Input Processing Tools for MUSICA
Detailed discussion will be provided on the MUSICA wiki. []
This collection of scripts and code are for the production of input fields that are required to run MUSICA-V0. They target emissions, meterological reanalyses for nudging, and initial conditions.
These scripts will not be advanced or maintained due to the fact that MUSICA will soon provide infrastructure to do the regridding online as part of the model. This scripts are provided to the community now so that they can use MUSICA-V0
Gridding FINN (Fire INventory from NCAR) biomass burning emissions: Emissions/Fire/FINN
Regridding CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) anthropogenic emissions: Emissions/CAMS_Anthropogenic
Regridding CMIP6 (Climate Model Intercomparison Project) historical anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions: Emissions/CMIP
Gridding US EPA NEI (National Emissions Inventory) emissions: Emissions/EPA_Anthropgenic
Regrid MERRA2 meteorological reanalyses: Meterological_Reanalysis_Data
Regrid atmospheric initial condition files: Initial_conditions