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jQuery ImageSwitch Plugin


The plugin is used to perform switch animations between two overlapping images. The plugin was originally developed for a demonstration to switch between two icons in different style as can be seen here.


  • different switch animation effects
  • switch on mouse hover
  • sequential switch on multiple images
  • switching between two transparent images


/examples                 -> folder with fully working examples
  /imgs                   -> images used for examples
  /jquery                 -> jQuery sources
  all_examples.html       -> all examples
  animation_queue         -> example with multiple queued animations
  animations.html         -> basic animation example
  hover.html              -> mouse hover example
  jquery.imageswitch.js   -> ImageSwitch jQuery plugin file                 -> this readme file


This is a minimal example of an HTML page with 3 overlapping images which crossfade from one image to the other when the mouse hovers over the images.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="jquery.imageswitch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

      $(document).ready(function() {

      .image_switch {
        position: relative;
        width: 128px;
        height: 128px;
      .image_switch img {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
    <div class="image_switch">
      <img src="example_bottom_image_1.png" />
      <img src="example_top_image_1.png" />

    <div class="image_switch">
      <img src="example_bottom_image_2.png" />
      <img src="imgs/example_top_image_2.png" />
    <div class="image_switch">
      <img src="example_bottom_image_3.png" />
      <img src="example_top_image_3.png" />



To setup the ImageSwitch plugin simply include the javascript file in the of your document <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.imageswitch.js"></script>

You will also need to include jQuery

<script type="text/javscript" src=""jquery.js"></script>


Place the top and bottom image in a surrounding div.

<div class="switch_image">
  <img src="imgs/bottom_image.png" />
  <img src="imgs/top_image.png" />  

You can also nest the images inside this structure, e.g. by surrounding anchor tags.

<div class="switch_image">
  <a href="#"><img src="imgs/bottom_image.png" /></a>
  <a href="#"><img src="imgs/top_image.png" /></a>

If you would like to use background images instead you need to declare classes 'imageBottom' and 'imageTop' for the top and bottom images.

<div class="switch_image">
  <div class="imageBottom" style="background: url('imgs/bottom_image.png')"></div>
  <div class="imageTop" style="background: url('imgs/bottom_image.png')"></div>


The two top and bottom image must completely overlap. A basic way to achieve this is

  .switch_image {
    position: relative;
  .switch_image img:first-child {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;


To switch from the top image to the bottom image you can simply call:


To switch back to the top image call:


There are a couple of options to customize the animation which you can pass as a map:

$(selector).imageSwitch('bottom', {
  transformation: 'slide'
  duration: 500

To switch from either bottom or top state to the other state use the toggle action:


It is possible to queue the animations. The following will toggle from one state to the other and back:


The same behavior can be achieved by the blink action (toggles twice):


To animate a blink (works also for toTop, toBottom, toggle) action on multiple images one by one in a sequence order you may set the sequence option:

$(selector).imageSwitch('blink', { sequence: true }); 

To animate to the bottom image when the mouse hovers over and back to the top image when the mouse hovers out do:


All methods can be customized by a couple of options. To set all calls on the same jQuery object with the same options you can apply the init action:

$(selector).imageSwitch('init', {
  transformation: 'fade',      
  duration: 2000,
  easing: '',
  queue: 'my own queue'

The init function can be queued just like any other action:

  .imageSwitch('bottom')                  // switch to bottom in 1000 milliseconds default time 
  .imageSwitch('init', { duration: 500 }) // init animation time for all future calls
  .imageSwitch('top')                     // switch to top in 500 milliseconds

This is just a small overview of what's possible with this plugin. See the API reference below to get the complete picture.


.imageSwitch('init'), .imageSwitch()

Description: Init the ImageSwitch Object with.

.imageSwitch('init'[, callback]), .imageSwitch([callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

.imageSwitch('init'[, options][, callback]), .imageSwitch([options][, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • selectors: A map with keys imgBottom and imgTop to specify specific selectors for the bottom and top image

    defaults to: { imgBottom: ':first-child', imgTop: ':nth-child(2)' }

  • switchBottomImage: A boolean indicating if the bottom image should also be animated. This is useful for semi transparent images where bottom image would be visible underneath the top image.

    defaults to: false


Description: Animate to top image.

.imageSwitch('top'[, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

.imageSwitch('top'[, options][, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • onStart: Callback function when animation starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinish: Callback function when animation finishes

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • cycle: Set to true to run animation in an repeating cycle

    defaults to: false

  • cyclePauseDuration: Time in milliseconds to pause between cycles

    defaults to: 2000

  • onStartCycle: Callback function when cycle starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishCycle: Callback function when cycle ends

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • sequence: Animate all images one by one in a sequence order.

    You can set this option to true or false. If you want more control pass a map of additional options:

    • order: set to 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'random'

      defaults to: 'forward'

    • interval: time in milliseconds

      defaults to: #duration of animation#

    • onStartSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence starts.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    • onFinishSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence finishes.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    setting the sequence option to true is equivalent to { order: 'forward', interval: #duration of animation# }}

    defaults to: false


Description: Animate to bottom image.

