Song Library is a simple desktop application that simulates the use of a song library. The point of this is to get our feet wet in using JavaFX and its features. It can not actually store songs or play any type of music. It simply holds the names of songs and saves that data to disk for future sessions.
This project is a terminal based game of Chess. There is no GUI. The board and pieces are all written out using ASCII characters. User input and game output is all done through the terminal. The point of this project was to practice types of OO concepts such as dynamic binding, inheritance, etc.
This project is a fully working photo library for the desktop. Unlike song library, where most of the features were just for show and testing purposes, this could be used as an actual application. It features:
- Login Controls
- Admin Control Panel
- Storing photos within albums
- Adding tags to photos and searching by tags
- A built in slideshow
This project is a port of the photo library for desktop onto android. However, for the sake of time constraints during the semester, we were instructed to strip some of the features out. This led to the removal of the login screen and does not allow the user to add their own custom tags. Nonetheless, it still works well enough for the job at hand.