It is delphi and object pascal bindings and wrapper around cURL library. libcurl is the library is using for transferring data specified with URL syntax, supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, TFTP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS, FILE, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, RTSP and RTMP.
Library is tested for
- Embarcadero (R) Delphi 10.3 on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Version 6.1, Build 7601, 64-bit Edition)
- FreePascal Compiler (3.2.0) and Lazarus IDE (2.0.10) on Ubuntu Linux 5.8.0-33-generic x86_64
- Lazarus 2.2RC2 and the latest curl from brew package manager on MacOS (by Björn Lindh)
Get the sources and add the source directory to the project search path. For FPC add the source directory to the fpc.cfg file.
Clone the repository git clone
Add the unit you want to use to the uses
- RemoteConnectCStyle simple example for use cURL wrapper in C-Style to connect to remote host.
- RemoteConnect example how to use curl.http.session.TSession and curl.http.response.TResponse classes to connect to remote host.
libpascurl.pas file contains the cURL translated headers to use this library in pascal programs. You can find C API documentation at cURL website.
handle : CURL;
effectiveUrl, contentType, ip : PChar;
responseCode, headerSize : Longint;
contentLength, totalTime : Longword;
buffer : TStringStream;
function WriteFunctionCallback (ptr : PChar; size : LongWord;
nmemb : LongWord; data : Pointer)
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, PChar('');
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, @WriteFunctionCallback);
buffer := TStringStream.Create('');
if curl_easy_perform = CURLE_OK then
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, @effectiveUrl);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, @responseCode);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE, @headerSize);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, @contentType);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_T, @contentLength);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP, @ip);
curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T, @totalTime);
writeln('URL: ':20, effectiveUrl);
writeln('Response code: ':20, responseCode);
writeln('Header size, kB: ':20, FormatFloat('0.00', headerSize / 1024));
writeln('Content type: ', contentType);
writeln('Content length, kB: ':20, FormatFloat('0.00', contentLength / 1024));
writeln('IP: ':20, ip);
writeln('Total time, ms: ':20, totalTime);
writeln('==== Content ====');
The library contains a set of classes for creating high-level wrappers around the supported protocols. The source/curl/
folder contains base components that implements specific functionality.
Class | Description |
TCURLEasy | It is base class that initialize CURL library and provides error handling functionality. |
TSession | It is parent class for sessions of all supported protocols. It provides a TMemoryBuffer for stored downloading/uploading data. |
TResponse | It is parent class for server response data. |
TPropertyModule | It is base class for all sessions and responses additional functionality modules. |
Module class | Description |
TModuleDNS | Class provide properties to setup libCurl DNS options. |
TModuleRequest | Class provide properties to setup request properties and callbacks. |
TModuleHeader | Class provide properties to setup headers. Can be used only with HTTP-like protocols - HTTP(S), FTP(S), POP3(S), IMAP, SMTP. |
TModuleOptions | Class provide properties to setup different libCurl internal options. |
TModuleProtocols | Class provide properties to setup libCurl protocol options. |
TModuleSocket | Class provide properties to socket setup. |
TModuleTCP | Class provide properties to setup TCP protocol options. |
TModuleWriter | Class provide properties to setup download callback function. |
TModuleReader | Class provide properties to setup upload callback function. |
TModuleAuth | Class provide properties to setup auth options. |
TModuleTLSAuth | Class provide properties to setup TLS auth authentication options. |
TModuleProxy | Class provide properties to setup proxy options. |
TModuleSock5 | Class provide properties to setup sock5 proxy options. |
Module class | Description |
TModuleContent | Class provide properties to get content data buffer. |
TModuleHeader | Class provide properties to response headers. Can be used only with HTTP-like protocols - HTTP(S), FTP(S), POP3(S), IMAP, SMTP. |
TModuleRedirect | Class provide information about request redirects. |
TModuleSpeed | Class provide speed download/upload information. |
TModuleTimeout | Class provide timeouts information. |
TModuleInfo | Class provide session information. |
THTTPSession and THTTPResponse classes implements wrapper about HTTP(S) protocol. This classes extends the functionality of base classes and provided new one that is specific only to this protocol.
This wrapper used or extends the next main modules:
Session modules | Response modules |
✔️ TModuleDNS | ✔️ TModuleContent |
✔️ TModuleHeader | ✔️ TModuleHeader |
✔️ TModuleOptions | ✔️ TModuleRedirect |
✔️ TModuleProtocols | ✔️ TModuleSpeed |
✔️ TModuleSocket | ✔️ TModuleTimeout |
✔️ TModuleTCP | ✔️ TModuleInfo |
✔️ TModuleWriter | |
✔️ TModuleReader | |
✔️ TModuleRequest | |
✔️ TModuleAuth | |
✔️ TModuleTLSAuth | |
✔️ TModuleProxy | |
✔️ TModuleSock5 |
Module class | Description |
TModuleRedirect | Class provide properties to setup http(s) redirect options. |
TModuleHTTP2 | Class provide properties to setup HTTP/2 protocol options. |
TModuleTimeout | Class provide properties to setup http(s) protocol timeouts options. |
Module class | Description |
TModuleCookie | Class provide cookies data. |
curl.http.session, curl.http.response;
Session : THTTP.TSession;
Response : THHTP.TResponse;
Session.Url := '';
Session.Redirect.FollowRedirect := True;
Response := Session.Get;
writeln('Url', Response.Request.Url);
writeln('Response code', Response.Header.ResponseCode);
writeln('Content-type', Response.Content.ContentType);
writeln('Content-size', Response.Content.ContentSize);
writeln('Content', Response.Content.ToString);