My dotfile organization repository! Here you can find all the wonders of my magical config for my daily driver.
- WM: LeftWM
- OS: ArcoLinux
- Status bar: Polybar
- Notifications: Dunst
- Terminal: Siduck's st (with the libxft-bgra package fix)
- Shell: 🐟
- File Manager: Nautilus or ranger
- Icon Theme: Flatery-dark
- GTK-3.0: Orchis-Dark
- Compositor: picom-ibhagwan-git (with my custom config)
- App Launcher: Rofi (with custom Nord colors)
- Currently trying Brave instead of Firefox (screenshots are NOT updated)
- I don't have the time to update my screenshots at every commit, sorry.
- I use yadm to manage my dotfiles, and it's great!