The famous Cantor Set written in P5JS
The Cantor Set was the first Fractal ever discovered!
The Cantor Set actually is a one-dimensional version of two other very, very famous Fractals:
If you think about it, a line has just one dimension.
And so the Cantor Set is confined to one dimension.
What happens when you draw a two-dimensional Cantor Set?
Turns out there is another famous Fractal called the Sierpinski Carpet, and it looks like this:
This is the same as the Cantor Set, just in two dimensions.
If you want to learn more about the Sierpinski Carpet, check out this link.
But wait, it gets better!
Check out this thing:
It's called a Menger Sponge!
And - you guessed it - it's a three-dimensional Cantor Set!
You can find my version of the Menger Sponge right here!