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Millstone is a distributed bioinformatics software platform designed to facilitate genome engineering for synthetic biology. Automate iterative design, analysis, and debugging for projects involving hundreds of microbial genomes.

The easiest way to use Millstone is directly on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using our pre-built AMI. Instructions here.

Docs, demo and installation information is available here: Developer instructions are below.

Please cite Goodman, Daniel B., Kuznetsov, G. et al. "Millstone: software for multiplex microbial genome analysis and engineering." Genome Biology 18.1 (2017): 101.

Developer Documentations

The following is intended for developers. Most users will want to use Millstone directly on AWS as described here.


  • Python 2.7.3
  • Perl 5 (for JBrowse)
  • Java 1.7
  • Postgresql 9.3 (only this version has been tested; on Mac we recommend
  • Unafold (
  • Python deps: See requirements.txt / instructions below
  • RabbitMQ (not required to pass tests, see below)


These are directions for installing Millstone on your own machine, and is meant for advanced users who want a custom installation. If you want to deploy a pre-configured Millstone instance to the cloud, then read Getting Started with Millstone on the wiki.

Before continuing, make sure all above dependencies are installed. On Mac, we prefer Homebrew for package management, and use it in the instructions below.

Cloning the repository

Before installing, you must install git and clone the latest version of Millstone from GitHub. GitHub has information on setting up git. Once Git is installed, you can clone the repository with:

    $ git clone <millstone_installation dir>
    $ cd <millstone_installation dir>

Python environment

We recommend using virtualenv for creating and managing a sandbox python environment. This strategy makes it easy to stay up with requirements. Our requirements are listed in requirements.txt. Follow the instructions below to setup your virtualenv and install the required packages.

Setting up a virtual python environment

  1. Install virtualenv if you don't have it yet. (You may want to install pip first.)

  2. Create a new virtual environment for this project. This virtual environment isn't part of the project so just put it somewhere on your machine. I keep all of my virtual environments in the directory ~/pyenvs/.

     $ virtualenv ~/pyenvs/genome-designer-env

If you want to use a version of python different from the OS default you can specify the python binary with the '-p' option:

   $ virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ~/pyenvs/genome-designer-env
  1. Activate the environment in the shell. This will use python and other binaries like pip that are located your pyenv. You should do this whenever running any python/django scripts.

     $ source ~/pyenvs/genome-designer-env/bin/activate .
  2. Install the dependencies in your virtual environment. We use the convention of running pip freeze to a .txt file containing a list of requirements. Most users will want to do:

     $ pip install -r requirements/deploy.txt

If you plan on editing the code, you should run:

    $ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

However, in reality, this doesn't seem to work perfectly. In particular, it may be necessary to install specific packages first.

NOTE: Watch changes to requirements.txt and re-run the install command when collaborators add new dependencies.

Git Submodules

We currently submodule jbrowse and perhaps will do so with other tools in the future. Specifically, we have submoduled a forked copy of jbrowse at a specific commit. To checkout the appropriate submodule states, run:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

This will pull the submodules and also pull any of their submodules.

JBrowse (continued)

After installing JBrowse via the Git submodule route described above, you need to do the following to get JBrowse up and running:

NOTE: Only step 1 is necessary to get the tests to pass. The later steps need to be updated.

  1. Run the JBrowse setup script inside the jbrowse dir.

     $ cd jbrowse
     $ ./
     $ cd ..
  2. Install nginx if it's not already installed and copy or symlink the config file to nginx sites-enabled dir.

    NOTE: On Mac, the sites-enabled dir is not present on the nginx version installed with brew, so the directory has to be added and included into the


     $ sed -i.orig "s:/path/to/millstone:$(pwd):g" config/jbrowse.local.nginx
     $ ln -s config/jbrowse.local.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

    Mac (run these commands from the project root):

     $ sed -i.orig "s:/path/to/millstone:$(pwd):g" config/jbrowse.local.nginx
     $ perl -pi.orig -e '$_ .= "    include /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;\n" if /^http/' /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
     $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
     $ sudo ln -s `pwd`/config/jbrowse.local.nginx /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/millstone
  3. Restart nginx.


     $ sudo service nginx restart


     $ ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/nginx/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
     $ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist
     $ # to reload: sudo nginx -s reload
  4. Install Perl local::lib module from CPAN for Jbrowse:

     $ sudo cpan install local::lib
  5. Check that JBrowse is working locally by visiting:


NOTE: If upon running the Millstone application or its tests you observe errors related to missing perl modules, you should also install them with cpan.

Async Queue - RabbitMQ backend for Celery (optional for dev)

NOTE: Tests should pass without RabbitMQ setup so okay to skip this at first.

Asynchronous processing is necessary for many of the analysis tasks in this application. We use the open source project celery since it is being actively developed and has a library for integrating with Django. Celery requires a message broker, for which we use RabbitMQ which is the default for Celery.

  1. Install Celery

    The celery and django-celery packages are listed in requirements.txt and should be installed in your virtualenv following the instructions above.

  2. Install RabbitMQ - On Ubuntu, install using sudo:

     $ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

    Full instructions are here.

    On Mac, homebrew can be used:

     $ brew install rabbitmq

    After install, you can run the server with:

     $ sudo /usr/local/sbin/rabbitmq-server

    Further Mac instructions are here.

Run the Millstone setup script.

The following installs various third-party bioinformatics tools and sets up JBrowse.

$ cd genome_designer
$ ./

Configuring PostgreSQL database for Millstone.

