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Active Directory Labs/exams Review

If you know me, you probably know that I've taken a bunch of Active Directory Attacks Labs so far, and I've been asked to write a review several times. After passing the CRTE exam recently, I decided to finally write a review on multiple Active Directory Labs/Exams! Note that when I say Active Directory Labs, I actually mean it from an offensive perspective (i.e. a red teamer/attacker), not a defensive perspective. Furthermore, I’m only going to focus on the courses/exams that have a practical portion. Those that tests you with multiple choice questions such as CRTOP from IACRB will be ignored.


I graduated from an elite university (Johns Hopkins University) with a master’s degree in Cybersecurity. I have a strong background in a lot of domains in cybersecurity, but I'm mainly focused in penetration testing and red teaming. I am currently a senior penetration testing and vulnerability assessment consultant at one of the biggest cybersecurity consultancy companies in Saudi Arabia where we offer consultancy to numerous clients between the public and private sector. I hold a number of penetration testing certificates such as:

  • OSEP
  • OSCE
  • OSCP
  • CRTE
  • CRTO
  • GPEN
  • eCPTX
  • OSWP
  • eCPPTv2
  • ECSA (Practical)

Additionally, I hold a certificate in Purple Teaming:

  • GDAT

My current rank in Hack The Box is Omniscient, which is only achievable after hacking 100% of the challenges at some point. More information about me can be found here:

General Recommendation

As a general recommendation, it is nice to have at least OSCP OR eCPPT before jumping to Active Directory attacks because you will actually need to be good network pentester to finish most of the labs that I'll be mentioning. If you think you're good enough without those certificates, by all means, go ahead and start the labs! These labs are at least for junior pentesters, not for total noobs so please make sure not to waste your time & money if you know nothing about what I'm mentioning. Moreover, some knowledge about SQL, coding, network protocols, operating systems, and Active Directory is kind of assumed and somewhat necessary in most cases. You should obviously understand and know how to pivot through networks and use proxychains and other tools that you may need to use. Specifically, the use of Impacket for a lot of aspects in the lab is a must so if you haven't used it before, it may be a good start. The use of at least either BloodHound or PowerView is also a must. Antivirus evasion may be expected in some of the labs as well as other security constraints so be ready for that too! The reason I'm saying all this is that you actually need the "Try Harder" mentality for most of the labs that I'll be discussing here. In fact, most of them don't even come with a course!


Some of the courses/labs/exams that are related to Active Directory that I've done include the following:

HackTheBox's Endgames:

  • P.O.O
  • Xen
  • Hades

HackTheBox's Pro Labs:

  • Offshore
  • RastaLabs

Elearn Security's Penetration Testing eXtreme

  • eLearnSecurity Certified Penetration Tester eXtreme certification (eCPTX)

Pentester Academy's Windows Red Team Lab

  • Certified Red Team Expert (CRTE)

Zero-Point Security's Red Team Operator

  • Certified Red Team Operator (CRTO)

Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses (PEN-300)

  • Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP)

There are of course more AD environments that I've dealt with such as the private ones that I face in "real life" as a cybersecurity consultant as well as the small AD environments I face in some of Hack The Box's machines. (I will obviously not cover those because it will take forever). Also, note that this is by no means a comprehensive list of all AD labs/courses as there are much more red teaming/active directory labs/courses/exams out there. There are 2 in Hack The Box that I haven't tried yet (one Endgame & one Pro Lab), CRTP from Pentester Academy (beginner friendly), PACES from Pentester Academy, and a couple of Specter Ops courses that I've heard really good things about but still don't have time to try them. Once I do any of the labs I just mentioned, I'll keep updating this article so feel free to check it once in a while!

I'll be talking about most if not all of the labs without spoiling much and with some recommendations too! All of the labs contain a lot of knowledge and most of the things that you'll find in them can be seen in real life. In fact, I've seen a lot of them in real life! I will also compare prices, course content, ease of use, ease of reset/reset frequency, ease of support, & certain requirements before starting the labs, if any.

