1)Firstly make sure all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt inside the capstone/backend folder are installed by pip install -r requirements.txt
2) Also Make sure to goto capstone/client and run npm install
3)In the highest level of the project (the folder where this file resides), open two separate terminal windows/tabs. On one, go to capstone/backend and run python manage.py runserver
, and in the other tab, go to capstone/client and run npm start
. In order to use the web app, goto localhost:3000
(The application was tested with Python 3.9.7 and Nodejs 12.22.6, but should work with a few older versions)
I have also made an account that can be used to test. Username: 'CS50W_Capstone' , Password: 'quizzes'
Node Js
React Js
On the homepage, you can go to the dashboard, and browse quizzes, but if you do not have an account, you can register it with the signup/login button, and logout button for logging out.
On the dashboard, you can either Browse All Quizzes
, Browse By Category
, Browse Your Quizzes
The Categories are pre determined.
On any page of browsing quiz, you can make a new quiz with Create Quiz
. It requires its name, category, the name of 1st question, its 4 options, and the correct answer.
If the quiz is yours, you can Edit Quiz
, or Add New Questions
Regardless if it's yours, you can Attempt
the quiz.
You can select, de-select your options while attempting. Once attempted, press Submit Quiz
and see the answers.
I believe Quissez
is complex, and distinct enough for this submission. With the use of 5 total models, a few serializers, using reactjs, with handling multiple requests.
Compared to the previous projects, Quissez
is completely different. This is an App where you aren't communicating and chatting, like Project 3,4, or having any transactions, or just being an informative source like project 2 and 1 respectively. You can put up trivias for others to solve for their fun.
During its course, I've faced numerous problems relating to requests, react, models and work arounds that I've never faced before. It has been complex enough for me to scratch my head for days long and just sit there, doing nothing.
Directory: capstone/backend/quiz
models.py -> Contains the 4 main models of the application. The Categories, Quizzes, Questions, and Options.
serializers.py -> Contains the needed serialziers for web requests throughout the app.
urls.py -> Configures the URLs for making requests for function of the application.
views.py -> Essential functions behind the URLs (Making new questions and quizzes, attempting quizzes etc.)
Directory: capstone/backend/quiz
This directory serves for authentication with the help of django-rest-auth.
Directory: capstone/client/src
App.js -> The main component of the react app and has all the routes configured for the same.
Directory: capstone/client/src/misc
deco/horizontalrule.js -> A Horizontal rule for the application completely black and smooth
quiz/queryquiz.js -> For querying quizzes while browsing / attempting
quiz/togglebutton.js -> A Toggle button used for attempting quizzes.
Directory: capstone/client/src/components
layout/navbar.js -> The Navbar at the top
quizzes/attemptingquiz.js -> The main component for attempting a quiz and submitting it.
quizzes/browsedquiz.js -> The main component for browsing the quizzes.
Directory: capstone/client/views
auth/login.js -> Handles logging in
auth/logout.js -> Handles Logging out
auth/signup.js -> Handles Signingup
app/activequiz.js -> Initializing attempting quiz
app/attemptquiz.js -> Needed requests to be made
app/categorybrowse.js -> A Selector for the Category to browse
app/dashboard.js -> The Main dashboard to start browsing quizzes from
app/editquiz.js -> Editting the quiz
app/newques.js -> Making a new question
app/newquiz.js -> Making a new quiz with a question
app/quizbrowsecategory.js -> Main Browsing with categories
app/quizbrowserall.js -> Browsing all quizzes
app/quizbrowseuser.js -> Browse by Users
app/viewscore.js -> View the result after attempting a quiz