All examples will soon be supported by SysConfig, a tool that will help you graphically configure your software components. A preview is available today in the examples/syscfg_preview directory. Starting in 3Q 2019, with SDK version 3.30, only SysConfig-enabled versions of examples will be provided. For more information, click here.
Example that uses the UART driver to echo back to the console.
- Indicates that the board was initialized withinmain()
- Used to echo characters from host serial session
If you're using an IDE (such as CCS or IAR), please refer to Board.html in your project directory for resources used and board-specific jumper settings. Otherwise, you can find Board.html in the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/source/ti/boards/<BOARD>.
- Open a serial session (e.g.
, etc.) to the appropriate COM port.- The COM port can be determined via Device Manager in Windows or via
ls /dev/tty*
in Linux.
- The COM port can be determined via Device Manager in Windows or via
The connection should have the following settings
Baud-rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow Control: None
Run the example.
turns ON to indicate driver initialization is complete. -
The target echoes back any character that is typed in the serial session.
If the serial session is started before the target completes initialization, the following is displayed:
Echoing characters:
This example shows how to initialize the UART driver in blocking read and write mode with no data processing and echo characters back to a console.
A single thread,
, reads a character fromBoard_UART0
and writes it back.
- When building in Code Composer Studio, the kernel configuration project will be imported along with the example. The kernel configuration project is referenced by the example, so it will be built first. The "release" kernel configuration is the default project used. It has many debug features disabled. These feature include assert checking, logging and runtime stack checks. For a detailed difference between the "release" and "debug" kernel configurations and how to switch between them, please refer to the SimpleLink MCU SDK User's Guide. The "release" and "debug" kernel configuration projects can be found under <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/kernel/tirtos/builds/<BOARD>/(release|debug)/(ccs|gcc).
- Please view the
header file for example configuration information.
- When using any SensorTag(STK) Board, the XDS110 debugger must be selected with the 4-wire JTAG connection within your projects' debugger configuration.