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K2pdfopt re-flows text from multi-column PDF/DJVU files for e-readers and smartphones


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K2pdfopt build help.
Original: 7 September 2012
Last updated: 31 December 2013 (v2.14)

This "read me" file describes the source code distribution for k2pdfopt.

Version Change History
See k2pdfoptlib\k2version.c.

K2pdfopt Source Files
1. k2pdfopt.c (main module)

2. k2pdfopt C library (27 C files + 1 header file) in k2pdfoptlib subfolder.
   Compile all C files in this subfolder and build them into libk2pdfopt.a.
   Near the top of k2pdfopt.h are #defines which control third-party
   library dependencies (HAVE_XXX_LIB) and whether or not the MS Windows
   GUI is compiled in (HAVE_K2GUI).

3. general-purpose C library (34 C files + 1 header file) in
   willuslib subfolder.
   Compile all C files in this subfolder and build them into libwillus.a.
   Near the top of willus.h are #defines which control third-party
   library dependencies, i.e. HAVE_MUPDF_LIB.  These are passed on to
   the k2pdfopt library since k2pdfopt.h includes willus.h.

Third Party Libraries
There are also a number of required 3rd-party open-source C/C++ libraries
for k2pdfopt.  These libraries are not necessarily required when using
the k2pdfopt library in other applications (e.g. KindlePDFViewer--see
NOTE 4 below).

    1.  Z-lib 1.2.8 (
        (A custom mod of zlib is no longer required as of k2pdfopt v2.14.)
    2.  libpng 1.6.3 (
    3.  Turbo JPEG lib 1.3.0 (

    TO INCLUDE MuPDF LIBRARY (search for HAVE_MUPDF in k2pdfopt.c)
    4.  JBIG2Dec 0.11 (
    5.  OpenJPEG 2.0.0 (
    6.  FreeType (
    7.  Mupdf 1.3 ( -- SEE NOTE 1.

    TO INCLUDE DjVuLibre LIBRARY (search for HAVE_DJVU in k2pdfopt.c)
    8.  DJVULibre (C++) (

    FOR OCR VERSIONS OF K2PDFOPT (search for HAVE_OCR in k2pdfopt.c)
    9.  GOCR 0.49 (
    10. Leptonica 1.69 (
    11. Tesseract 3.02.02 (C++) ( -- SEE NOTE 2.

    If you don't include MuPDF, DjVuLibre, or OCR, then k2pdfopt will
    look for an installation of Ghostscript.

1. Mods to the released MuPDF library are in the mupdf_mod folder.
   Search for "willus" or "sumatra" or "bugs" in the files to find the mods.

2. Tesseract requires my small C API file plus three custom-modified source files.
   These are in the tesseract_mod folder.  Search for "willus" in the files to
   find the mods.  To use Tesseract, you'll need to download one of the data
   packages for it from the Tesseract web site and to point the TESSDATA_PREFIX
   environment variable to the root tesseract folder
   (e.g. TESSDATA_PREFIX=c:\tesseract-ocr\).

3. For a lot of the 3rd-party libraries, I combined their headers into one
   header that gets included by some of the willus library source files.
   I can't always remember which ones I did this for, so if you can't find
   any of the included files (if they didn't come standard w/the 3rd party
   library), look in my include_mod subfolder.

4. Building for KindlePDFViewer:
   a. In willus.h, search for "THIRD PARTY" and comment out all #define's
      for third party libs, e.g. HAVE_Z_LIB, etc.
   b. In k2pdfopt.h, uncomment this:  #define K2PDFOPT_KINDLEPDFVIEWER
   c. Compile all modules in libwillus and libk2pdfopt.
   d. Look in the "kindlepdfviewer" subfolder for a couple examples of
      how to call the k2pdfopt library functions.  The k2view.c program
      is stand-alone.  If it is compiled without dependencies on third-party
      libraries, it will be quite small (~300 KiB in windows).

5. I have included CMakeLists.txt files for the k2pdfopt and willus libraries
   from Dirk Thierbach to help with Linux builds.  He also contributed the file and the dtcompress.c file (in willus lib).  It is possible
   to build the project without using these files (I do not use them).

Build Steps for k2pdfopt on Windows (gcc 4.8.2)
My compile steps with gcc (MinGW) are as follows (assuming all the libraries are built
to libxxx.a files in d:\3rdparty_lib and headers are in d:\3rdparty_include):

    1. echo k2pdfopt ICON k2pdfopt.ico > k2pdfopt.rc

    2. windres --target=pe-x86-64 -o resfile.o k2pdfopt.rc

    3. gcc -Ofast -m64 -Wall -c -Id:\3rdparty_include k2pdfopt.c

    4. g++ -Ofast -m64 -Wall -o k2pdfopt.exe k2pdfopt.o resfile.o -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ d:\mingw\x64\lib\crt_noglob.o -Ld:\3rdparty_lib -lk2pdfopt -lwillus -lgocr -ltesseract -lleptonica -ldjvu -lmupdf -lfreetype -ljbig2 -ljpeglib -lopenjpeg -lpng -lzlib -lgdi32

    1. echo k2pdfopt ICON k2pdfopt.ico > k2pdfopt.rc

    2. windres --target=pe-i386 -o resfile.o k2pdfopt.rc

    3. gcc -Ofast -m32 -Wall -c -Id:\3rdparty_include k2pdfopt.c

    4. g++ -Ofast -m32 -Wall -o k2pdfopt.exe k2pdfopt.o resfile.o -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ d:\mingw\i386\lib\crt_noglob.o -Ld:\3rdparty_lib -lk2pdfopt -lwillus -lgocr -ltesseract -lleptonica -ldjvu -lmupdf -lfreetype -ljbig2 -ljpeglib -lopenjpeg -lpng -lzlib -lgdi32 -lwsock32

Build Steps on Linux (64-bit, gcc 4.7.2)
1. gcc -Wall -Ofast -m64 -o k2pdfopt.o -c k2pdfopt.c

2. g++ -Ofast -m64 -o k2pdfopt k2pdfopt.o -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -lk2pdfopt -lwillus -lgocr -ltesseract -lleptonica -ldjvu -lmupdf -lfreetype -ljbig2 -ljpeglib -lopenjpeg -lpng -lzlib -lpthread

Build Steps on OS/X (64-bit, gcc 4.2.1)
1. gcc -Wall -O3 -ffast-math -m64 -o k2pdfopt.o -c k2pdfopt.c

2. g++ -O3 -ffast-math -m64 -o k2pdfopt k2pdfopt.o -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -lk2pdfopt -lwillus -lgocr -ltesseract -lleptonica -ldjvu -lmupdf -lfreetype -ljbig2 -ljpeglib -lopenjpeg -lpng -lzlib -lpthread


K2pdfopt re-flows text from multi-column PDF/DJVU files for e-readers and smartphones







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