- Chief Technnology Officer @Skilltype
- @BaltimoreGolang Founder/Organizer
- @GolangBridge Core Member
- @GoTimeFM Host
- @GoStdLibSol Author
- @GopherCon Program Commitee
- Trainer (Go, serverless, cloud architecture, software engineering)
- Public Speaker
- Speaker - Craft Conference (June 2021)
- Trainer - GopherCon EU - Practical Go Workshop (May 2021)
- Speaker - Open Source Software Superstream Series: Go—Generics, Extensibility, and the Future of Go in Open Source Programming (April 2021)
- Speaker - Golang NYC - "Unbounded Concurrency" (March 2021)
- Speaker - Lagos Gophers - "Let's build a port scanner with Go." (January 2021)
- Speaker - Keynote at QCon (November 2020)
- Trainer - Advanced Go (October 2020)
- Trainer - Go Foundation (September 2020)
- Speaker - National Information Standards Organization. Transforming Search: What the Information Community Can and Should Build (August, 2020) | NISO Newsline (September 2020)
- Trainer - Go Foundation (August 2020)
- Trainer - Go Next Steps (O'Reilly Media, July 2020)
- Trainer - Go Foundation (July 2020)
- Trainer - Serverless Go (O'Reilly Media, July 2020)
- Guest - Agency of Record Podcast - On Developers owning the Experience, not just delivering it (MAARK, July 2020)
- Guest - InfoQ Podcast - On Serverless Go and Site Reliability Engineering at Heroku (InfoQ, July 2020)
- Speaker - Keynote at Go Get Community Conference (May 2020)
- Trainer - Go Next Steps (O'Reilly Media, May 2020)
- Trainer - Serverless Go (O'Reilly Media, May 2020)
- Panelist - The Art & Science of Remote Work
- Host - Go Time Podcast (2019-Current)
I’m a multi-disciplined Software, Reliability, and Cloud Systems Engineer with over decades of experience spanning various client, server and cloud infrastructure technologies.
These days I work extensively with the following and more:
- Go (golang)
- AWS (ECS, Fargate, Lambda, CloudFormation, and more)
- Container technology (e.g. Docker)
- Microservice Architectures
- Serverless Architectures
- Event-driven Architectures
My love for technology is matched only by my passion for community service:
- GoBridge Leadership Team
- Baltimore Go User Group Founder & Organizer
- Boston Golang User Group Organizer
- Boston Ruby User Group Organizer
- RailsBridge Boston Instructor & Teaching Assistant (formerly)
- Haiti School Project Board of Directors
Formal education and certifications include:
- B.S. in Computer & Information Science
- M.S. in Cloud Computing Architecture
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect
- AWS Certified Developer
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Johnny Boursiquot is a multi-disciplined software engineer with a love for teaching and community-building. He is the founder and organizer of the Baltimore Go User Group and has served as an organizer of both the Boston Ruby User Group and the Boston Go User Group. He stays busy as a speaker, trainer, podcast host, conference program chair, and advocate within the Go community. His live and recorded trainings are available on various platforms, including O'Reilly, LinkedIn Learning, and Packt. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Skilltype.
Johnny Boursiquot is a multi-disciplined software engineer with over two decades of experience and a love for teaching and community-building. He stays busy as a trainer, speaker, and advocate within the Go programming language community where he also frequently serves as podcast host, user group organizer, and conference program chair. His live and recorded trainings are available on various platforms, including O'Reilly, LinkedIn Learning, and Packt. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Skilltype.