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Use Lottie animations within your Astro website


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Astro Lottie

Use Lottie animations within your Astro website.


astro-integration-lottie requires lottie-web to be installed as well.

npm i astro-integration-lottie lottie-web
# or
pnpm add astro-integration-lottie lottie-web
# or
yarn add astro-integration-lottie lottie-web



Required first step: add the integration to your astro.config file.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import lottie from "astro-integration-lottie";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
    lottie(), // <-- add integration

Type support

This integration defines the astroLottie global object to interact with your animations inside a page. Details on the dedicated section. You can have full type info of the astroLottie object with an environment reference.

Create an env.d.ts or, if you already have one, add the following line:

/// <reference types="astro-integration-lottie/env" />


Inside your astro page or component, you can import the Lottie component. It supports props autocompletion and type checking.

import LottieAnimation from "astro-integration-lottie/Lottie.astro";
<div class="container">
    <LottieAnimation src="assets/animation.json" autoplay="visible" />

Styling, sizing and constraints

You can use a parent div as a container to set the size and set additional styling (background, ...).

You can either use the style attribute or reference a css class.

<!-- with css class -->
<div class="container">
    <LottieAnimation src="assets/animation.json" autoplay="visible" />

<!-- or style -->
<div style="width: 200px; height: 150px;">
    <LottieAnimation src="assets/animation.json" autoplay="visible" />

Also, you can use the class or class:list attribute to add custom css classes directly to the lottie container.

<LottieAnimation src="assets/animation.json" autoplay="visible" class="my-class my-other-class" />

<!-- or -->

<LottieAnimation src="assets/animation.json" autoplay="visible" class:list={["my-class", "my-other-class"]} />

How Astro Lottie works

Player loading

The lottie player is not bundled within your page. It's asynchronously fetched only when a page contains at least one lottie animation.

This package allows to load two players:

  • light: small player with only svg rendering
  • full: all featured player, with all capabilities

You can read more about lottie players in the Lottie repository.

When a page contains multiple animations with different players specified, the greater player will be loaded. So to load the light player, all animation musts set the player="light" (or no player at all, as the default one is the "light").

The lottie player is locally saved in the public folder (it's handled under the hood by astro/vite) so no external request is sent.

Animation loading

The lottie animations are not bundled in your page. They're asynchronously fetched when the page loading ends, when a small loader script is run.

The loader will

  • check if the page has any lottie animations
  • fetch the lottie player
  • download the animations (if one is used multiple times, it's downloaded once)
  • setup each the animation on the page
  • if the autoplay is true, the animation is started right away, otherwise the animation will play only when it's visible and paused when it exits the screen. This is achieved thanks to IntersectionObserver, with a visibility filter 0.01.
  • raise a document event astro-lottie-loaded when all animations are loaded and ready

Accessing the Lottie Player

This plugin registers a astroLottie global object for the page.

const astroLottie = window.astroLottie;
if (!astroLottie) {
  // lottie is not registered! Either ...
  // - no lottie animation is present on this page
  // - lottie library failed to load  
} else {
  const animation = astroLottie.getAnimation("my-animation");;

The AstroLottie has two features:

  • getting a specific animation by a key
  • getting all animations present in the page

The full specification is:

export type AstroLottie = {
     * Get a LottieAnimation by the configured id
    getAnimation(id: string): LottieAnimation | undefined

     * Get a LottieAnimation from the hosting element container
    getAnimation(from: { container: HTMLElement }): LottieAnimation | undefined

     * Get a LottieAnimation from the hosting element container
    getAnimation(from: { elementId: string }): LottieAnimation | undefined

     * Get all the LottieAnimation for the current page
    getAllAnimations(): LottieAnimation[]

A LottieAnimation represents a single animation registered for the current page and is defined with:

export type LottieAnimation = Readonly<{
    id: string                        // the specified id es: <Lottie id="my-animation" />
    config: LottieAnimationConfig     // the full lottie configuration of the Lottie element
    container: HTMLElement            // the hosting dom element container
    isLoaded: boolean                 // specify if the animation is successfully loaded
    player?: AnimationItem            // this is the real Lottie player. It's defined when isLoaded is true

The player property is the Lottie player, typed by the Lottie library itself. You can checkout Lottie repository for the documentation.

For example if you need to start an animation on demand when a button is clicked.

document.querySelector("#play-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
  const animation = astroLottie.getAnimation("my-animation");
  if (animation && animation.isLoaded) {;

Animation ready event

The loader emit a document event astro-lottie-loaded when all animations are loaded and ready. The details property of the event, is the astroLottie global object.

document.addEventListener("astro-lottie-loaded", e => {
  const astroLottie = e.details;
  const animations = astroLottie.getAllAnimations();


LottieAnimationConfig --> the Lottie component Props

property type usage description
id string optional used to access the relative lottie player via javascript
src string required the public path from where the animation will be downloaded
player "light" | "full" optional("light") which lottie player to load
loop boolean optional(true) play the animation on loop
autoplay true | "visible" optional("visible") starts the animation as soon it loads or only when it's visible on the page
visibleThreshold number optional(0) Range[0-1] for the visibility to start the animation: 1 means 100% visible, 0 means that just 1px will make the animation play. When multiple animations on the same page use different thresholds, the minimum will be used for all


This package is built in typescript so it has full typings support.


MIT © Giuseppe La Torre