This isn't SCIENCE this is PRODUCTION
A Clojure library designed to help you experiment in production., but for Clojure (api and readme liberally stolen)
(require '[laboratory.experiment :as science])
(def my-experiment
{:name "widget-permissions"
:use (fn [widget user] (check-user? widget user))
:try (fn [widget user] (allowed-to? :read user widget))
:publish prn})
(science/run my-experiment widget user)
laboratory runs experiments as functions.
Whatever arguments you pass to run
are also passed to :try
and :use
The function under :use
is the "control" (the original code you used to have).
The function under :try
is the "experiment" (the new code that you want to compare).
Experiments are just maps with some data and functions in them.
There are a lot of options though. :use
, :try
and :name
are the only required keys,
but experiments won't run if their results aren't published.
The above example will run, but it's only printing out results.
To make it more useful, the :publish
function could be enhanced:
:publish (fn [result] ; whatever you want to do on results happens here
Results passed to :publish
are a Record:
{:name "widget-permissions"
:experiment {the original experiment map/record}
:args [a vector of the args passed to the use/try functions]
:metrics {:duration-ns 10} ; number of nanoseconds the control took
:value true ; whatever value your :use function returned
:metrics {:duration-ns 3} ; number of nanoseconds the candidate took
:value true ; whatever value your :try function returned
To control if your :try
function runs, you can pass a :enabled
function in an experiment:
:enabled (fn [widget user] (is-staff? user))
Note that this function will be called for every invocation of every experiment. Be very sensitive to it's performance. Feature flags are recommended - consider using something like for this.
Experiments can also execute user-defined metrics for the control and the candidate.
Metrics are 0-arity functions that return some number. Metrics are called before
and after executing the function under inspection, and the difference is logged
in the result's :metrics
An experiment will take a map of additional metrics. Additional metrics will have an impact on experiment execution time - be mindful of performance. Here is an experiment that calculates a very crude memory metric:
(require '[laboratory.experiment :as science])
(def my-experiment
{:name "widget-permissions"
:use (fn [widget user] (check-user? widget user))
:try (fn [widget user] (allowed-to? :read user widget))
:publish prn
:metrics {:bytes-used #(- (.totalMemory (Runtime/getRuntime))
(.freeMemory (Runtime/getRuntime)))}})
(science/run my-experiment widget user)
Defining experiments as maps is easy and very flexible, however, their impact on the JVM will be noticeable.
You may optionally use the Experiment
record to enhance performance, but you
must supply all experiment keys [:enabled :publish :metrics :use :try]
(science/map->Experiment my-experiment) ; returns a record
Feature flags are great for rolling out production code changes gradually. But they don't go far enough for changes to critical paths - there's nothing in them about comparing results, or comparing performance of each side. That's where laboratory comes in.
laboratory leaves choice of metrics system, how to record mismatches, how to enable experiments for particular cases all up to you.
See Non-Goals
See Non-Goals
See Non-Goals
Shoutout to Brandon Bloom
Copyright © 2015 Tom Crayford
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.