# Name: pkNFT1155
Base Contracts: ERC1155, Ownable
Compiler Version: 0.8.0
License: MIT
Key Features:
Token Metadata Storage:
Metadata for each token is stored in _tokenMetadata mapping.
Metadata includes image, description, and prompt.
Supports encrypted prompts if encryptionEnabled is true.
Controlled by encryptionEnabled flag.
Default state is disabled.
Toggled by toggleEncryption function.
Token Minting:
mint function mints new tokens and stores metadata.
Generates and sets a URI for the token.
API Key Storage:
Encrypted API keys stored in _apiKeys mapping.
Accessible via storeEncryptedAPIKey and getEncryptedAPIKey functions.
This contract creates the following functionalities:
Minting ERC-1155 tokens with associated metadata.
Toggling encryption on and off.
Storing and retrieving encrypted API keys for users.