Note that I've taken some of them a long time ago so some portion of the review may be a bit rusty, but I'll do my best :)

To begin with, let's start with the Endgames. Endgames can't be normally accessed without achieving at least "Guru rank" in Hack The Box, which is only achievable after finishing at least 90% of the challenges in Hack The Box. This includes both machines and side CTF challenges. This can be a bit hard because Hack The Box keeps adding new machines and challenges every single week. However, once you're Guru, you're always going to be Guru even if you stopped doing any machine/challenge forever. The good thing is, once you reach Guru, ALL Endgame Labs will be FREE except for the ones that gets retired. I've done all of the Endgames before they expire. To make things clear, Hack The Box's active machines/labs/challenges have no writeups and it would be illegal to share their solutions with others UNTIL they expire. So far, the only Endgames that have expired are P.O.O. & Xen. The catch here is that WHEN something is expired in Hack The Box, you will be able to access it ONLY with VIP subscriptions even if you are Guru and above! Additionally, solutions will usually be available for VIP users OR when someone writes a writeup for it online :) Another good news (assuming that you haven't done Endgames before) is that with your VIP subscription, you will be able to access 2 Endgames at the same time!

Endgame Professional Offensive Operations (P.O.O.):

I've completed P.O.O Endgame back in January 2019 when it was for Guru ranked users and above so here is what I remember so far from it:

Price: Comes with Hack The Box's VIP Subscription (£10 monthly) regardless of your rank. If you ask me, this is REALLY cheap!

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it.

Ease of reset: Can be reset ONLY after 5 VIP users vote to reset it. This is actually good because if no one other than you want to reset, then you probably don't need a reset!

Ease of support: Community support only! Meaning that you'll have to reach out to people in the forum to ask for help if you get stuck OR in the discord channel.

Course: Doesn't come with any course, it's just a lab so you need to either know what you're doing or have the Try Harder mentality!

Goal: "The goal is to compromise the perimeter host, escalate privileges and ultimately compromise the domain while collecting several flags along the way."

Certificate: N/A. You'll just get one badge once you're done.

Exam: N/A.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Release Date: March 2018.

Retired: June 2020.

The lab itself is small as it contains only 2 Windows machines. Not really "entry level" for Active Directory to be honest but it is good if you want to learn more about MSSQL Abuse and other AD attacks. It is worth mentioning that the lab contains more than just AD misconfiguration. It needs enumeration, abusing IIS vulnerabilities, fuzzing, MSSQL enumeration, SQL servers’ links abuse, abusing kerberoastable users, cracking hashes, and finally abusing service accounts to escalate privileges to system! Overall, a lot of work for those 2 machines! If you think you're ready, feel free to start once you purchase the VIP package from here: Since it is a retired lab, there is an official writeup from Hack The Box for VIP users + others are allowed to do unofficial writeups without any issues. SPOILER ALERT Here is an example of a nice writeup of the lab:

Endgame Xen:

I've completed Xen Endgame back in July 2019 when it was for Guru ranked users and above so here is what I remember so far from it:

Price: Comes with Hack The Box's VIP Subscription (£10 monthly) regardless of your rank. If you ask me, this is REALLY cheap!

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it.

Ease of reset: Can be reset ONLY after 5 VIP users vote to reset it. This is actually good because if no one other than you want to reset, then you probably don't need a reset!

Ease of support: Community support only! Meaning that you'll have to reach out to people in the forum to ask for help if you got stuck OR in the discord channel.

Course: Doesn't come with any course, it's just a lab so you need to either know what you're doing or have the Try Harder mentality!

Goal: "The goal is to gain a foothold on the internal network, escalate privileges and ultimately compromise the domain while collecting several flags along the way."

Certificate: N/A. You'll just get one badge once you're done.

Exam: N/A.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Release Date: June 2019.

Retired: June 2020.

Even though the lab is bigger than P.O.O, it only contains only 6 machines, so it is still considered small. Not really "entry level" for Active Directory to be honest but it is good if you want to learn more about Citrix, SMTP spoofing, credential based phishing, multiple privilege escalation techniques, Kerberoasting, hash cracking, token impersonation, wordlist generation, pivoting, sniffing, and bruteforcing. A LOT of things are happening here. Definitely not an easy lab but the good news is, there is already a writeup available for VIP Hack The Box users!

If you want to learn more about the lab feel free to check it on this URL:

Endgame Hades:

I've completed Hades Endgame back in December 2019 so here is what I remember so far from it:

Price: Free with Guru Rank and above

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it.

