Seeking restitution for my ruined rug.
Podcaster at 5by5.tv. Founder of Fireside.fm. Way of the future.
5by5.tv and Fireside.fm
- Austin, Texas
- http://danbenjamin.com
- @danbenjamin
- Pro
for forked starred repositories
Clear filter
A sample rails app that authenticates users from Memberful over OAuth.
Simple integration of jquery-tablesorter (Mottie's fork) into the rails asset pipeline.
This is a Colloquy theme inspired by Campfire's design but re-purposed for IRC communication.
PRX / apn_on_rails
Forked from jwang/apn_on_railsApple Push Notifications on Rails
brotherbard / gitx
Forked from andreberg/gitxExperimental fork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes: sidebar, fetch, pull, push, add remote, merge, cherry-pick, rebase, clone, clone to. Mac OS X 10.5+ (see wiki for screenshot)
jcf / git-tmbundle
Forked from timcharper/git-tmbundleThe no longer maintained Git TextMate Bundle
shanev / facebooker
Forked from mmangino/facebookerThe facebooker Rails plugin