor,
          int? buttonTextColor})

By default, initializeSDK() has default argument values for all the arguments except the sdkOptions which is a required argument, so if you don't pass any explicit values to the other arguments, this method will initialize the SDK with default values as above.


For list of supported locales and details on different kinds of customizations, refer here


For any technical/flow related questions, please feel free to reach out via our support channel for a fast and dedicated response.


truecaller_sdk is MIT-licensed.


Flutter plugin that uses Truecaller's Android SDK to provide mobile number verification service to verify users.







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  • Dart 70.7%
  • Kotlin 19.5%
  • Swift 6.9%
  • Ruby 2.2%
  • Objective-C 0.7%