⚠️ I am not responsible for anything malicious done with this as it is for educational purposes only. ⚠️
Make a digispark/teensy run a python script in the background on any "victim" windows computer you plug it into with python3+. The main use is in Cybersecurity/penetration testing where the background script could do something like install some kind of reverse shell or keylogger, but it could be used for loads of other things like running a script to download and install a list of programs after a factory reset.
- Made to work on 99% of machines with python installed, even if things like run menu are blocked, it runs python via start menu instead.
- Stealthy as it runs the actual payload script in the background after the ~5 secs of setup.
- Runs in ~5 secs (digispark) and less than a second (teensy)
- Runs on teensy and digispark
- Setup digispark with arduino IDE https://digistump.com/wiki/digispark/tutorials/connecting and make sure "victim" has python3+ installed.
- Put a link to you python script in the PY_SCRIPT_URL macro (line 28). If it's a teensy define TEENSY (line 31)
- Upload to Digispark/teensy.
- Profit?!?!
- (digispark) Reflash bootloader so you don't have to wait 5 secs at the start each time
- (digispark) Use teensy rather than digispark
- (teensy) Dont do anything it's speedy af