NOTE: If you make local changes, be sure to put them in a file called genome_designer/conf/ You should not modify

  1. (Mac Only) If you are using a fresh Postgres install, you may need to initialize the database:

     $ initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
     $ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start 
     $ #dbg: I had to do this on 10.10 after installing w/ brew:
     $ createdb 
  2. (Mac Only) Since most new postgres Mac installations (both via brew and do not have a postgres admin user, you will need to modify your DATABASES variable in genome_designer/conf/

  3. Navigate to the the genome_designer/ dir.

  4. Bootstrapping the database will automatically add the user, db, and permissions:

     $ python scripts/ -q


We have two kinds of tests: unit and integration. Unit tests are intended to be more specific tests of smaller pieces of the code, while integration tests attempt to connect multiple pieces. Also, the integration tests actually start celery worker intstances to simulate what happens in an async environment while our unit tests use CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True to mock out testing celery.

We currently use django-nose for running tests, which provides a better interface than Django's native testing setup (although this might not be true with the latest Django).

To run unit tests:

(venv)$ ./scripts/

To run integration tests:

(venv)$ ./scripts/

Nose also allows us to run tests only in specific modules.

In order to run only the tests in, say, the main app directory, run:

(venv)$ ./scripts/ main

For integration tests, we haven't figured out the optimal syntax in the test script so to run individual tests, you'll need to do it this more explicit way:

(venv)$ ./ test --settings=tests.integration_test_settings tests/integration/

The same form works for unit tests, just use --settings=tests.test_settings

Note, in the following examples we use a standard test root, but you should adhere to the examples above.

To run a single test module, run:

(venv)$ python test main.tests.test_models

To run a single test case, e.g.:

(venv)$ python test scripts/tests/

To reuse the Postgresql database, wiping it rather than destroying and creating each time, use:

(venv)$ REUSE_DB=1 ./ test

Note that for some reason integration tests currently fail if run with the form:

(venv)$ REUSE_DB=0 ./scripts/

Make sure you have R and unafold installed to avoid errors.

Integration Tests

We recently introduced the concept of integration tests to our code. Previously, many of our unit tests outgrew their unit-ness, but we were still treating them like so.

We created an IntegrationTestSuiteRunner where the main difference is that we start up a celery server that handles processing tasks. We are migrating tests that should really be integration tests to be covered under this label.

When adding a test (see below), if your test touches multiple code units, it's likely that's more appropriate to put it under integration test coverage. We'll add notes shortly about how to add new integration tests.

To run integration tests, use this command. This uses nose so you can use the same options and features as before.

(venv)$ ./scripts/

HINT: When debugging integration tests, it may be necessary to manually clean up previously stared celerytestworkers. There is a script to do this for you:

$ ./scripts/

Debugging Tests / Dealing with Craziness

Our test framework isn't perfect. Here are some potential problems and other hints that might help.

Celery workers not starting?

You might see this error:

AssertionError: No running Celery workers were found.

So far, we're aware of a couple reasons you might see this:

  • Another integration test in the same run failed, causing all subsequent integration tests to fail.
  • celerytestworkers were not shut down (use script above to kill them).

ps aux and grep are your friends

To see running celery processes:

ps aux | grep celery

To see running integration test:

ps aux | grep python.*integration

To kill the process associated with the integration test (e.g. 777)

kill 777

To kill orphaned celerytestworker processes, we actually have a script:


Running individual tests

This command runs a specific integration test and doesn't capture stdout:

./ test -s --settings=tests.integration_test_settings tests/integration/

Adding Tests

(Right now, this documentation is only for unit tests. Information for integration tests is coming soon.)

Nose automatically discovers files with names of the form test_*.py as test files.

Running the application

  1. Activate your virtualenv, e.g.:

     $ source ~/pyenvs/genome-designer-env/bin/activate .
  2. Navigate to the the genome_designer/ dir.

  3. From one terminal, start the celery server.

     (venv)$ ./scripts/
  4. Open another terminal and start the django server.

     (venv)$ python runserver
  5. Visit the url http://localhost:8000/ to see the demo.

Bootstrapping Test Data

First make sure Celery is running. In another terminal do:

(venv)$ ./scripts/

From the genome_designer directory, run:

(venv)$ python scripts/ full

NOTE: This will delete the entire dev database and re-create it with the hard-coded test models only. The username and password for this test database are at the top of scripts/



Right now we use logging for just-in-time debugging. Eventually, it would be nice to have logging for more robust debugging.

Add the following lines in the file you want to log in. We use the logger debug_logger, which is already configured in

    import logging
    LOGGER = logging.getLogger('debug_logger')

Then, to log something (instead of using print statements), do:

    LOGGER.debug('string or variable you want to log')

By default, logs are written to genome_designer/default.log, as specified in

Accessing the Postgresql database

On Ubuntu, if your database is called gdv2db:

sudo -u postgres psql gdv2db

To debug tests with pdb, add pdb.set_trace() checkpoints and use a command similar to:

REUSE_DB=1 ./ test -s --pdb --pdb-failures main/tests/

Profiling code

The debug.profiler module contains a profile decorator that can be added to a function. For example, to debug a view:

  1. Update with your profiler logs destination folder by setting the PROFILE_LOG_BASE attribute, e.g.:

     PROFILE_LOG_BASE = '/path/to/logs'

Make sure this directory exists before proceeding.

  1. Import the profile decorator and add @profile('log_file_name') in front of the method you want to profile, e.g.: from debug.profiler import profile ... @profile('mylog.log') def my_view(request): ...

  2. Use the debug/ convenience script to parse the data, e.g.:

     python /path/to/log/mylog


Millstone development is generously supported by AWS Cloud Credits for Research.