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A Wordle clone where players race against a cpu to guess the word of the day. HTML, CSS & vanilla JS. A project made as part of the completion requirements of the General Assembly Software Engineering Intensive.

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Project 1 Proposal: Wardle


Wardle is a Wordle clone with a turn-based twist. The player will race against a CPU to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries or fewer.

Wardle Figma

Technical Requirements

  • Vanilla HTML, CSS, JS
    • JS: DOM manipulation via browser events
    • JSON instead of API for word list
  • Aiming to have the game be playable on pc browser for initial version
    • mobile browser version: might require UI re-design, will keep it simple for now.


  • Understanding & experimenting with CSS animations & DOM manipulation
  • Designing "dumb AI" system that can "learn" from player behaviour to make decisions

Game Mechanics and Summary of Components

Mechanics & Terminology:

Rules -

  1. A 5-letter target word is set when the game starts, guessing this word is the goal of Wardle
  2. Player and CPU will take turns to submit guesses, aiming to match the target word. Player starts first.
  3. Player and CPU will each have 6 guesses. The first to guess the target word wins.
  4. If neither Player nor CPU guess the word within 6 attempts, the game ends.

Game terms -

  • "Target word": the word that player/cpu are trying to guess (aka win condition)
  • "Guess word": words input by player/cpu in attempt to match target word
    • Guess words must be in words.json
    • Player & CPU each submit up to 6 guess words per game
  • "Placed Letter": submitted letter that is in the same letter slot as target word - tile will turn green
  • "Valid letter": submitted letter that is in the target word, but in the wrong letter slot - tile will turn yellow
  • "Bad letter": submitted letter that is not in the target word - tile will turn grey
  • "Turn": consists of submission of guess, evaluation check, animation of tiles flipping/ changing color
  • "Evaluation state":
    • completed evaluation: evaluation engine has checked letters and finished triggering change of tile appearance
    • incomplete evaluation: any state prior to completed evaluation


UI/UX considerations

  • Word Grid component UI

    • 5 x 5 grid
    • Color palette source: white (#ffffff), black (#000000), green (#6ca965), yellow (#c8b653), grey (#787c7f)
    • font: Helvetica Neue (included font file in repo)
  • Keyboard component UI (below grid, not shown in mockup)

    • Display all letter keys in QWERTY format
  • Interactivity

    • Player inputs guess words through keyboard, guesses submitted on enter keypress
    • Grid must display input word with 1 letter per tile in the row
    • Player can key in but not submit guess before CPU's turn ends
    • Letters in tiles & keyboard must persist guess word & evaluation state from previous guesses
  • Animation

    • Grid tiles should flip one by one to reveal the evaluated state (Reference)
    • Keyboard keys should update to display evaluated state (if any)
    • Show some sort of spinner whilst the CPU is sorting & randomly choosing a word so the user knows to wait

Logic Engines

  1. Selection & Evaluation engine

    • Initialise a game instance
    • Choose a target word from words.json
    • Receive player & cpu guess words and check against target words
    • Communicate with UI components to update display based on evaluation outcome
  2. CPU engine: 2 levels of difficulty

    • MVP difficulty: Is blind to player's choices/ outcome info, essentially a vanilla Wordle bot

      • Step 1: chooses a random word from words.json -> submits to evaluation engine
      • Subsequent steps:
        1. filters a longList (no bad letters)
        2. then a shortList (match placed letters, has valid letters)
        3. then a finalList, where a random word will be chosen from & repeat Step 1
    • Stretch Goal difficulty: Optimise 1st word choice, can see info from player input, more selective about shortList valid letter placement

      • first guess: will only use words with all unique letters
      • can see player input: will include bad & placed letters into filtering conditions
      • more selective valid letter placement: only add words where valid letters are BOTH present && NOT IN previous yellow slots
    • Anticipated challenges:

      • Sorting algo may be very slow, will need to consider how to optimise or manage this if the wait becomes considerably long

Story Points & Task List

Monday: build basic Wordle

  • Logic Engine I

    • Complete Selection & Evaluation engine
  • UI Components I

    • Complete Grid & Keyboard components, Interactivity (keyboard input, persistent display), Animations (flip on evaluation status change)

    Expected Story Points: Functioning Wordle game

    1. Player can key in a word: should display in correct row, 1 letter to a tile

    2. Player can submit word:

      • Eval engine must return evaluation results
      • Tile flip animation & correct styling should be displayed
      • Keyboard letter keys should also update display to show bad, placed, valid letters
    3. Player guesses word within 6 turns: all tiles should be green

    4. Player fails to guess word within 6 turns: display fail statement (through alert for now) & refresh game instance

Tuesday: cpu logic

  • Logic Engine II

    • Complete CPU engine

    Expected Story Points: CPU engine can log to console

    • on CPU engine trigger, it can:
      • choose a word
      • pass that word to evaluation engine
      • retrieve evaluation engine results
      • complete it's list filtering tasks & return a next word
      • ^ finish a game of Wordle by itself with these behaviours

Wednesday: connecting cpu to UI & ironing out player-cpu interaction (MVP completion)

  • UI Components II

    • Ensure CPU words & evaluation results can be displayed on CPU grid, similar to player's
  • Logic Engine III

    • CPU should wait for player to finish their turn before triggering
    • Player should not be able to submit guess before CPU's turn is finished

    Expected Story Points: MVP completion

Thursday: stretch goals

  • Logic Engine IV

    • Implement Level 2 difficulty for CPU engine
  • UI Components III

    • Create a theme toggle for the page: dark/light mode + maybe other funky color themes


Most Interesting Part

Learning about event dispatchers ~

function submitCpuInput(lettersArr) {
  let interval = 200;
  let increment = 1;
  let clickEvent = new Event("click", { bubbles: true });
  // sauce:
  for (let i = 0; i <= WORD_LENGTH; i++) {
    let runner = setTimeout(() => {
    }, interval * increment);

Hardest Part

Ensuring that all valid letters are included in the shortlisted words

// CONTAINS VALID filter: shortlists words with all valid letters
let containsValidDuplicates = [];
noDupes.filter((word) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < uniqueValid.length; i++) {
    if (word.includes(uniqueValid[i]) == true)
let containsValidFrequency = {};
containsValidDuplicates.forEach((word) => {
  containsValidFrequency[word] = (containsValidFrequency[word] || 0) + 1;
let filterValidByFrequency = Object.entries(containsValidFrequency);
let isolateContainsValid = filterValidByFrequency.filter(
  (filteredWordsInArrayFormat) => {
    if (filteredWordsInArrayFormat[1] === uniqueValid.length) {
      return filteredWordsInArrayFormat;
let trueValid = [];
isolateContainsValid.forEach((wordArray) => trueValid.push(wordArray[0]));

Stuff Left to do

  • Add in a button to switch between "easy" and "hard" mode
  • CSS theme changer - still half finished ~


A Wordle clone where players race against a cpu to guess the word of the day. HTML, CSS & vanilla JS. A project made as part of the completion requirements of the General Assembly Software Engineering Intensive.



