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Husarnet is a Peer-to-Peer VPN to connect your laptops, servers and microcontrollers over the Internet with zero configuration.


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Husarnet Client

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Husarnet is a Peer-to-Peer VPN to connect your laptops, servers and microcontrollers over the Internet with zero configuration.

Key features:

  • Low Latency - thanks to Peer-to-Peer connection between devices. After establishing a connection, Husarnet infrastructure (Husarnet Base Servers) is used only as a failover proxy if P2P connection is not possible.
  • Zero Configuration - after installing Husarnet Client, you can add new devices to a group with a single command husarnet join <YOUR_JOINCODE> mydevname on Linux. It's that easy on other platforms too - see the docs.
  • Low Reconfiguration Time - in case of a network topology change (eg. transition between two Wi-Fi hotspots), Husarnet needs usually 1 - 3 seconds to reestablish Peer-to-Peer connection.
  • Lightweight - it works not only on popular OSes (Linux (including ROS1/2, Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora and Archlinux), Windows, MacOS) but even on ESP32 microcontrollers. That means you can P2P access your things without IoT server at all!
  • Secure & Private - packets never leave connected devices unencrypted, Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFC) is the only reasonable choice!

Husarnet, in it's core, is one big, automatically routed, IPv6 network. Running Husarnet daemon creates a virtual network interface (by default named hnet0) with an unique Husarnet IPv6 address and associated fc94::/16 route. If you choose to disable the permission system, any node can reach your node using IPv6 fc94:... address, but if you choose to leave it enabled, we've prepared an extensive permissions system for you. You can have multiple virtual islands/groups, your devices can access multiple groups or you can even share access to those groups with other users!

The nodes are identified by their 112-bit IPv6 addresses, that are based on the public keys of the node. All connections are also authenticated by the IPv6 address. This property makes it possible to establish connection authenticity without any trusted third party, basing only on the incoming address! Those connections are also always encrypted.

Cryptography: Husarnet uses X25519 from libsodium for key exchange, with ephemeral Curve25519 keys for forward secrecy. The hash of initial public key is validated to match the IPv6 address. The packets are encrypted using libsodium's ChaCha20-Poly1305 secretbox construction with a random 192-bit nonce.

Runtime safety: Husarnet is written in C++ using modern memory-safe constructs. Linux version drops all capabilities after initialization. It only retains access to /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname via a helper process.

If Husarnet instance is not connected to the Husarnet Dashboard, the whitelist (think of it as a crude firewall) and hostname table can only be changed by a local root user. All the other configuration can be changed after you join your device to a group. Further configuration can be done using one of two ways:

Husarnet Dashboard: Husarnet Dashboard is a web application hosted by us, that allows users to fully configure how they use Husarnet, including managing devices, virtual networks and sharing access to your devices with others.

Husarnet CLI: Husarnet CLI is a new (added in Husarnet 2.0.0) and powerful tool which aims to allow user to manage the local Husarnet daemon while also providing users with a simple way to manage all of their Husarnet devices and networks via intuitive and simple to use Dashboard API. For more information about the new CLI capabilities visit CLI docs.

This is the main development repository for all of the Husarnet Client apps.

For more generic information please have a look at the Husarnet Docs.

Typical issues preventing Peer-to-Peer connection (thus enjoying a low-latency) and their workarounds are described in the Troubleshooting Guide.

If you need help and/or have questions regarding Husarnet, feel welcome to post on Husarnet Community Forums. Please, do not use GitHub Issues in this repository for reporting general usage problems and requests. Use the Issues only for technical questions and concerns regarding Husarnet Client building and development.

Following sections are targeted only for developers interested in forking, contributing to Husarnet, or simply wanting to understand the codebase.


Husarnet Client is split in two separate binaries - husarnet, which is CLI written in Go and husarnet-daemon, which is written in C++. Daemon is the entity that plugs given device to Husarnet network; typically running as a service (e.g. via systemd). CLI allows to query, control and manage local daemon as well as manage Husarnet account (i.e. performing activities typically performed via the web GUI).

How is the repository organized

  • core contains the majority of C++ code for husarnet-daemon
  • tests contains unit and integration tests for various platforms
  • daemon contains entry points and build definitions for various architectures Husarnet daemon can run on
  • cli contains Go code for husarnet binary.
  • platforms contains auxiliary files needed for packaging and publishing Husarnet for different platforms
  • builder contains all the files required for building the build environment ( ;) ) for other packages
  • util contains all the scripts and utilities used for building, testing and deploying. Used by CI and in developers' daily work
  • docs contains only a handful of files used in the markdown files in the repository. Actual documentation is here


In order to provide you with the most seamless and convenient way to build Husarnet Daemon and Husarnet CLI, a dedicated docker image called husarnet:builder was created. Dockerfile and compose for the mentioned image can be found in the ./builder directory. Build scripts provided in this repository utilize this image and as such in order to use them you need to build the image locally using: ./builder/

Then, if you want to build read the ./util/ file and select desired platforms.

Created binaries will be available in ./build/release folder.

Running tests

Please note that tests also utilize the builder image and thus it needs to be accessible for tests to run. Tests can be run by running ./util/

Creating a pull request

If you wish to submit a PR with a fix or enhancement, feel free to do so. Before submitting make sure that ./util/ is passing without errors. Also describe your changes and the motivation in the PR description. After you submit the PR, wait for the review and feedback from the maintainers. Good idea is to examine on-pull-request workflow to see what steps will the CI perform in order to check compatibility of the changes.


This project was possible thanks to:


Husarnet is dual-licensed:

  • GNU Public License - for derivative projects - eg. exposing a generic VPN functionality.
  • Mozilla Public License - for projects where you link Husarnet Client code with different project type than mentioned above - eg. using Husarnet Client SDK in ESP32 IoT project.

See LICENSE.txt for details.