Ease of reset: Can be reset ONLY after 5 Guru ranked users vote to reset it. This is actually good because if no one other than you want to reset, then you probably don't need a reset!

Ease of support: Community support only! Meaning that you'll have to reach out to people in the forum to ask for help if you got stuck OR in the discord channel.

Course: Doesn't come with any course, it's just a lab so you need to either know what you're doing or have the Try Harder mentality!

Goal: "The goal is to gain a foothold on the internal network, escalate privileges and ultimately compromise the domain while collecting several flags along the way."

Certificate: N/A. You'll just get one badge once you're done.

Exam: N/A.

Difficulty: Hard

Release Date: October 2019.

Retired: Still Active.

Even though this lab is small, only 3 machines, in my opinion, it is actually more difficult than some of the Pro Labs! It contains a lot of things ranging from web application exploitation to Active Directory misconfiguration abuse. This lab actually has very interesting attack vectors that are definitely applicable in real life environments. I can't talk much about the lab since it is still active. However, all I can say is that you need a lot of enumeration and that it is easier to switch to Windows in some parts :) It is doable from Linux as I've actually completed the lab with Kali only, but it just made my life much harder ><. Yes Impacket works just fine but it will be harder to do certain things in Linux and it would be as easy as "clicking" the mouse in Windows. At that time, I just hated Windows, so I wanted to spend more time doing it in Linux even though the author of the lab himself told me to do it in Windows and that he didn't test it with Linux. My only hint for this Endgame is to make sure to sync your clock with the machine!

If you want to learn more about the lab feel free to check it on this URL:

Pro Labs: Offshore:

There is a new Endgame called RPG Endgame that will be online for Guru ranked and above starting from June 16th. More information about it can be found from the following URL: Since I haven't really started it yet, I can't talk much about it. Now that I've covered the Endgames, I'll talk about the Pro Labs. Note that I've only completed 2/3 Pro Labs (Offshore & RastaLabs) so I can't say much about Pro Labs:Cybernetics but you can read more about it from the following URL: The only thing I know about Cybernetics is that it includes Linux AD too, which is cool to be honest. Anyway, as the name suggests, these labs are targeting professionals, hence, "Pro Labs." However, in my opinion, Pro Lab: Offshore is actually beginner friendly. In fact, I ALWAYS advise people who are interested in Active Directory attacks to try it because it will expose them to a lot of Active Directory Attacks :) Even though I'm saying it is beginner friendly, you still need to know certain things such as what I have mentioned in the recommendation section above before you start!

I've completed Pro Labs: Offshore back in November 2019. Also, it is worth noting that all Pro Labs including Offshore, are updated each quarter. That being said, Offshore has been updated TWICE since the time I took it. This means that my review may not be so accurate anymore, but it will be about right because based on my current completion percentage it seems that 85% of the lab still hasn't changed :)

Price: one time £70 setup fee + £20 monthly. Note that this is a separate fee, that you will need to pay even if you have VIP subscription. Additionally, you do NOT need any specific rank to attempt any of the Pro Labs.

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it.

Ease of reset: The lab gets a reset automatically every day.

Ease of support: Community support only! Meaning that you'll have to reach out to people in the forum to ask for help if you got stuck OR in the discord channel.

Course: Doesn't come with any course, it's just a lab so you need to either know what you're doing or have the Try Harder mentality!

Goal: "Players will have the opportunity to attack 17 hosts of various operating system types and versions to obtain 34 flags across a realistic Active Directory lab environment with various standalone challenges hidden throughout."

Certificate: Yes. You'll receive 4 badges once you're done + a certificate of completion with your name.

Exam: N/A.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Release Date: September 2018.

Retired: Still active & updated every quarter!

