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CUDA implementation for Julia set computation.

In this project we:

  • Generate the Julia set on the GPU by dividing the work load in a 2D thread configuration.
  • Evaluate the correctness of generated results by comparing the generated images.
  • Compare the GPU vs CPU execution time as a function of image size for a given value of c.


Julia sets are a type of fractals that can be computed in the complex domain. The Julia set is associated with points z = x + iy on the complex plane for which the series

zn+1 = zn2 + c,

does not tend to infinity. Here, c is a complex constant, and one gets a different Julia set for each c. The initial value z0 for the series is each point in the image plane. In order to compute the Julia set, we need to determine if a point escapes to infinity under the given mapping or remains bounded in the image plane.

Here we introduce a color coding that is proportional to the number of iterations taken by a point to escape a circle of radius 2 units (a heuristic for escape to infinity).


  1. Correctness:

    • Images produced by CPU and GPU (for N = 4096)

      CPU Image GPU Image
      cpu_image gpu_image
    • Percentage similarity and the average error in pixel values as a function of N.

      Image side length (N) Percentage Similarity Average Error
      256 99.970505 0.003031
      512 99.97406 0.00266
      1024 99.969864 0.003068
      2048 99.970039 0.003168
      4096 99.969704 0.003297
  2. Execution time comparision (with c = 0.285 + i 0.01):

    Image side length (N) CPU (ms) GPU {Kernel + Memory Transfer} (ms)
    256 49.796 0.295808
    512 194.068 0.55424
    1024 769.479 1.475488
    2048 3083.295 4.24192
    4096 12297.033 15.2028160


  • Run make and set the library path: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./devil/lib.
  • Execute the object file created, ./parallel_julia.