Inspired by projen This is a projen project for typescript AWS CDK Applications deployed via github actions.
To create a new project, run the following command and follow the instructions:
$ mkdir my-project
$ cd my-project
$ git init
$ npx projen new --from deployable-awscdk-app-ts --projenrc-ts
🤖 Synthesizing project...
This will initialize a projen project and will create .projenrc.ts
file for capturing the project details and options. Below is an example of the contents in this file
$ mkdir my-project
$ cd my-project
$ git init
$ npx projen new --from deployable-awscdk-app-ts
🤖 Synthesizing project...
This will initialize a projen project and will create .projenrc.js
file for capturing the project details and options. Below is an example of the contents in this file
const { DeployableAwsCdkTypeScriptApp } = require('deployable-awscdk-app-ts');
const project = new DeployableAwsCdkTypeScriptApp({
name: 'my-test-app',
defaultReleaseBranch: 'main',
cdkVersion: '1.129.0',
workflowNodeVersion: '14.18.1',
deployOptions: {
environments: [
name: 'dev',
awsCredentials: {
accessKeyIdSecretName: 'dev-secret-1',
secretAccessKeySecretName: 'dev-secret-2',
region: 'dev-aws-region-1',
name: 'staging',
awsCredentials: {
accessKeyIdSecretName: 'staging-secret-1',
secretAccessKeySecretName: 'staging-secret-2',
region: 'staging-aws-region-1',