As I said, In my opinion, this Pro Lab is actually beginner friendly, at least to a certain extent. There are 17 machines & 4 domains allowing you to be exposed to tons of techniques and Active Directory exploitations! You will have to gain foothold and pivot through the network and jump across trust boundaries to complete the lab. There is web application exploitation, tons of AD enumeration, local privilege escalation, and also some CTF challenges such as crypto challenges on the side. It is worth noting that in my opinion there is a 10% CTF component in this lab. However, the other 90% is actually VERY GOOD! I would highly recommend taking this lab even if you're still a junior pentester. Note that I was Metasploit & GUI heavy when I tried this lab, which helped me with pivoting between the 4 domains. You can probably use different C2s to do the lab or if you want you can do it without a C2 at all if you like to suffer :) If you're new to BloodHound, this lab will be a magnificent start as it will teach you how to use BloodHound! Of course, you can use PowerView here, AD Tools, or anything else you want to use! More about Offshore can be found in this URL from the lab's author:

If you think you're ready, feel free to purchase it from here:

Pro Labs: RastaLabs:

I've completed Pro Labs: RastaLabs back in February 2020. As with Offshore, RastaLabs is updated each quarter. That being said, RastaLabs has been updated ONCE so far since the time I took it. This means that my review may not be so accurate anymore, but it will be about right :)

Price: one time £70 setup fee + £20 monthly. Note that this is a separate fee, that you will need to pay even if you have VIP subscription. Additionally, you do NOT need any specific rank to attempt any of the Pro Labs.

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it.

Ease of reset: The lab does NOT get a reset unless if there is a problem! The reason being is that RastaLabs relies on persistence!

Ease of support: RastaMouse is actually very active and if you need help, he'll guide you without spoiling anything. Other than that, community support is available too through forums and Discord!

Course: Doesn't come with any course, it's just a lab so you need to either know what you're doing or have the Try Harder mentality. Actually, in this case you'll CRY HARDER as this lab is actually pretty "hard."

Goal: "The goal of the lab is to reach Domain Admin and collect all the flags."

Certificate: Yes. You'll receive 4 badges once you're done + a certificate of completion.

Exam: N/A.

Difficulty: Hard

Release Date: ~ January 2018.

Retired: Still active & updated every quarter!

Unlike Pro Labs Offshore, RastaLabs is actually NOT beginner friendly. It is intense! You will not be able to easily use MetaSploit as the AV is actually very up to date and it will not like a lot of the tools that you would want to use. There is also AMSI in place and other mitigations. This means that you'll either start bypassing the AV OR use native Windows tools. I've decided to choose the 2nd option this time, which was painful. Additionally, there was not a lot of GUI possibility here too, and I wanted to stay away from it anyway to be as stealthy as possible. There are about 14 servers that can be compromised in the lab with only one domain. Even though it has only one domain, in my opinion, it is still harder than Offshore, which has 4 domains. The lab also focuses on maintaining persistence so it may not get a reset for weeks unless if something crashes. The problem with this is that your IP address may change during this time, resulting in a loss of your persistence. It is worth noting that there is a small CTF component in this lab as well such as PCAP and crypto. Some flags are in weird places too. The lab will require you to do tons of things such as phishing, password cracking, bruteforcing, password manipulation, wordlist creation, local privilege escalation, OSINT, persistence, Active Directory misconfiguration exploitation, and even exploit development, and not the easy kind! More information about the lab from the author can be found here:

If you think you're ready, feel free to purchase it from here:

Elearn Security's Penetration Testing eXtreme & eLearnSecurity Certified Penetration Testing eXtreme Certificate:

Now that I'm done talking about the Endgames & Pro Labs, let's start talking about Elearn Security's Penetration Testing eXtreme (eCPTX v1). I took the course and cleared the exam back in November 2019. It is worth noting that Elearn Security has just announced that they'll introduce a new version of the course! (not sure if they'll update the exam though but they will likely do that too!) That being said, this review is for the PTXv1, not for PTXv2! There is a webinar for new course on June 23rd and ELS will explain in it what will be different!

Price: There are 3 course plans that ranges between $1699-$1999 (Note that this may change when the new version is up!). However, you can choose to take the exam only at $400 without the course. You can check the different prices and plans based on your need from this URL: Note that ELS do some discount offers from time to time, especially in Black Friday and Cyber Monday! For example, there is a 25% discount going on right now!

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it. There are really no AD labs that comes with the course, which is really annoying considering that you will face just that in the exam!

Ease of reset: You are alone in the environment so if something broke, you probably broke it. For the exam you get 4 resets every day, which sometimes may not be enough.

Ease of support: There is some level of support in the private forum.

Course: Yes! PDF & Videos (based on the plan you choose).

Goal: Take the exam and become eCPTX.

Certificate: Only once you pass the exam!

