You won't see much here. That's because I have my own playground where I store my personal projects. I have found that I prefer having my own gitlab server because:
- I control everything
- I learn more about lots of different things (server administration/configuration, docker, network administration, etc.)
- It supports a distributive model. Many services everywhere rather than one service in one place.
My favorite language is clojure. Here's a freebee for your next job interview.
(defn fizzbuzz
"Returns a lazy sequence of FizzBuzz values."
(let [fizz (cycle [nil nil "Fizz"])
buzz (cycle [nil nil nil nil "Buzz"])
nums (map inc (range))]
(map (fn [f b n] (if (or f b)
(str f b)
(str n)))
fizz buzz nums)))
[I tried to make one without any conditionals but couldn't quite do it.]