This code has been used in part of my project which provides an online HQ game for many of the users who learn English from Manamo consistently, this part of the Manamo had lots of challenges for me therefore I decided to share that with you and I'm hopeful that would be useful.
So here I will share my experience along with a sample code that will demonstrate how to create an HQ online game with Node.js along with MySql and Redis. and also I provided a "manage" route with REST API methods to manage the game through API Requests.
I consider this code is a sample and you should implement users authentication and users table by yourself base on JWT or Oauth2. Please notice that I used PM2 to run Node.js on CentOS server but you can use alternative options.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MySql
- Redis
- Promise - Handle the result of an asynchronous task
- Sequelize - Object Relational Mapper
- Sequelize-redis-cache - Cache MySql tables in Redis
- EventEmitter - Handle custom events module
- Express-validator - Validator and sanitizer functions
- - Adapter to enable broadcasting events
- Apidoc - API documantation
- node & npm
- MySql
- Redis
- pm2
npm install
npm install pm2 -g
You should create MySql tables base on (/models/files) then set your MySql and Redis configration in (/config/config.json)
NODE_ENV=production PORT=[your preference port] pm2 start /bin/www --name "HQ_Game" --max-memory-restart [your preference memory]
All contributions welcome.
- Vahid Sadeghizadeh
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT)