This is a Software package for the Rasperry Pi Pico and Arducam OV2640 to take pictures and send them via Serial to a Python script.
This package is supposed to be a simple solution for taking pictures with the Arducam OV2640 connected to a Raspberry Pi Pico and sending the images to a PC with a Serial connection.
The Raspberry Pi Pico runs on MicroPython and on PC the included Arducam2640 python package can be used to control the functionality of the Arducam.
Included are:
- Raspberry Pi Pico Code
- Python Package for PC
The application can:
- Take JPEG images (different resolutions)
- Take YUV images (fixed resolution 96x96)
- Change Arducam settings
- Save and load images
Existing code adapted from the project of the Arducam main GitHub repo. The main Pico code stems from the PICO_SPI_CAM Example. Capability for YUV was adapted from the PICO Arducam Example.
In the future following can be integrated:
- Proper video stream capability
- Support for other file formats
- Support for other YUV resolutions
- Wider range of changeable camera settings
- Support for Arducam OV5642
For the setup of the Raspberry Pi Pico follow the instructions in the in the Pico folder.
The actual Arducam2640 package can be placed into the working directory or added to path and then regularly imported.
- Capture images
- YUV (Fixed resolution 96x96)
- Set image types
- YUV (Fixed resolution 96x96)
- Set resolution (only JPEG)
- 160x120
- 176x144
- 320x240
- 352x288
- 640x480
- 800x600
- 1024x768
- 1280x1024
- 1600x1200
- Set compression (only JPEG)
- Set light mode
- Set saturation
- Set brightness
- Set contrast
- Set special effect
- connection check
- convert byte array to JPEG
- convert byte array to YUV (YUV422, with pattern 'YUYV')
- convert YUV pixel to RGB pixel
- load images
Code released under the MIT License. Docs released under Creative Commons.
Note:This is the fist thing I actually intend to be publicly available and useful. Constructing criticism and tips are much appreciated.