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Starting Code for "Using gRPC in ASP.NET Core"

An example app for my Pluralsight course (Using gRPC in ASP.NET Core). The Course can be found at:

Building the Example

There are a couple of tasks before you can just run the project:

Build the Database

If you don't have the Entity Framework Core tools installed for .NET 3.0, you'll need to:

C:/>dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Then you can build the database by running this in the root of the project (at a console):

C:/>dotnet ef database update

Setup the NPM Dependencies

First you'll need to install the root project's NPM packages. To do so, go to the src/MeterReader/ directory:

C:/> cd {RootFolder}/src/MeterReader

Then you'll need to run NPM's install:

C:/.../MeterReader> npm install

Finally, merge the libraries with Gulp:

C:/.../MeterReader> gulp

Build the Vue Project

Next, you'll need to build the Vue project (only once). GO to the client directory under the MeterReader directory:

C:/> cd {RootFolder}/src/MeterReader/client

Then run npm install in that folder:

C:/.../client> npm install

Now you can build the project like so:

C:/.../client>npm run build

Now you're ready to open the project by opening the:

C:/> cd {RootFolder}/src
C:/.../src> MeterReader.sln

With the project open, you can be ready to start the course.