#The codes were originated from Dr. Jennifer Wisecaver
#Modified date and author: 20181022 & Xing-Xing Shen
Workflow of HGT identification
Step 1: AI calculation
perl calculate_alien_index_pct.pl -c test.config
Step 2: Building tree:
mafft --thread 6 --auto
trimal -in ${gene}_aln.fasta -out ${gene}_aln_trimmed.fasta -automated1
iqtree-omp -nt 6 -st AA -s ${gene}_aln_trimmed.fasta -m TEST -mrate G4 -keep-ident -bb 1000 -pre ${gene}
Step 3: Midpoint root a phylogeny with R:
mytree <- read.tree("$filename")
midponit_mytree <- ladderize (midpoint(mytree))
write.tree (midponit_mytree, "${gene}midpoint.tree")
Toy data (see compressed file "2_HGTs.zip") can be found on the figshare: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Tempo_and_mode_of_genome_evolution_in_the_budding_yeast_subphylum/5854692
For questions, please contact xingxingshen@zju.edu.cn
When using the pipeline in published research, please cite:
Shen X.-X., Opulente D.A., Kominek J.#, Zhou X., Steenwyk J., Buh K.V., Haase M., Wisecaver J.H., Wang M., Doering D.T., Boudouris J., Schneider R., Langdon Q.K., Ohkuma M., Endoh R., Takashima M., Manabe R., Čadež N., Libkind D., Rosa C., DeVirgilio J., Hulfachor A., Groenewald M., Kurtzman C.P., Hittinger C.T., Rokas A. 2018. The tempo and mode of genome evolution in the budding yeast subphylum. Cell 175: 1533-1545. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.10.023