.imageSwitch('bottom'[, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

.imageSwitch('bottom'[, options][, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • onStart: Callback function when animation starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinish: Callback function when animation finishes

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • cycle: Set to true to run animation in an repeating cycle

    defaults to: false

  • cyclePauseDuration: Time in milliseconds to pause between cycles

    defaults to: 2000

  • onStartCycle: Callback function when cycle starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishCycle: Callback function when cycle ends

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • sequence: Animate all images one by one in a sequence order.

    You can set this option to true or false. If you want more control pass a map of additional options:

    • order: set to 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'random'

      defaults to: 'forward'

    • interval: time in milliseconds

      defaults to: #duration of animation#

    • onStartSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence starts.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    • onFinishSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence finishes.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    setting the sequence option to true is equivalent to { order: 'forward', interval: #duration of animation# }}

    defaults to: false


Description: Animate to other image.

.imageSwitch('toggle'[, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

.imageSwitch('toggle'[, options][, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • onStart: Callback function when animation starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinish: Callback function when animation finishes

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • cycle: Set to true to run animation in an repeating cycle

    defaults to: false

  • cyclePauseDuration: Time in milliseconds to pause between cycles

    defaults to: 2000

  • onStartCycle: Callback function when cycle starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishCycle: Callback function when cycle ends

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • sequence: Animate all images one by one in a sequence order.

    You can set this option to true or false. If you want more control pass a map of additional options:

    • order: set to 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'random'

      defaults to: 'forward'

    • interval: time in milliseconds

      defaults to: #duration of animation#

    • onStartSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence starts.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    • onFinishSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence finishes.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    setting the sequence option to true is equivalent to { order: 'forward', interval: #duration of animation# }}

    defaults to: false


Description: Animate to other image and back. This is equivalent to calling toggle twice.

.imageSwitch('blink'[, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

.imageSwitch('blink'[, options][, callback]) - Returns: jQuery

callback - A function to call once the animation is complete.

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • onStart: Callback function when animation starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinish: Callback function when animation finishes

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • cycle: Set to true to run animation in an repeating cycle

    defaults to: false

  • cyclePauseDuration: Time in milliseconds to pause between cycles

    defaults to: 2000

  • onStartCycle: Callback function when cycle starts

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishCycle: Callback function when cycle ends

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • sequence: Animate all images one by one in a sequence order.

    You can set this option to true or false. If you want more control pass a map of additional options:

    • order: set to 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'random'

      defaults to: 'forward'

    • interval: time in milliseconds

      defaults to: #duration of animation#

    • onStartSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence starts.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    • onFinishSequenceStep: Callback function when each animation in the sequence finishes.

      defaults to: #empty function#

    setting the sequence option to true is equivalent to { order: 'forward', interval: #duration of animation# }}

    defaults to: false

  • pauseDuration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 0

  • switch1Options: options for first toggle animation.

    defaults to: {}

  • switch2Options: options for second toggle animation.

    defaults to: {}


Description: Apply switch image animation when mouse hovers over element.

.imageSwitch('hover'[, options]) - Returns: jQuery

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • transformation: A string indicating which transformation animation to use ('fade', 'slide')

    defaults to: 'fade'

  • duration: Time in milliseconds

    defaults to: 1000

  • easing: A string indicating the easing function to use (see jQuery easing documentation)

    defaults to: 'linear'

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'

  • onStartHoverOver: Callback function when mouse moves over and animation starts.

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishHoverOver: Callback function when mouse moves over and animation finishes.

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onStartHoverOut: Callback function when mouse moves out and animation starts.

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onFinishHoverOut: Callback function when mouse moves out and animation finishes.

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • onAllFinishHoverOut: Callback function when mouse moved out of all elements and all animations are finished,

    defaults to: #empty function#

  • hoverSelector: Specific selector to trigger mouse hover. By default the image switch element is used.

    defaults to: null

  • hoverSelectorDirectionUp: Direction for the hover selector (up, down). This makes it possible to specify a trigger for the mouse hover which is either inside or outside the actual switch switch element.

    defaults to: true

  • switchHoverOverElem: Animation to use on the hover target when mouse moves over (bottom, top, toggle, blink, null).

    default to: 'bottom'

  • switchHoverOutElem: Animation to use on the hover target when mouse moves over (bottom, top, toggle, blink, null).

    default to: 'top'

  • switchNonHoverOverElems: Animation to use on the hover target when mouse moves over (bottom, top, toggle, blink, null).

    default to: 'top'

  • switchNonHoverOutElems: Animation to use on the hover target when mouse moves over (bottom, top, toggle, blink, null).

    default to: null

  • stopOnHoverOut: If true stops the animation (if still running) specified for option switchHoverOverElem immediately.

    defaults to: true


Description: Stops animations.

.imageSwitch('stop'[, options]) - Returns: jQuery

options - A map of additional options to pass to the method. Supported Keys:

  • queue: A string indicating what queue to use for the animation (see jQuery queue documentation)

    defaults to: 'fx'


An image switching plugin for jQuery






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