Exam: Yes. 48 hours practical exam + 24 hours report. The good thing about ELS is that they'll give you your 2nd attempt for free if you fail!

Difficulty: Intermediate

Release Date: 2017 but will be updated this month!

Retired: this version will be retired and replaced with the new version either this month or in July 2020!

Unfortunately, not having a decent Active Directory lab made this a very bad deal given the course's price. In fact, if you are a good network pentester & you've completed at least 75% of Pro Labs Offshore I can guarantee you that you'll pass the exam without looking at the course! I always advise anyone who asks me about taking eCPTX exam to take Pro Labs Offshore! Their course + the exam is actually MetaSploit heavy as with most of their courses and exams. The course itself, was kind of boring (at least half of it). However, the course talks about multiple social engineering methods including obfuscation and different payload creation, client-side attacks, and phishing techniques. They also talk about Active Directory and its usual misconfiguration and enumeration. Additionally, they explain how to bypass some security measurements such as AMSI, and PowerShell's constraint language mode. They also mention MSSQL (moving between SQL servers and enumerating them), Exchange, and WSUSS abuse. They also rely heavily on persistence in general. The very big disadvantage from my opinion is not having a lab and facing a real AD environment in the exam without actually being trained on one. Moreover, the exam itself is mostly network penetration testing with a small flavor of active directory. Not really what I was looking for when I took the exam, but it was a nice challenge after taking Pro Labs Offshore.

Windows Red Team Lab & Certified Red Team Expert Certificate:

Now that I'm done talking about the eLS AD course, let's start talking about Pentester Academy's. Pentestar Academy in general has 3 AD courses/exams. CRTP, CRTE, and finally PACES. The first one is beginner friendly and I chose not to take it since I wanted something a bit harder. The last one has a lab with 7 forests so you can image how hard it will be LOL. As such, I've decided to take the one in the middle, CRTE. I took the course and cleared the exam in June 2020.

Price: It ranges from $600-$1500 depending on the lab duration. However, they ALWAYS have discounts! For example, currently the prices range from $299-$699 (which is worth it every penny)! You can read more about the different options from the URL:

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it in the labs & in the exam.

Ease of reset: The lab gets a reset every day. However, the exam doesn't get any reset & there is NO reset button! You will have to email them to reset and they are not available 24/7. Meaning that you may lose time from your exam if something gets messed up. Even worse, you will NOT know if something gets messed up, so you'll just have to guess.

Ease of support: They are very friendly, and they'll help you through the lab if you got stuck. During the exam though, if you actually needed something (i.e. if something broke), they will reply only during office hours (it seems).

Course: Yes! PDF & Videos.

Goal: finish the lab & take the exam to become CRTE.

Certificate: Only once you pass the exam!

Exam: Yes. 48 hours practical exam including the report. Note that if you fail, you'll have to pay for the exam voucher ($99)

Difficulty: Hard

Release Date: July 2018

Retired: Nope

This lab was actually intense & fun at the same time. In other words, it is also not beginner friendly. There are 2 difficulty levels. The default is hard. However, I would highly recommend leaving it this way! The lab focuses on using Windows tools ONLY. You'll have a machine joined to the domain & a domain user account once you start. From there you'll have to escalate your privileges and reach domain admin on 3 domains! This include abusing different kind of Active Directory attacks & misconfiguration as well as some security constraints bypass such as AppLocker and PowerShell's constraint language mode. Additionally, there is phishing in the lab, which was interesting! The lab also focuses on SQL servers’ attacks and different kinds of trust abuse. The course itself is not that good because the lab has "experts" as its target audience, so you won't get much information from the course's content since they expect you to know it! However, the labs are GREAT! They include a lot of things that you'll have to do in order to complete it. Note that there is also about 10-15% CTF side challenges that includes crypto, reverse engineering, pcap analysis, etc. However, submitting all the flags wasn't really necessary. Meaning that you will be able to finish it without actually doing them. Also, the order of the flags may actually be misleading so you may want to be careful with this one even if they tell you otherwise! The most important thing to note is that this lab is Windows heavy. Meaning that you won't even use Linux to finish it! You'll use some Windows built in tools, Windows signed tools such as Sysinternals & PowerShell scripts to finish the lab. Of course, Bloodhound will help here too. Same thing goes with the exam. I actually needed something like this, and I enjoyed it a lot!

The exam was rough, and it was 48 hours that INCLUDES the report time. I can't talk much about the exam, but it consists of 8 machines, and to pass you'll have to compromise at least 3 machines with a good report. However, you may fail by doing that if they didn't like your report. The only way to make sure that you'll pass is to compromise the entire 8 machines! Without being able to reset the exam/boxes, things can be very hard and frustrating. I had an issue in the exam that needed a reset, and I couldn't do it myself. I spent time thinking that my methods were wrong while they were right! I emailed them and received an email back confirming that there is an issue after losing at least 6 hours! They were nice enough to offer an extension of 3 hours, but I ended up finishing the exam before my actual time finishes so didn't really need the extension.

If you are planning to do something more beginner friendly from Pentester Academy feel free to try CRTP. I've heard good things about it.

Red Team Ops & Certified Red Team Operator:

After CRTE, I've decided to try CRTO since this is one gets sold out VERY quickly, I had to try it out to understad why. To sum up, this is one of the best AD courses I've ever taken. It is different than most courses you'll encounter for multiple reasons, which I'll be talking about shortly. I took the course and cleared the exam in September 2020.

Price: It ranges from £399-£649 depending on the lab duration. In my opinion, one month is enough but to be safe you can take 2. The content is updated regularly so you may miss new things to try ;) You can also purchase the exam separately for a small fee but I wouldn't really recommend it.

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it in the labs & in the exam.

Ease of reset: You can reboot any 1 machine once every hour & you need 6 votes for a revert of the entire lab. In the exam, you are entitled to only 1 reboot in the 48 hours (it is not easy because you need to talk to RastaMouse and ask him to do it manually, which is subject to availability) & you don't have any option to revert!

Ease of support: As with RastaLabs, RastaMouse is actually very active and if you need help, he'll guide you without spoiling anything. Other than that, community support is available too through Slack!

Course: Yes! HTML & Videos. The reason is, the course gets updated regularly & you have LIFE TIME ACCESS to all the updates (Awesome!)

Goal: finish the lab & take the exam to become CRTO OR use the external route to take the exam without the course if you have OSCP (not recommended).

Certificate: You get a badge once you pass the exam & multiple badges during complention of the course

Exam: Yes. 48 hours practical exam without a report. Note that if you fail, you'll have to pay for a retake exam voucher (£99)

Difficulty: Intermediate

Release Date: January 2020

Retired: Nope

Red Team Ops is very unique because it is the 1st course to be built upon Covenant C2. Not only that, RastaMouse also added Cobalt Strike too in the course! Even better, the course gets updated AND you get a LIFETIME ACCESS to the update! Who does that?! Awesome! Anyway, another difference that I thought was interesting is that the lab is created in a way that you will probably have to follow the course in order to complete it or you'll miss on a few things here and there. The course is amazing as it shows you most of the Red Teaming Lifecycle from OSINT to full domain compromise. The most interesting part is that it summarizes things for you in a way that you won't see in other courses. Why talk about something in 10 pages when you can explain it in 1 right? The course talks about most of AD abuses in a very nice way. There is no CTF involved in the labs or the exam. The lab has 3 domains across forests with multiple machines. It is very well done in a way that sometimes you can't even access some machines even with the domain admin because you are supposed to do it the intended way! The course talks about delegation types, Kerberos abuse, MSSQL abuse, LAPS abuse, AppLocker, CLM bypass, privilege escalation, AV Bypass, etc. A LOT OF THINGS! Most interesting attacks have a flag that you need to obtain, and you'll get a badge after completing every assignment.

The exam was easy to pass in my opinion. The exam is 48 hours long, which is too much honestly. I think 24 hours is more than enough. I can't talk much about the details of the exam obviously but in short you need to get 3 out of 4 flags without writing any writeup. As I said earlier, you can't reset the exam environment. Without being able to reset the exam, things can be very hard and frustrating. In fact, if you had to reset the exam without getting the passing score, you pretty much failed. You can reboot one machine ONLY one time in the 48 hours exam, but it has to be done manually (I.e., you need to contact RastaMouse and asks him to reset it). This is obviously subject to availability and he is not usually available in the weekend so if your exam is on the weekend, you can pray that nothings get screwed up during your exam. I had an issue in the exam that needed a reset. It happened out of the blue. Basically, what was working a few hours earlier wasn't working anymore. I contacted RastaMouse and issued a reboot. That didn't help either. However, since I got the passing score already, I just submitted the exam anyway.

Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses (PEN-300) & Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester

After CRTO, I've decided to try the exam of the new Offensive Security course, OSEP. To sum up, this is one of the best courses I've taken so far due to the amount of knowledge it contains. I took the course in February 2021 and cleared the exam in March 2021, so this was my most recent AD lab/exam.

Price: It ranges from $1299-$1499 depending on the lab duration. In my opinion, 2 months are more than enough. However, make sure to choose wisely because if you took 2 months and ended up needing an extension, you'll pay extra!

Ease of use: Easy. You get an .ovpn file and you connect to it in the labs & in the exam.

Ease of reset: You can revert any lab module, challenge, or exam at any time since the environment is created only for you. In the exam, you are entitled to a significant amount of reverts, in case you need it. I don't know if I'm allowed to say how many but it is definitely more than you need!

Ease of support: There is community support in the forum, community chat, and I think Discord as well.

Course: PDF & Videos.

Goal: finish the course & take the exam to become OSEP

Certificate: You get a physical certificate & YourAcclaim badge once you pass the exam

Exam: Yes. 48 hours practical exam followed by a 24 hours for a report. Note that if you fail, you'll have to pay for a retake exam voucher ($200)

Difficulty: Hard

Release Date: October 2020

Retired: Nope

PEN-300 is one of the new courses of Offsec, which is one of 3 courses that makes the new OSCE3 certificate. The course is the most advance course in the Penetration Testing track offered by Offsec. PEN-300 is very unique because it is very focused on evasion techniques and showing you the "how" and "why" of a lot of things under the hood. I don't want to rewrite what is in the syllabus, but the course is really great in my opinion, especially in the evasion part. The course not only talks about evasion binaries, it also deals with scripts and client side evasions. What is even more interesting is having a mixture of both. Moreover, the course talks about "most" of AD abuses in a very nice way. The course talks about evasion techniques, delegation types, Kerberos abuse, MSSQL abuse, LAPS abuse, AppLocker, CLM bypass, privilege escalation, AV Bypass, etc. A LOT OF THINGS! They are missing some topics that would have been nice to have in the course to be honest. However, the fact that the PDF is more than 700 pages long, I can probably turn a blind eye on this. There is no CTF involved in the labs or the exam. The lab consists of a set of exercise of each module as well as an extra mile (if you want to go above and beyond) and 6 challenges. You get access to a dev machine where you can test your payloads at before trying it on the lab, which is nice! The challenges start easy (1-3) and progress to more challenging ones (4-6). The first 3 challenges are meant to teach you some topics that they want you to learn, and the later ones are meant to be more challenging since they are a mixture of all what you have learned in the course so far. Each challenge may have one or more flags, which is meant to be as a checkpoint for you. As usual with Offsec, there are some rabbit holes here and there, and there is more than one way to solve the labs. What I didn't like about the labs is that sometimes they don't seem to be stable. I.e., certain things that should be working, don't. Fortunately, I didn't have any issues in the exam.

The exam was easy to pass in my opinion since you can pass by getting the objective without completing the entire exam. The exam is 48 hours long, which is too much honestly. I think 24 hours is more than enough, which will make it more challenging. I can't talk much about the details of the exam obviously but in short you need to either get an objective OR get a certain number of points, then do a report on it. As with the labs, there are multiple ways to reach the objective, which is interesting, and I would recommend doing both if you had the time. As far as the report goes, as usual, Offsec has a nice template that you can use for the exam, and I would recommend sticking with it. My report was about 80 pages long, which was intense to write. It took me hours. My recommendation is to start writing the report WHILE having the exam VPN still active. Otherwise, you may realize later that you have missed a couple of things here and there and you won't be able to go back and take screenshot of them, which may result in a failure grade.

As a final note, I'm actually planning to take more AD/Red Teaming labs in the future, so I'll keep updating this page once I finish a certain lab/exam/course.

I hope that you've enjoyed reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach me out on Twitter @


Active Directory Labs/exams Review






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