NOTE: this project was developed as a mean of learning the Rust language, so it may still contain some bugs.
Download the zip
from the releases, decompress the archive and run the cyber-solve.exe
executable from the extracted folder.
The tool will periodically scan for a puzzle to solve. If a complete solution is found, a square overlay grid will appear to tell how to solve as seen in the following image. The numbers will show which is the optimal cell order to solve the puzzle.
This tool will periodically capture the screen and use image processing and recognition to detect the puzzle. As soon as a puzzle grid is detected, it will try to solve it to find a complete solution.
Libraries used:
- windows-rs: for the overlay window GUI
- opencv 4: for image detection and manipulation
- leptess: leptonica + tesseract OCR
Only the windows platform build is supported, since there are issues cross-compiling a windows-gnu
target from other kinds of host OS.
# Install llvm through chocolatey
choco install llvm
# Then use vcpkg for opencv and its deps
# tessless deps: install vcpkg, then from the vcpkg folder run
cd C:\src\win32\vcpkg
# [optional] To support freetype opencv module install the following before installing opencv4
.\vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static-md freetype harfbuzz
# then open the file .\vcpkg\ports\opencv4\portfile.cmake, and add a line with the option
# inside of vcpkg_cmake_configure OPTION section
# Now, install opencv4
.\vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static-md tesseract opencv4[contrib] # freetype
# OpenCV deps
apt-get install libopencv-dev
# Install tessless deps
apt-get install libleptonica-dev libtesseract-dev clang tesseract-ocr libclang-dev
# OpenCV deps
brew install opencv llvm pkg-config
# Install tessless deps
brew install tesseract leptonica
# Install x86-64 compiler
apt install gcc-x86-64-linux-gnu
# Add rust windows x86_64 target
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Manually download the following files:
- to
Dynamic library builds ONLY:
to run the executable when using dynamic library builds, it is necessary to place a copy of the dll in the same folder of the executable to be run:
The dll is not necessary with the default static linking build used by rust.
The release zip file containing the standalone binary executable will be created in dist/